Rig Manager Not Recognizing Profiler

  • For the life of me I cannot figure out how to get the profiler to show up on my Macbook Pro's rig manager. Please someone help me figure this out. I purchased my Kemper used and set up everything like the videos have shown. I will detail all the trouble shooting I have done and hopefully someone can help me figure this out.

    • Made sure both the rig manager and the profiler had the same name
    • Made sure both had updated software
    • Tried multiple USB cables
    • Power cycled everything
    • Uninstalled and reinstalled the software several times
    • Made sure Rig Manager had been added to the firewall

    If anybody has had this same issue please let me know, I really want to be able to fully use this thing.

    Thank you

  • If you have acquired a Profiler second hand you should create your own Kemper user account and register the device in your account like a new owner. Simply click on the small icon "Login" at the top right corner of the Kemper homepage and follow the instructions. At that time the former owner will receive a warning e-mail and owner privileges will be transferred automatically.


    The serial number can be found on a sticker on the bottom of the Profiler and is displayed on the last page of the System Settings.

  • I'm getting BSOD trying to install 2.1 after it failed to recognize my kemper. (yes updated kemper OS, yes i am original owner, yes, it's registered with the site, no i'm not computer illiterate)

    *edit* luckily, i had the previous release of rig manager still in my downloads, and it works just fine now. /fixyourshitkemper

  • After extensively working with both Apple and Kemper support I was able to piece together the solution to this issue. Without going into detail about all the things I tried after posting the original post I will just detail my solution and hopefully it puts this dumb error to rest. (In return I only request that some kind person sends me a profile set of a Matchless Independence.. that's not too much to ask right?!)

    What the problem ended up being:
    I had installed Rig Manager (specifically the driver for rig manager) well before I ever connected my KPA via USB. Apple has a dumb security setting in its new OS for new drivers that if they are not "allowed" on the security page within 30 min of the driver being installed the driver is permanently denied access to the computer. (It took me days of talking with Apple support and Kemper support to hear about this little gem)

    How to fix it:
    You have to uninstall the driver from your Mac. Of course this is not as easy as uninstalling and reinstalling Rig Manager since I am sure if you are reading this you have tried that. The driver remains on your Mac from your first Rig Manager installation.. Go to system/library/extensions and you should be able to easily identify the dud KPA driver. Delete it. Reinstall Rig Manager and immediately plug your KPA in and follow that same error that visits us in our nightmares, only this time you should have the ability to "allow" it to access your computer.

    I really hope this helps, I know how helpless and frustrating it was to be on the other side of this ordeal. If for some reason this doesn't solve this issue please let me know and I will walk you through everything else I tried and the very helpful contact I had at Apple.