Mooer Audio 005 Digital Preamp pedal with Kemper

  • Hey everyone! I'm interesting in buying the Mooer Audio 005 Digital Preamp pedal to use with my Kemper Power Rack. I'm hoping the Preamp pedal will add to what my metal tone is missing. I want to use the combination live: with a cab, and other times direct. Do you guys think it's a good idea? Thank you!

  • So you want to get a device to mimic the pre amp of a valve amp into a unit that mimics a valve amp?

    I never understand why people put a £50 pedal into a £1800 amp, be it digital or valve and expect great results, unless looking for fuzz sounds ( sorry I know that's contentious)..

    It could work but not sure digital amps cope as well and Valve with front end overdrive.

    As above, I would search for the right profile... there are plenty of 5150 profiles and high gain.

    I use both and ENGL and Mesa profiles for high gain if that helps...