Fractal Axe Fx 3

  • Nice peace of gear.
    But I see no need for it
    The sound of the kemper is fantastic.
    For live usage the kemper has all FX I need on board.
    For recording and sound design I use plugins in my DAW.

    @Eltzejupp Idea for cool sounding rigs?
    Yes! But I think to mention that actualy I am blown away from tonejunkys profiles and the new rig pack from bert is around the corner would be off topic :D

  • I wasn't just talking about rock musicians, I meant in general.I find a lot more good young rock and pop musicians and folk musicians in my environment today than I did back then, although or maybe because it's harder to get a gig today than it was for us in the late 60s and early 70s.
    I don't want to judge the quality of old rock heroes comparing today's musicians. Although they influenced me a lot and still inspire me today.
    They were different and still there are some alive, thank God.

    For me, my own taste is not a measure of quality. I don't believe that everything was better in the past, although I can't and don't want to follow much of what is happening nowadays.
    I find the music business today to be more complex, varied and short-lived, but I think that this depends more on the zeitgeist and economic influences than on the quality of the musicians.

    Hi Sharry..

    Man,I really like to discuss with you...even if our "impressions" differ all the way.. :D

    I did not want to say that there is no "quality" today.Actually my point is that..well..seeing all the "youtubes" kids today still try to play "perpetual burn" more exact than Jason Becker..or playing quintuples faster than Eric Johnson..or sounding more like Scofield or Gambale than these guy themselves..

    We still have the same old heroes and only a very,very few "new" guitar players tried to "shock" the world with a very peronal new approach.It is all nice but I remember the "heights" of electric the guitar peaked sometime in the 90s.No matter if it was rock,blues,hardrock or whatever..

    If there would have been a "violin sound" available back in these days I remember a lot of Ingwie clones that would have at least tried.. :D

    Today this could happen with all the new technology but nobody cares.

    Let me ask you one question dear @Sharry..imagine all the 60s/70s guitar players with todays technology..Hendrix,Page,Beck or whomever from this golden era with a digital tool like the KPA or the AF3 (hope this thing will keep its promise) ..what would this generation have done if they would not only had "one sound" with a fuzz and a wah but also the chance to play a violin,sitar or whatever sound..just imagine..and then you will understand what I mean.

  • The Axe has always excelled in the effects' territory. It seems the new model leans toward that and is no longer just a guitar-amp modeling preamp with effects. Whether the tone and feel have improved or not, whether the Kemper may still be more authentic or not, we have to admit that it can be useful in studios, though it will have a different kind of competition there. Perhaps in five or sin years, when the IV model arrives, this device will be way cheaper. I may buy it then! In the meantime there's more stuff in my shopping list. Anyway, we are all curious about how good it may be, aren't we?

    Never too old for rock'n'roll

  • I know what our keyborder woud say if I play other sounds than guitar :D

    I know what I have told any keyboarder who tried to tell me how to sound on my guitar.. ^^

    These guys have a word on many instruments beyond their universe (piano,organ etc) Wind(always within limits ofcourse),orchestral strings/atmosoheres..ofcourse bass stuff (specially moog sounds..) but indeed I never met a keys player who really "got it" to play a lead with a string simulation like guitar..their attempts to emulate for example violin or sitar stuff ended always in a tragedy as far as I can remember.. :/

  • Hi Sharry..

    Let me ask you one question dear @Sharry..imagine all the 60s/70s guitar players with todays technology..Hendrix,Page,Beck or whomever from this golden era with a digital tool like the KPA or the AF3 (hope this thing will keep its promise) ..what would this generation have done if they would not only had "one sound" with a fuzz and a wah but also the chance to play a violin,sitar or whatever sound..just imagine..and then you will understand what I mean.

    Well Nikos, I don't dare speculate whether these people would prevail today.

    It is possible that today they would be fall throuh the floor grille of the music industry, which sees individuality as a sales argument only if it can be marketed accordingly.
    However, I personally believe that each of the above-mentioned people could create also great things in the present day.

    I grown up in this time and know that the market was not yet so infused with damagers äh..sorry managers and PR specialists. Even though they already existed.
    The mainstream was still on other tracks and the youth culture (we! :) ) was more independent and less commercial.
    These people were not born as stars on stage, but worked their way up hard. The competition was less, the market (we! ) were hungry for this kind oof music and they had more time to develop independently.

    The real reason why I got into the discussion is not the absolute top level and its international reputation. (This is no longer so important to me today)
    It was the image that nowadays there are hardly any young people who sit down for hours, practice and consequently learn their instrument.

    My personal impression of my surroundings is really different in this respect.
    The level of the young people I come into contact with seems to me to be much higher than in my time. Be it with the bands or in the brass music which is still very popular in our rural area.
    I think that in addition to the larger number of education centres, YouTube and other modern media has and had a positive influence.

  • I think it is easier to learn to play now than thirty or forty years ago. There's so much stuff out there in the web that you don't need to "waste" time learning from LPs or Cds. And that is not a bad way to practice a musical ear! But kids have less patience than we had, some find it difficult to focus on anything tedious; they want to learn fast and without much effort. You see that at anything they want to learn, be it music, maths, languages, whatever. They also want cars, money, etc the sooner the better. They cut corners if possible. There are exceptions, of course. Any kid that loves music, has patience, and a bit of talent can become a good musician. They have the means that kids from the 70s and 80s didn't. But when you lack things your imagination is more alert, just like a blind person hearing things we don't notice. Clapton and Page etc learnt to play the songs from the blues masters their own way, not replicating them using perfect transcriptions, which we tend to do now cause it's faster!

    Never too old for rock'n'roll

  • Sorry but I have to point out that this feature has been around for all hardware effects for quite a while now in most if not all DAWs as far as I know. and you don't necessarily need USB for that.

    But USB is my point exactly. Rather than use a bunch of 1/4" cables, you can go direct in and back out with ONE USB cable. Tidy, simple, easy to keep up with. And you can use the FX's internal routing to switch effects ON/OFF and not have to be hooked up to a bunch of external loops for a Compressor, a Reverb, etc.

  • I’ve owned an Eleven Rack, Line 6 Amplifi 150, Kemper, a Helix, a Mesa Triple Crown plus Suhr Load Box, and a Fractal AX8 now. Tried the Kemper, it’s awesome but couldn’t quite find my tone. I grew tired of trying different profiles and that requires time to get used to brand new tones each time I switch. The Helix has great effects but I liked Kemper approach better for effects. Kemper effects try to keep the core tone intact while Helix tries to mimic stomp boxes completely, coloring the tone. Routing in the Helix is awesome. It’s all there as far as I’m concerned but the the amp feel is artificial out of the box. I haven’t tried tweaking extensively and wouldn’t know what to do if I did. Up to that point, it always sounded better with a short cable into my Mesa TC. I tried 4cm but it is not the same. I went Mesa into Suhr Reactive Load and it was revolutionary. Cab IRs is a great thing in my opinion. I tried miking and profiling in the Kemper but something is always off. I’m not a sound engineer but I am a Aeronautical engineer so I am not inadept at researching and analyzing and trying different methods. I found my favorite sound came from miking the speaker slightly off center cap with a SE VR1 mic. Still, it didn’t hold a candle to putting the Triple Crown through the Suhr and a properly selected professional IR like OwnHammer. That boils down to an amateur recording chain vs a pro recording chain. What are you really capable of? Recently, I found the best solution is guitar to AX8>Mesa amp>Suhr>AX8. I simply use the Fractal AX8 for effects and cab IRs and the sound is amazing. I don’t know if there’s a better sound with the ultra res cabs but It is definitely more roomy to me. Or it can be if you choose.

    Up until 2012 most modelers would create a sound and squish your guitar through it. Didn't matter as much if you had an LP or a Strat. Cliffs of Dover sounded Cliff's of Doverish.

    The newer better modelers started allowing the actual Guitar->Amp pairing magic to be revealed. That's what attracted me to the Kemper. IF my guitar didn't like a well done profile of an amp in the KPA, then I wouldn't like that with the real amp.

    The market has now caught up on this with a bunch of offerings, but I too hate that lack of keeping the "core tone intact" that some modelers have created, either pedals or amps.

  • I actually like that new Axe fx. Would have made my KPA purchase decision harder if it came out last year.

    Aside from Rolls Royce I've not had a great experience with things made in England over the years, but I've never heard of any Austin type issues with the Fractal products.

  • But USB is my point exactly. Rather than use a bunch of 1/4" cables, you can go direct in and back out with ONE USB cable. Tidy, simple, easy to keep up with. And you can use the FX's internal routing to switch effects ON/OFF and not have to be hooked up to a bunch of external loops for a Compressor, a Reverb, etc.

    It's certainly a nice feature but It's not available unless you use the AXE as your audio interface, however since it has SPDIF, it can also be integrated into any DAW just like all other processors that have SPDIF.,

    In that regard the Helix platform is more advanced and versatile because it has a plugin format with as many instances and parallel routing of each effect independently as needed, where neither Kemper nor the AXE have, but that takes us out of amp modeling territory and into effect and recording interfaces.

  • I admit I'm partial towards going to "tape" with a good signal, so I haven't tried reamping via SPDIF. But I should. That's how I record. Hmmm.

    Thanks for reminding me of this. I get kind of narrow focused when something works and don't keep investigating.

  • That's what we're all after, finding something that works. I don't re-amp or use external effects in my DAW setup, i try to make it as simple as possible and that's how I ended up with Kemper. I tried Helix and Helix native just for fun, but the simplicity of the Kemper, even not having an editor is something that i learned to appreciate. My moto even in life is using Occam's razor the most popular version, "Entities are not to be multiplied without necessity" which could mean in other words, the simplest solution is usually the best.

  • I tried Helix and Helix native just for fun, but the simplicity of the Kemper, even not having an editor is something that i learned to appreciate. My moto even in life is using Occam's razor the most popular version, "Entities are not to be multiplied without necessity" which could mean in other words, the simplest solution is usually the best.

    Hey Dean,

    For me, this is the real draw of the KPA vs FAS. The question I have to ask myself is "how quickly can I get a great tone". Sure, the mind-numbing amount of configuration on the Axe is unsurpassed, but how much time does it take to get to where you want to be?

    I suspect that I am like most of you. I grew up on tube amps and stomps. In my head, I think in terms of that setup. The KPA mimics this tried and true workflow which makes it easier for me to get it done with respect to good tone.

    Fractal has taken an entirely different work-flow approach. There are many that this appeals to. I won't say it is better or worse, just different.

    As for strengths and weaknesses? I still believe that the KPA holds the crown for the best tube amp tone and feel. On the other hand, I am equally sure that the Axe holds the crown for the best effects and processing.

    The newest addition to the Fractal line looks to me to be extending their lead within their existing strengths. With the huge step up on processing power, I expect to hear some pretty breath-taking verbs from Axe III.

    I am really looking forward to hearing the new AxeIII. I find it unlikely that I will ever sell my KPA, but having options in the market is a good thing for all of us.

  • ....I am really looking forward to hearing the new AxeIII. I find it unlikely that I will ever sell my KPA, but having options in the market is a good thing for all of us.

    Other gear options are ridiculously abundant. The plethora of options in one device for a premium price sometimes muddies the waters. Helix has 4 FX loops and the AXE FX III promises to be a full fledged audio interface. Usually, most guitar players and consumers are interested in a product for one or possibly two specific purposes with few options to enforce the original purpose of the product.

    I still have my POD HD 500 and the drives in it are very good, even the Preamp tones (not the full amps modeled) sound more than acceptable, With Kemper, at least for me, I bought if tor the amp models because also they were very damn close to the amps I profiled.

    I just hope that in case there's any future development in the Kemper, it won't be Kemper ii as audio interface with 20 input outputs and 50 FX LOOPs because that's were it seems that line 6 and Fractal are pushing the technology in that direction.

    So honestly, I'm not expecting any improvements worth noting in AXE FX III or Helix 2 and unfortunately, I just have a mild curiosity.