Kemper 2 expectations

  • And so is a tube amp with an "AMT Pangea" or similar device. Connect tube amp speaker out to "DI Impulse Loader" and you never have to mike your amp again, live or the studio consistent sound always.

    Gee, that's quite a change in stance. Anyone remember this thread where I said I was going to do the same thing and got mocked repeatedly? Lol

    Into the void aka You moron, you traded away the Kemper

  • I think a lot of frustration is based on Kemper does not comment.

    I don't think it has anything to do with "not taking seriously," but it just doesn't make sense for them discussing undefeated eggs.
    It would open Pandoras Box if they have to defend every decision regarding why or why not something will be developed

    This is absolutely correct.

    We appreciate that you express your wishes and you can be sure that we carefully read threads like these, as it is the best way to find out what our users want next and most urgent.
    You can tell by our software update history that we have always organized our developement order by the wishlist of our users, as long as it was feasible for us.
    And we will do so in the future.

    Please have respect and understanding for the fact, that we rarely discuss in public future products or future features - including free software updates - that have not been announced yet. Same goes for stuff that we have no plans for (yet or never).

    You will probably notice that no serious company out there behaves differently.

    In the mean time don't hesitate to inspire us!


  • Morning all

    I don't post here that much anymore for various reasons but I read the forum a few times a day to keep up with events.

    It can be frustrating to be in the dark about a product but I happen to agree with the policy. In the old Line6 days the forum would be littered with petulant children demanding the world from a single device.

    At times Line6 would announce features that were not yet developed and this led to two thing happening. The first was broken promises, such as not fixing driver latency issues resulting in a feature being unusable with certain chipsets and the second were rushed updates which brought more issues than it solved. This would light up the forum with nothing but negativity and that was my time to move on.

    My experience with Line6 made me realise that an all in once solution is the jack of all trades and the master of none and you are always compromising. I think we should all be grateful Kemper do not make a gimmick device to gain market share and profit, they stick to there guns in terms of what they want to offer.

    Personally, I would love to see a small pedal version that you can upload Performances too, this would protect my investment and save me having to move from studio to gig to practice with one device. It is great that we get top quality delays and modulation effects further simplifying the whole recording/gigging experience but if I am honest, if these additions compromise the reliability of the product I would rather it was solely a great amp Profiler, the rest is just a huge bonus.

    You can't please all of the people all of the time.



  • Totally deserved more than just a thumbs up as you put it way better than I could :)

  • I clearly understand why they would keep their future developments secrets, related to competitive strategy.
    However i don't see the problem with a company saying it will not develop something in the short term for technical reasons or lack of interest.
    That's their call, and they do whatever they choose, but sometimes too much secret can be detrimental to a company, like we have seen with the NAMM2018, IMHO.

    Speaking about Line6, they are very active on the TGP forum, communicating interesting information about their line of products (and upcoming, announced one), and as a consumer i find this very reassuring.

  • I think in some cases if a company announces they're working on something some people will wait for it and end up buying if they like the company's products better, for example the most popular ones Fractal, Line 6 Boss etc have floor units, we all imagine Kemper eventually will have one, but since there was never any world from Kemper about it, maybe say they're working on it etc.. we go out and buy other products, i just ordered the Boss,( plan to keep the KPA in the studio) it probably won't sound as good as my Kemper rack, but will get the job done, like me i'm sure others will do the same, and sometimes we find that the other units do certain things really well and end up selling the KPA, if they can't afford both and stay with other companies.. these days everyone is catching up to the Kemper little by little, I understand and respect the company's secret policy, but in my opinion they'll be loosing customers as the competition gets closer and closer.

  • That might’ve been the case with Line 6 before. But, since the Helix was announced, Line 6 has been great at communicating with their customers without giving away too much. And their customer service as of late is second to none! They’re really what every company should strive to be, IMO.

    Not only that, but the Helix is the most well thought out multi-effects product line in the market right now. The level of integration between the floor unit, the rack unit and the computer software gives their users the ability to transition from a live setting to the studio, and vice versa, seamlessly. The hardware units give you everything you could ever want, to cover pretty much every situation (again both live and in the studio). The only negative it has is that it doesn’t sound, or does profiling, like the Kemper. BUT it still sounds REALLY good! So good that a lot of people have traded the Kemper tone quality for the sheer workflow and convenience that the Helix offers. Line 6 hit a home run with the Helix, and no one can take this fact away from them (if they do then they’re just in denial).

    Anyway, just wanted to set the record straight. Perhaps Line 6 was the way you describe in the past, but that’s not them anymore. Anyone who owns a Helix can attest to this.

    P.S. Before someone immaturely asks, “well why don’t you get a Helix then?”. The answer is, because I already own one since day one (as well as a Kemper). I love the tones of the Kemper, but it’s just not as convenient for me as the Helix is in a live setting. I wished the Kemper and the Helix had a baby. But that will continue to be my wish :-).

  • I think the line 6 stuff sounds kinda weak, They are like all the other 2nd rung items out there really... But anyway, we are talking about a Kemper 2.0 here.

    You’re entitled to your opinion :-).

    The fact still remains, there are tons more Helix floor units being sold every day than Kempers or Axe FX, which goes in line with the need for a Kemper 2.0. Also, I felt the need to clarify misconceptions about Line 6 as a company. But yes, moving on!

  • Just wanted to add my 2 pence (UK). I've watched this thread since becoming a new Kemper owner only 3 weeks ago.

    Honestly, there's nothing I expect from Kemper 2. In fact I don't want a Kemper 2, this one is great.

    Also, I feel quite strongly about the PC editor thing, the absolute last thing I want to do is go back to editing on my PC screen after spending 12 months doing that with my old Axe FX, I've found the Kemper to be totally liberating in this regard.

    If I was pushed to recommend some improvements, it'd be in the reverb section but I think everyone says that. A dedicated freeze/Superego function. And a second profile for drive pedals or another amp - or maybe just improve the drive algorithms (I'll admit, I've not quite got used to them yet, so may be missing something). But all of those, I can happily live without and wanted to thank the people who made this thing for me to love and enjoy. Best purchase I've ever made - the sheer tones I can get now are the absolute pinnacle for me, the best I've ever had. Thank you!

  • Just wanted to add my 2 pence (UK). I've watched this thread since becoming a new Kemper owner only 3 weeks ago.

    Honestly, there's nothing I expect from Kemper 2. In fact I don't want a Kemper 2, this one is great.

    Also, I feel quite strongly about the PC editor thing, the absolute last thing I want to do is go back to editing on my PC screen after spending 12 months doing that with my old Axe FX, I've found the Kemper to be totally liberating in this regard.

    If I was pushed to recommend some improvements, it'd be in the reverb section but I think everyone says that. A dedicated freeze/Superego function. And a second profile for drive pedals or another amp - or maybe just improve the drive algorithms (I'll admit, I've not quite got used to them yet, so may be missing something). But all of those, I can happily live without and wanted to thank the people who made this thing for me to love and enjoy. Best purchase I've ever made - the sheer tones I can get now are the absolute pinnacle for me, the best I've ever had. Thank you!

    Well, of course you don’t want a Kemper 2. You just got one :-P.

    Like I said before, don’t want/need a Kemper 2? Don’t buy it! Don’t need a software editor? Don’t use it!

    With all due respect, of course :)

  • Well, of course you don’t want a Kemper 2. You just got one :-P.

    Like I said before, don’t want/need a Kemper 2? Don’t buy it! Don’t need a software editor? Don’t use it!

    With all due respect, of course :)

    Absolutely :)

    I think the issue may arise when/if said editor happens and Kemper rely heavily on the editor which, in turn, could lead to a sub-par experience on the actual unit. All theoretical, of course, but I'd hate for that to happen.

  • Absolutely :)
    I think the issue may arise when/if said editor happens and Kemper rely heavily on the editor which, in turn, could lead to a sub-par experience on the actual unit. All theoretical, of course, but I'd hate for that to happen.

    Trust me, the experience is already subpar on the unit when you get past common EQ tweaks and the likes. There are plenty of comments in this very thread, as well as others, about it which is why people are asking for a computer editor. If anything, the editor should expand on the experience. You’ll still be able to do what you can currently do on the unit itself. I don’t see why that would change.

  • Trust me, the experience is already subpar on the unit when you get past common EQ tweaks and the likes. There are plenty of comments in this very thread, as well as others, about it which is why people are asking for a computer editor. If anything, the editor should expand on the experience. You’ll still be able to do what you can currently do on the unit itself. I don’t see why that would change.

    Maybe I'm not going deep enough then. Nothing's perfect, I know. I guess I'm slightly biased because I came from Axe FX where the UI is incredibly bad. Be interested to see what users struggle with, then I'll be able to empathise.

  • @flyingheelhook Haha, absolutely. I'm sure there'll be things that will become annoying.

    I guess I'm saying that, given the alternatives, Kemper really is better than what I ever expected it to be and cannot understand why it's not been more widely adopted - in the same way the Helix and Fractal stuff seems to have been. Though I'm sure form factor (floor units) may have a part to play in that.

  • I think there's a great deal of exaggeration about how bad the Kemper interface is in this thread.

    If you RTFM, it's a piece of cake to dial in anything on the Kemper.

    I do want an editor, mind you, I'm often in front of my computer and when trying to make tweaks to a reamped sound, I think this would be a great time-saver and improve workflow.

    But it's not like you're gong to be able to do anything with an editor that you can't do with the Kemper.

    I'd ideally like to see some improvements to the Kemper interface in that regard. For example, being able to browse presets of a particular effect type rather than having to scroll through an unwieldy list. Also, holding down a button to scroll through profiles.

    As far as the editor, I'd really like to see it tied into the Rig Librarian. Definitely could use a better way to organise presets, performances and rigs as well as share settings across rigs.

    BTW, I think Mr CK posting in this thread is a clear indication that Mothership is listening and we are getting an editor.