Kemper 2 expectations

  • Thats a bit delusional, defending the shortfalls is kinda my point there....£1179...such a bargain. You forgot to factor in the expense of buying an audio interface to actually record it and buying a real amp to profile it. Learning how to build an editor from scratch....Wasted time is wasted money. This puts the final cost to tape way way higher than £1179.
    Mr Kemper just makes the consumer do all the leg work so he doesn't have to. The hardware is consumer and feature limited but the price is a premium and has the community expecting more.

    I don't understand why you sound so bitter and I don't feel the need to defend anything? When I referred to the price, it was before the UK pound crashed in value, so I was pleased on my timing to buy it. I already have recording equipment and some amps I wanted to profile for live use. Coming from things like a Rocktron Prophesy, there was very little to expect after the purchase and it is still on v1.0 software.

    I have my own list of things that would be great to have in the Kemper, but I wouldn't have bought one if I wasn't happy with the product as it stood on the day of purchase. I certainly have no problem if people get an editor and find it useful, but we all have our opinions.


    Kemper Rack OS 10.2.2 - Mac Sonoma 14.5

  • At this point, I think expecting Kemper to do anything that makes sense might be a futile endeavor. I don't necessarily mean that in a bad way as there are plenty of examples where they have done unexpected things that a lot of users have valued highly. But, when a member of the core team clearly expresses that part of the 'Kemper Philosphy' is to not follow standardized approaches to file management, nor do they see that as a flaw in the core functionality, that might give you pause to think. Moreover, since they don't appear to demonstrate or understand accessibility, usability and user-centric design as it is currently being espoused in the U.S. technological circles, you might want to temper your expectations a bit. I am trying to anyways as it appears a large contingent of users is content to ignore these things since the product delivers well in other areas. YMMV.

  • There is one simple reason why the next Generation Kemper _must_ be released in not so distant future.
    That is component availability. Sooner or later some critical electronics component(s) currently used by Kemper will be N/A.
    In other words, At some point of time the current Kemper design cannot be manufactured anymore because all of the
    components are not available.

    I love my Kemper amp but from hardware point of view it is... a dinosaur.

    Studied this a little bit more. The DSP 56720 was launched 2008 and guaranteed longevity (availability) is 10 years.

    -> this means that new Kemper will be released this year (2018).

    Edited once, last by Jarkre (April 12, 2018 at 2:32 PM).

  • Obviously it's true because everyone has different requirements regarding what they need a modeler to do. For some people an editor is a must, and they won't buy a Kemper unless it has one. Anyway, I digress because we're off topic.

    If someone says it has to be like this, it's a statement of fact. If someone says "for me it is a must that it is so, then it is a Personal Opinion and not a general fact.
    From the context it was very clear what I meant -. so spare me your word reinterpretations and save me from a quoteing by manipulatively changing the meaning of my word.

    I repeat - you and everyybody here can wish here what he wants , and nobodye has to buy a Kemper. AI am not I am not interested what and how the Kemper must be that somebody will buy it.
    I don't really care.for that

    Is it now clear enough for you?

  • If someone says it has to be like this, it's a statement of fact. If someone says "for me it is a must that it is so, then it is a Personal Opinion and not a general fact.From the context it was very clear what I meant -. so spare me your word reinterpretations and save me from a quoteing by manipulatively changing the meaning of my word.

    I repeat - you and everyybody here can wish here what he wants , and nobodye has to buy a Kemper. AI am not I am not interested what and how the Kemper must be that somebody will buy it.
    I don't really care.for that

    Is it now clear enough for you?

    I mean...
    Come down...
    Just a bit...

  • If someone says it has to be like this, it's a statement of fact. If someone says "for me it is a must that it is so, then it is a Personal Opinion and not a general fact.From the context it was very clear what I meant -. so spare me your word reinterpretations and save me from a quoteing by manipulatively changing the meaning of my word.

    You don't speak English natively, and that's fine. I do and as such it wasn't clear what you meant, however I appreciate the clarification. For the record, everyone in this thread who's said they'd like a new version of the KPA to have an editor was stating it as an opinion. Who are you referring to that you think was stating otherwise? If someone says the KPA should have an editor because other modelers do, well, that's still just an opinion, and everyone here is entitled to theirs.

  • You don't speak English natively, and that's fine. I do and as such it wasn't clear what you meant, however I appreciate the clarification. For the record, everyone in this thread who's said they'd like a new version of the KPA to have an editor was stating it as an opinion. Who are you referring to that you think was stating otherwise?

    Fine to know thats it is clear now.
    I did not refering to anybody. (Rather an agreement to a mail from nightbox).
    It was a general statement that nobody is forced to buy a Kemper as it is. And there is no must for the KPA to has an Editor.
    I think it's possible that also native speaker can understand what is a statement.

    It was you who quoted me. For me the discussion itself will not change the situation.

  • Fine to know thats it is clear now.I did not refering to anybody. (Rather an agreement to a mail from nightbox). It was a general statement that nobody is forced to buy a Kemper as it is. And there is no must for the KPA to has an Editor.

    I think everyone here and elsewhere understands that no one is forced to buy the Kemper, whether it's the current model or an updated version, and anyone who claims the Kemper must have an editor is merely stating an opinion and/or personal requirement.

  • I personally really appreciate the fact that the Kemper is still the same hardware as when it first came out. It's still better leagues better IMO than even the latest attempts by other companies.
    If it's still selling well, then I see no logical reason to introduce a new version.

  • I personally really appreciate the fact that the Kemper is still the same hardware as when it first came out. It's still better leagues better IMO than even the latest attempts by other companies.
    If it's still selling well, then I see no logical reason to introduce a new version.

    Exactly, these are the two reasons a Kemper II will not be coming out, it is selling well and it is still the best out there…

  • In my opinion, the main reason is likely related to the company's turnaround time for updates and new products in general.

    ...and so what if it is.

    I’d rather they release something new when they feel they have something truly worthy of releasing.

    I say let them make proper use of their time and funds for proper R&D for something as game changing as the Profiler. They know they have a winner and could probably sell this for the same price indefinitely.

    I really don’t appreciate companies that have to constantly reiterate, only adding incremental upgrades to get you closer to what you expected it to sound like in the first place, each time a few thousand bucks a clip.

    To me and I would say most Kemper owners, it still holds the throne as the closest thing to a mic’ed amp (if that’s what we’re going for). Some will disagree, but in my experience, that is what it is. Same goes for many others. If you know how to make a profile then you’re getting the actual experience. If people want “better” FX than what it currently offers (which I think are insanely good sounding already), then any all in one solution will still have some compromise at this point in time.

    There’s definitely some things that could make the Kemper more convenient but in my experience, the value that I’ve gotten out of the Kemper is astronomical. Coming from someone who always had to buy the latest thing, If they come out with a new one tomorrow, even if it had the quality of life features I would want, I really wouldn’t be in any rush to upgrade.

  • ...and so what if it is.
    I’d rather they release something new when they feel they have something truly worthy of releasing.

    I say let them make proper use of their time and funds for proper R&D for something as game changing as the Profiler. They know they have a winner and could probably sell this for the same price indefinitely.

    They can do whatever they want. I'm just saying the main reason a new Kemper won't be coming out any time soon is likely related to the turnaround time for updates and new products in general.

    I really don’t appreciate companies that have to constantly reiterate, only adding incremental upgrades to get you closer to what you expected it to sound like in the first place, each time a few thousand bucks a clip.

    It's obviously your prerogative to think whatever you want.

    To me and I would say most Kemper owners, it still holds the throne as the closest thing to a mic’ed amp (if that’s what we’re going for). Some will disagree, but in my experience, that is what it is. Same goes for many others.

    While I think the KPA can sound outstanding and is a top tier product, I don't necessarily agree. That isn't to say I think the KPA isn't one of the best units out there, though.

    There’s definitely some things that could make the Kemper more convenient but in my experience, the value that I’ve gotten out of the Kemper is astronomical. Coming from someone who always had to buy the latest thing, If they come out with a new one tomorrow, even if it had the quality of life features I would want, I really wouldn’t be in any rush to upgrade.

    Personally, I don't really care either way if they do or don't release a new KPA. If they do, I hope the minor discrepancies with regard to the accuracy of the profiling process is improved, more simultaneous effects are added and an editor is included.

    Edited 2 times, last by ColdFrixion (April 12, 2018 at 12:43 PM).

  • I have been mulling this over a lot lately... and I am truly sad to admit this, now after almost three years of use.

    If I knew then, what I know now, I am pretty certain I would never have invested in the Kemper. FOR ME, its like a Swiss Army Knife. I bought it because I thought it had so much cool stuff I could use but in the end, its so hard to get those other things out, and to use them effectively, that I only use the one main blade. At this point, for what I need, I would have been better off investing in a nice boutique tube amp. Instead of a multi-utility knife, I should have got a fixed blade.

    It doesn't save me any money; it actually costs equal to or more when you think about what you really need: FRFR/speaker cab, power amp, remote, travel case, etc., etc., etc.,. It doesn't save me any time (actually costs me a lot more time). Its not less equipment to haul around; its actually more. Its at least reasonably equivalent in weight to what I would need to haul with other combo tube amps. While its cool that they continue to develop and enhance the software, its pretty clear they aren't going to address my needs with the core functionality and are more interested in targeting features that aren't useful for me.

    I'll most likely keep it and continue to use it in some way, but it certainly has not lived up to my expectations. And its no one's fault but mine - I deluded myself into thinking it was right for me. I suppose I am better off for the learning experience, but I do wonder if it was really worth it. YMMV.

  • @flyingheelhook You dont need a poweramp / FRFR.

    You can plug it straight to the FOH, thats what I did with my band on my first Kemper gig.
    All I had with me was the unpowered rack Kemper and a guitar, nothing else.

    The soundtech came up and thanked me so much for using Kemper straight to FOH and it sounded good too!
    I've never been thanked by a soundtech ever before when playing with various tubeamps and stuff like that.