Main Out for live performance

  • Since I have had my KPA I have always used a single XLR out feeding the FOH. It always sounds so big out front and almost every time I play someone comes up tp me and asks what I am playing out of because of the huge sound. I will admit stereo does add to the sound through my monitors but its hard to duplicate the sound coming out of some big PA speakers.

  • somebody told me that is better use two xlr with mainout mono because the soundengenier can use two different eq for each track

    if your rigs require different EQ settings you could use the onboard EQs of the Profiler and program those settings individually for each rig.
    Otherwise you would depend on the FOH guy to switch between those two channels on his board.

  • I use in-ear-monitoring so I feed my Behringer XAir 18 with a master stereo single, of course using both l/r xlr outputs.
    From the XAir I go stereo into th PM-16 module and from tehre stereo in my in-ears.
    When we don´t have a FOH we use the XAir as the main mixer so I go stereo into the FOH speakers.
    If we have a dedicated FOH I feed it also stereo from a patch cable out of the Xair...

    In short: I go stereo :)

    stay tuned... :thumbup:

  • Since I have had my KPA I have always used a single XLR out feeding the FOH. It always sounds so big out front and almost every time I play someone comes up tp me and asks what I am playing out of because of the huge sound. I will admit stereo does add to the sound through my monitors but its hard to duplicate the sound coming out of some big PA speaker

    It´s mean that you use mainout set to master stereo with two xlr l/r?

  • Two xlr, master stereo to foh. Why?
    Because you can!

    Chorus, flang and some more are stereo fx, so why not use them if you have the chance. I know, many players say you have to use it mono, you didnt hear a stereo fx foh and so on. Old school imho. Ah, not really old school, remember the big rack days, nearly everybody who had a rack played stereo. The old 80th sounds worh chorus- stereo.

    You personally hear a big difference when you play to two frfr monitors on stage. The beautiful delays come to live when doung that.

  • Master Stereo out into a spliiter - one signal line (L/R) to FOH, this other one (L/R) into my mixer for my INear system. Imprtant is, that you carefully figure out the output leve to FOH - does sound massive :)
    I've just set everything to -20dB and adjusted all sounds (performances) according to this level.

    What kind of inear you can recomend me?