Well...Finally got a Kemper after months of research..And...Not so good

  • if the master volume us post effects loop, what are the balanced ratios for kpa "whatever output you choose master volume" to the master volume in the amp? And before anyone says use your ears, that's not what I'm talking about. I've already done this before and could never figure out if i should dime the amp MV, or should I dime the kpa and slowly raise the amp MV. I also tried setting them both somewhere in the middle but then which one do I raise first if I need to be louder? I found myself raising both without a real sense of what i was doing was best/ideal. Chairs.

    Hello Awesome_Elvis,

    Here is what I would recommend. I would set the KPA Master Volume knob so that the display shows your Monitor Out volume bar to be somewhere around - 10 through 0 dB. On a scale of 0 through 10, that would equate to say 3 or 4. Then, on the tube amp's MV, slowly turn up the volume until it is as loud, or a bit louder than you will be playing at your location. Once you get to that uncomfortable volume level, back off just a bit on the tube amp's MV, and now start controlling and adjusting your over-all volume by using your Kemper's MV.

    Note: I would always get in the habit (for safety to your ears and your speakers) of turning your tube amp's MV all the way down (off) before shutting off the tube amp's power. Also, before beginning a session and powering on your tube amp, make sure the tube amp's MV is all the way down (off) before you start.


    Edited once, last by Tritium (February 12, 2018 at 9:38 PM).

  • thanks dude! I had a feeling that was probably the best formula but it's good to have someone else say that!

    On a side note, how do you feel about monitor cab off vs. Cab off? I haven't been running direct but I like to set it up for that but I feel there is a difference between the two.

  • thanks dude! I had a feeling that was probably the best formula but it's good to have someone else say that!

    On a side note, how do you feel about monitor cab off vs. Cab off? I haven't been running direct but I like to set it up for that but I feel there is a difference between the two.


    Use the Monitor Cab/Off in the KPA's Output menu, definitely. This only disables the Cab on the Monitor Output signal. That way, if in the future you use the Master Outputs or Direct Outputs to send to FOH, or for recording, these signals will include the Cabinet portion of the profile.


  • Hey dude - I sent you an email at squarehead@rogers.com and it bounced back. I wanted to ask you about the 4x12 issues you were having as I am having the same problems. Since I couldn't reach you at your email address, the only way I figured I might be able to find you was to revisit an old post. If you happen to see it, shoot me a message.

    Edited once, last by eapj77 (January 30, 2024 at 11:09 PM).