Pitch shifter controlled by momentary switch instead of an expression pedal - how to?

  • Hello everybody,

    first of all, I don't have the controller board and I don't want it at all.
    I'm using control1 and control2 straight from the backside of my KPA.

    Control1 - Profiles up and down
    Control2 - Expression pedal

    Now, I want to eliminate the expression pedal and change it to a "button - control".
    I want to control a pitch shifter with a single momentary switch.

    Pressing => wheep to octave up
    Release => wheeb back to normal

    Is it possible? How to?

    And if so, is it possible to define the speed of the wheep when I press the momentary switch and release it again?
    Can I do the same with other effects e.g. Vinyl-Stop?

    Mayby someone of you can help me.

    Best regards

  • It can be done, if you connect a momentary switch and assign the function "Morph" to it. Then you should activate "MorphPedal >Pitch" on page Pedal Links in the System Settings.

    Now your switch is triggering Morphing with the Rise Time and Fall Time set in the Rig Settings and the Pedal Pitch effects (Pedal Pitch and Pedal Vinyl Stop) are linked to it. Rise Time and Fall Time are set in milliseconds OR - if Tempo is enabled in the Rig Settings - in note values.

  • Hey Burkhard,

    thanks for explanation, works fine!
    By setting "MorphPedal >> Wah" you can also use the same button to control the wah, depending on which effect (pitch or wah) is set in the current profile.
    Fine so far.

    What about setting up one button as "Morph to pitch" and the other buton as "Morph to Wah" within one rig: Is THIS possible?

  • We try to keep user specific setups like pedals, pedal assignments, pedal links,... separate from the Rigs in order not to compromise the compatibility if Rigs get shared amongst users with different environments. That's why pedal assignments and links are all global settings.

    And as you figured out, if you select "MorphPedal to Wah" and "MorphPedal to Pitch" the pedal controls Morph, Pitch and Wah simultaneously. And if you want to control just one e. g. you make sure, there is no active Morph and no active Pedal Pitch effect in that Rig. So either you switch to another Rig with different effect configuration OR you have a buttons switch Pedal Pitch off and Wah on. The Remote offers both possibilities. I guess, you need to live with some limitations with your puristic setup.

  • Hey Burkhard,

    okay, I understand your point.
    There is a possibility to invert the effect section with a button.
    In fact, this could be a solution.
    I could assign my pitch effect to on and wah to off, by pressing the "invert effects" button the pitch effect would be set to off and wah would activate.

    But the invert-effects-button also inverts the effects on the right (X,MOD,delay and reverb, not only A,B,C and D.

    It would be cool, if you'd implement a "invert-ABCD-only" function to a pedal.

    Possible in next FW? ;)

  • The switch selection "Stomp Inverter" inverts the status of A-MOD, not Delay and not Reverb.

    Using the Remote you can toggle up to four Modules with one Effect Button. With MIDI you have all flexibilities. With an analog switch you can either toggle on individual Module or all Modules A-MOD.

  • Honestly, if we would add options for all such corner cases, the Profiler would be as complicated as SAP.

    Given your very minimalistic approach and setup you cannot expect experiencing no limitations.

    You could use another controller board. Doesn't have to be a Profiler Remote. MIDI boards come in all sizes. Have you considered Uno4Kemper?

    Or you get rid of the external equipment looped in. If you want to keep your setup that puristic, why can't you survive with onboard effects then?

    Or you place your effect loop in the Delay Module...

  • It can be done, if you connect a momentary switch and assign the function "Morph" to it. Then you should activate "MorphPedal >Pitch" on page Pedal Links in the System Settings.

    Now your switch is triggering Morphing with the Rise Time and Fall Time set in the Rig Settings and the Pedal Pitch effects (Pedal Pitch and Pedal Vinyl Stop) are linked to it. Rise Time and Fall Time are set in milliseconds OR - if Tempo is enabled in the Rig Settings - in note values.

    Hi Burkhard, I've tried to apply your proposal for my configuration but I did not succeed. Normaly I use a expression pedal (port Nr. 6 on the remote) for the morph function this works great. So I simply replaced the expression pedal by a Boss FS-5U. But this do not work. What am I doing wrong ?

  • Hi Burkhard, I've tried to apply your proposal for my configuration but I did not succeed. Normaly I use a expression pedal (port Nr. 6 on the remote) for the morph function this works great. So I simply replaced the expression pedal by a Boss FS-5U. But this do not work. What am I doing wrong ?

    If you had configured a Morph Pedal to Pedal Socket 6 in the System Settings before, you need to change that. It has to be a Mono Switch now and you need to assign "Morph" to this momentary switch.

    The Mono Switch should even work with a TRS cable. It just uses tip and sleeve. And ring stays idle.

    Make sure you select the correct polarity. It can be selected on the Boss switch as well as in the System Settings. If you select the wrong polarity, Morphing will not be triggered when you hit the button, but when you release the button instead.

  • If you had configured a Morph Pedal to Pedal Socket 6 in the System Settings before, you need to change that. It has to be a Mono Switch now and you need to assign "Morph" to this momentary switch.
    The Mono Switch should even work with a TRS cable. It just uses tip and sleeve. And ring stays idle.

    Make sure you select the correct polarity. It can be selected on the Boss switch as well as in the System Settings. If you select the wrong polarity, Morphing will not be triggered when you hit the button, but when you release the button instead.

    Now it works - but not in the way I expected. When I push the footswitch the morph mode starts, but if I release the FS nothing happens. I have to push the footswitch a second time to return to the normal settings. Perhaps the FS-5U is the wrong switch ?

  • The title of this thread is referring to a "momentary switch". I checked, and the BOSS FS-5U seems to be momentary. If it would be latching, it would explain that behavior.

    The other thing is, that you need to set Morphing to momentary as well. The Morphing logic normally latches. You find the option "momentary" on the page Morph in the Rig Settings.