[Mattfig] code BF2018 gets 60% off Happy Thanksgiving!

  • I can make a written review only - don't know if this is enough?

    But I can compare to the first pack of the BE that I already have. And cause I own almost any profiles out there (from you and other sellers around the globe) I can do an honest "rating" where the quality of this profile pack stands.

    One down, 4 to go....While I would prefer audio or video; A review from an experienced user such as yourself would be great!

    I'll start a convo to get details...

  • I can make a written review only - don't know if this is enough?

    But I can compare to the first pack of the BE that I already have. And cause I own almost any profiles out there (from you and other sellers around the globe) I can do an honest "rating" where the quality of this profile pack stands.

    One down, 4 to go....While I would prefer audio or video; A review from an experienced user such as yourself would be great!

    I'll start a convo to get details...

  • Got version 1 already, which I praised as an example of Matt's improved profiling skills, and as a good alternative to Bert's pack, which I also like a lot, so I may give it a try. But I won't be able to try it thoroughly till Monday or Tuesday.

    Never too old for rock'n'roll

  • Review of the BE-100 2.0 will follow in a few days. But here is a quick song snippet done in a few minutes. No bass in the mix, only guitars (Gibson SG with P90 - bridge and neck pu used) - and everything of course from the great Mattfig BE-100 2.0 pack. None of the rigs used were tweaked - just out of the box.

    I am not a shredder or good guitar player, sorry - hope you like it nonetheless :thumbup:

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    Edited once, last by Ibot39 (August 31, 2018 at 11:50 PM).

  • I started buying Mattfig Profiles before he had the "break through" with his BE-100 pack. And I have already written, that the old packs are an excellent basis for further tweaking - yeah, they were intentionally made with noon settings on the amp (modules), so that the players can tweak them on the Kemper like the amp itself. Later Matt did notice, that the people want profiles of the sweet spots of the amps and he changed and enhanced his profiling methods. As the BE-100 pack was brought to us - with an unexpected jump in quality - it hit the Kemperland like a bomb/train/hammer/ton of bricks... Everything was in place and perfect with that pack - rarely before did profiles sound so "all-tube" like this "stroke of genius"-rigs did! People were 8o8o=O8o:love::thumbup:
    Mattfig learned the lesson and newer packs since then sounded always good. But still - the BE-100 pack stands out until today. Mattfig = BE-100 pack :thumbup:

    Now Matt dares to announce a successor! The BE-100 2.0 - not an update, but a new one, that claims to stand for its own with 3 new cab variations (4x12 Friedman Greenback, 4x12 Friedman V30 and Egnator 2x12 with Elite80 (which are slightly modded Classic Lead 80 speakers) and some DI. Will the new profiles survive against the legend pack or is it just an expensive update, that you can save yourself? Let's find out!

    First: The old BE-100 pack still sounds incredible :D A great variety of settings and sounds, but with the impression of "everything made of one cast". Fat, punchy, valvey - one great Bogner cab.

    The BE-100 2.0 overall sounds a little slimmer. Not in a bad way, not "thin" at all. But the rigs are more stringent, tighter and tidier. Especially succesful are the "Greenback" profiles - warm and full and at the same time three-dimensional, clear and expressive. Where as the old pack had this amp-in-the-room feel in every rig, the 2.0 gives us options with the V30 and Elite 80 that are easy to integrate in any mix without (much) tweaking.

    After I played through all different gain stages I can honestly say: It is the second time, that a pack sounds so f***ing like the real thing (tubes!), it is just phenomenal! And - state of mind today - the Greenback rigs (yes, all of them) stand out of that already winner pack. Don't get me wrong Matt, I like a lot of your packs, but it is a bit surprising that the second BE-100 is outstanding again!? Maybe this particular amp head is just "born to be profiled" (and likes to have sex with the Kemper profiler - I almost said ^^ ). Of course it is not the amp alone, the micing technique evolved too. I would say the new rigs sound even more "pro" - in the sense of big studio, expensive equipment... but the old ones have their special character too.

    Conclusion: From the perspective of a business man, it is not a bad idea to come up with a pack 2.0 from the obvious best seller BE-100. But it was a risk too. A bad or mediocre pack would have rather damaged the "legend of the BE-100 from Mattfig". BUT: The man delivers - it is a great pack again. It is in the same ballpark, but offers enough differences and new facets to stand on its own. And the Greenbacks are worth to be mentioned again :thumbup:
    You guys know me, I talk no bullshit and I say (to often) when I don't like what I hear or when the hype is not real. There are a lot of Friedman packs out there at the moment - sure good ones too. But this pack continues the legend of the Mattfig BE-100 - really. And it is a must-have - both packs are!

    Edited 2 times, last by Ibot39 (September 1, 2018 at 10:29 PM).

  • I've had a crack at Matt's v2.0 pack also. I was very impressed with the first pack which featured a great cab - a 4x12 with Greenback/V30 blend and, unlike many Friedman packs around, it had plenty of profiles in the low to mid gain range which is typically excellent on the Friedman amps. Great classic rock tones aplenty. Even though I have amassed a pretty ridiculous collection of Freidman profiles these days I play it all the time - mostly with LP neck and bridge pickups but they are so flexible, this set will do just as good a job on the same settings with a Tele neck and bridge pickups.

    So, the new 2.0 pack has a hard act to follow and it doesn't dissapoint. Matt had had the amp tweaked a little by Freidman giving some new options. Again, this set has a wide gain range with many profiles in the low to moderate gain range along with plenty of higher gain profiles. It features 3 cabs this time - the Egnater 2x12 with Elite 80s (reputedly a variant on the Classic Lead 80 available from Egnater only) in a semi-open cab and two 4x12s - one with Greenbacks and the other with V30s. There are clean channel profiles for all three cabs which are all very pleasing to me and a set of 16 DI profiles covering the whole range with pure amp tones.

    Well made DIs are a real bonus for amps like these - if you play live or in the studio with your own cab or if you want to use favorite Kemper cabs from other sources or even the Kemper OS cabs which include some well chosen cabs built from the Celestion factory IR sets.

    The profiles in this set are really well matched volume wise. You can swap around easily without having to play a tune on your gain controls. The balance of frequencies varies across the cabs as one would expect. The Greenbacks are the grittiest for me and work extremely well on rock tones with these amps. The Egnater cab has probably the sweetest lead tones and the V30s seem to have the most extended highs and warm lower mids.

    These worked for me with single coils or humbuckers without any tweaks whatsoever. The bass end seems well controlled right across the set with no additional hi-pass filtering necessary to fit tones in a mix. None of these were harsh or boomy in the slightest.

    I think this new set augments the original in a worthwhile way - with more cab options and finer gain gradations - and retains the excellent range and quality of tones from these superb amps that made the first set such a winner.

    Edited once, last by Antipodes (September 3, 2018 at 1:29 AM).

  • Anyone who buys the BE100 2.0 gets a custom profile of it made to his or her choosing....Wanna DI of it with Fat/Sat? C45? Stage 1/2/3 gain? HBE through a 1x12? You get it.....It's just a one off and I make no promises but I can try....Just send me an email or message after your purchase of what you want and I'll make it for you....

    *** Special lasts this week only!

  • First of all, I'd like to thank Matt for letting me try the BE v2 pack so that I might review it. Two very good reviews of this pack have already been written, so I may end up not being too original!
    When I got the BE v1 about a year ago, I had already bought 2 or 3 packs of Matt's and did like them, but the BE v1 was imho a turning point. It was his best pack yet, and still is one of his best. Rather than rest on old laurels, Matt has come out with a new pack of the same amp, which sure is risky, since the revisited amp might not live up to his first take on it. Is it redundant? A must-have? Should it have been a free update rather than a new pack? Redundant it is not. And if you like the v1 pack you'll sure like this one, too. As far as its not being a free update, I must say this new pack is not just a few more profiles being added. There is a lot of work and planning here, so I understand Matt's decision to offer two different packs. Perhaps he may offer a bundle in the future. Well, that's not my call.
    What I can really comment upon is my first impressions of this new pack. And I say first impressions not because I have not checked it up much, but rather because we always need some time, days in between and different musical situations to really validate "our" potential go-to profiles properly. I have tried out the pack with a Strat Elite and a Gibson SG. A LP, a Tele and a Gretsch (!) next time. I like this new pack. It offers more variation than the first one: 3 new cabs instead of the 4X12 Bogner cab, and a few more mid gain profiles.The first one is more raw-sounding and is great when you are playing on your own either through phones or rather loud. This one is a tad more sophisticated, tighter in the bass and more mix-friendly in that sense. Not processed, though, just a tad less punchy. A little bit of hair here and there, but nothing worrying. In the first pack I'm always driven toward the fat, saturated, distorted profiles, which are great. In this new one the mid or low-gain profiles are my favorites. You still have plenty of good high gain options, mind you, but this new pack is a bit more balanced and varied. The three cabs per amp settings plus the direct version (4 profiles per setting in all) cater for different guitars and necessities. I prefer the Greenbacks' version more often than not, but in a particular mix or when changing the guitar I might prefer another cab. I think Matt feels at home with the Friedman and has found his niche! There are a lot of Friedman packs around, some very good, and it's all subjective, but I think both packs will make any Friedman (or Marshall) -lover happy. If you own the first pack, you know what to expect. Thanks, Matt.

    Never too old for rock'n'roll