Does the Kemper make sense for me?

  • Of course - if you love amps you will love the possiblities of the kemper.

    Okay there are other and cheaper solutions BUT
    with other gear you are limited in amp modules which comes with the system.

    With the kemper you can load every time a new profile from all profiled amps around the world!

    Is it worth the money - yes for me absolutly!

  • If you need a flexible amp with tons of authentic amp profiles and effects, endless routing options and and and: Kemper is the thing!
    If you need only one tube saturated sound you can play at bedroom volumes there might be a few different options on the market.
    For example: low wattage amp -> power attenuator (with load box option) -> speaker emulation DI box -> interface -> monitors
    If authentic tube saturation sounds don´t matter to you too much other digital amps on the market could make you happy as well.

    I was struggling for a long time with getting saturated valve sounds at lower volumes. The only thing that helped me was either lower wattage amps or
    power attenuators or both at the same time. Since I own a Kemper I don´t have that problem anymore.

    Good Luck!

  • The concensus seems to be that the Kemper will give you what you want, the only question is, is it overkill.

    Personally from what you've described, I think it could'll end up selling it in 3 months time because you don't make full use of it.

    For practicing at home, I just use a PC and Amplitube. Dead simple, flexible and can be relatively cheap and its very quiet as I'm going through headphones. Its good enough for what I need. I see no point to get a big amp and attenuate etc. You'll never be able to move air at low volumes..

    Its not cos we don;t want you to join the Kemper family!!

  • Hey guys, i live in an apartment so volume is a big issue.
    I have a yamaha thr10 , which is oke for my needs but clearelly nowhere near the Kemper, which i've been drooling on for more than 5 years.
    But i wonder, since i only play at home and cant play loud, does it make sense to invest in a Kemper?
    Will i only benefit from it when using headphones or will it still sound good through studiomonitors?

    Anyone else restricted volumewise like me?
    Anyone else using the Kemper in an apartment?

    Thanks for the advice!

    How many different good sounding amps do you need?

    Many? -> Buy a Kemper.
    Two or Three and you are not concerned about very specific sounds? -> There are cheaper products with just two or three awesome sounding amp sims.

  • If you like to play guitar and have the money, buy the Kemper. Sure you can buy a zoom or digitech with headphone outs for under a hundred dollars and they would very likely have great tones that can be used at gigs and all other guitar work, however the Kemper is the most inspirational device of its Kind, ,so you will play and enjoy better.

    Life is too short to play with less than the best possible tone, even in an apartment specially if you ever want to record your work, it's the closest to a tube amp not only in sound, but more importantly in the feel and finger response and that's where all other modelers fall short.

    Yes. I don't know why but the way some sims respond is awful. I can't use them... Even in the same hardware, some models sound good, but I can't use them because of the way they respond...

    Now I gig with a digital device (not a KPA) with more than 50 amp sims. Only three of them respond like an amp. The rest are unusable to me. The don't respond well. The sound is good, they respond when you roll down the volume, but there is something wrong in the attack... The Marshall models are terrible...

  • Just for headphones? Nope, doesn't make any sense IMO. Playing any guitar gear just via headphones is a waste, it never sounds any good, Kemper or not. Kemper will feel better than pretty much anything else digital, though.

    Having said that, if you have disposable income, then why not?