Suggestions for Alternative to Kemper Remote

  • So, after checking out the Fractal AX-8 and Helix Native, I am now more sure than ever that I intend to stick with my KPA for the foreseeable future. However, I am still frustrated with the Remote floor switcher. Specifically, I would prefer to run my KPA in Browse mode so that I only need to program and edit one instance of each rig instead of copying and editing a separate rig for every song my band plays, just in order to have access to enough Stomps.

    I'm aware that a number of other forum members use alternatives but I seem to be struggling to nail down another product that might work for me, and could use some suggestions.

    I have purchased (and returned) the RJM Mastermind GT and PBC, as I found them to be somewhat complicated, and would prefer a controller that also functions as a loop switcher for extra pedals without having to purchase a rack switcher. That's led me to consider the GigRig G2, Boss ES5/ES8, the EFX MKV and the G-Lab GSC-4/5. All have their pros and cons. Can anyone vouch for these or suggest alternatives that are available to buy in UK/EU?

  • I don't use Performance Mode. I have my rigs named with a sequential prefix that orders them for useful groups of 5 (!!!1-Name, !!!2-Name, etc.). The first 2 banks of rigs (10 rigs total) are pretty much all I need/use, and I have them memorized for the tones and effects I want for particular tunes. I spend zero time setting up for new songs, except when different effects are required.

    Go for it now. The future is promised to no one. - Wayne Dyer

  • Got to ask...why? What are the issues you have with performance mode? I have mine set to 3 or 4 performances for different bands and in some cases different guitars. dead easy to programme ( despite rig manager being pants for setting it up). So any time for different songs is generally 2 clicks...

    I shyed away from performance mode initially but now its all I use, with the remote.

    All other controllers are compromises as far as I'm concerned.

    The FCB1010 operates in a similar way to the remote so that's of no use. The others are midi controllers generally.

  • Got to ask...why? What are the issues you have with performance mode? I have mine set to 3 or 4 performances for different bands and in some cases different guitars. dead easy to programme ( despite rig manager being pants for setting it up). So any time for different songs is generally 2 clicks...

    I shyed away from performance mode initially but now its all I use, with the remote.

    All other controllers are compromises as far as I'm concerned.

    The FCB1010 operates in a similar way to the remote so that's of no use. The others are midi controllers generally.

    As I mentioned in the OP... I create a new preset (rig) for each song. If I want to edit an amp in a rig using Performance mode, I have to do it for every preset (song) that contains it since every rig is a unique copy. Multiply that by 20+ songs in a set and it gets crazy. (Fractal solved this in the Axe-FX II with a Global Amps feature, so that you could save a master amp globally which when edited would update across all presets which contained it.)

    The only solution is to program fewer presets, meaning one preset has to do the work of many songs in a set. This is fine, but then there are issues with naming the presets so that I know what each one does in the heat of a performance, and having enough stomps available for the songs that require them, etc.

    Edited 2 times, last by Stringtheorist (November 23, 2017 at 8:01 PM).

  • I use the Voodoo Lab Ground Control and GCX switcher. I run it in both performance and browse mode with no problems. I can also turn on/off effects in the Kemper and also my stomp boxes that I still use. I also use morphing, etc. The only thing that does not work well is the looper, but I never use one so it’s not a concern for me.

    I am happy with my setup

  • As I mentioned in the OP... I create a new preset (rig) for each song. If I want to edit an amp in a rig using Performance mode, I have to do it for every preset (song) that contains it since every rig is a unique copy. Multiply that by 20+ songs in a set and it gets crazy. (Fractal solved this in the Axe-FX II with a Global Amps feature, so that you could save a master amp globally which when edited would update across all presets which contained it.)
    The only solution is to program fewer presets, meaning one preset has to do the work of many songs in a set. This is fine, but then there are issues with naming the presets so that I know what each one does in the heat of a performance, and having enough stomps available for the songs that require them, etc.

    If you've got that many rigs then I see what you are saying but I am surprised you need that many and need to edit so often but sounds like you've looked into it thoroughly.

    I only use about 6 or 7 rigs as my base sound and play everything off that ( boosts, effects etc).. I have a standard rhythm, clean and lead. As the stomps can switch on multiple effects as well this is plenty for what I need.

    Sounds like your music is more complex - I'm not that good :)

  • Sounds like your music is more complex - I'm not that good :)

    Just covers... but in this particular band we're planning to do a bunch or Rage Against The Machine / Audioslave songs which tend to require a lot of FX. Nearly every song in the set uses a Wah or an AutoWah effect also, plus various length delays, etc. It adds up. In Performance mode I have 28 songs organised into 6 banks (one rig per song). I figured out that I could cut that down to around 10 rigs in total if I used Browse Mode with a suitable MIDI controller.

  • I used to play a few rage songs and had one expression pedal for Wah and one for Whammy. The Wah stays pretty constant but you could have these as stomps. Tom does use a few Whammy settings but only about 3 I think ( 1+octave, 2+ octave and a weird one in Know your enemy).

    But I understand yes these are not named so you'd need to remember which stomp does what for the same effect.

    Makes sense now...

  • As I mentioned in the OP... I create a new preset (rig) for each song. If I want to edit an amp in a rig using Performance mode, I have to do it for every preset (song) that contains it since every rig is a unique copy. Multiply that by 20+ songs in a set and it gets crazy. (Fractal solved this in the Axe-FX II with a Global Amps feature, so that you could save a master amp globally which when edited would update across all presets which contained it.)
    The only solution is to program fewer presets, meaning one preset has to do the work of many songs in a set. This is fine, but then there are issues with naming the presets so that I know what each one does in the heat of a performance, and having enough stomps available for the songs that require them, etc.

    Interesting use case.

    Several people on this forum have requested that Kemper create a performance manager capability (perhaps in rig manager). I wonder if such a feature would allow you to do what you need as well.

    The past reason for this request has been so that when the set list changes, it is easy to manage the performances on the KPA. It may also work for your use case (if it ever comes to pass).

    In the mean time, a decent MIDI pedal is likely your best bet. Personally, I would always trend toward ones which were able to get the rig names out to the floor board.

  • You might want to check out this one:…midi-controller

    Any switch can send PC or CC, any combination possible. 6 switches with one more layer each. And the display shows individual names for each switch. I found no other controller that versatile. This one doesn't think in operation modes where each has its pros and cons. It simply lets any switch do what one wants it to do. So no need for Performance Mode.

    If K-Team doesn't come with an APP 'til NAMM I will be getting one of these.

    P.s.: I mailed with them, very friendly and helpful.

    Gear: Strats & KPA. Plug Ins: Cubase, NI, iZotope, Slate, XLN, Spectrasonics.
    Music: Song from my former band:[/media][/media][/media] Something new on the way...

  • I recently ordered this...

    I should get it maybe Friday or early next week. Can let you know what I think after I spend some time with it.

    I may be of no help, as I am a midi noob... I have never used a Kemper remote so I don't have that experience to base anything on.

    I have programed the TB-11 to use in performance mode and what I am not liking at all is Im not seeing the rig (slot) being displayed, and I can't see what effect is on other than an indicator. So I have to just remember... Not really what I was wanting.
    I'm going back to the drawing board, and try to get it to work in Browser mode to at least be able to see what rig Im using, and then try to set up my effects in general universal order to help me remember without looking back.
    The TB-11 seems to be great midi option, but as with any midi controller, limited in some ways compared to the remote.
    I would have liked to have ordered a remote, but still unavailable... unless I buy another Kemper... whatever

    I'm sure there are things I'm missing in programing the TB-11, but thats probably why I should be using a remote instead.

  • I used the FCB 1010 with the Uno4Kemper chip for about 1.5 years.

    It was serviceable; however, the setup was a PITA on stage. 2 MIDI cords .... which you have the chance to get swapped in the wrong direction, and a power drop that you need near your feet. It is also quite large.

    I agree.... save up the money and get the remote. It is well worth the cost of admission. After all, you are playing on a ~$2000 state-of-the-art profiling amp. If you do live performances, the remote is a God-send.

  • I used the FCB 1010 with the Uno4Kemper chip for about 1.5 years.

    It was serviceable; however, the setup was a PITA on stage. 2 MIDI cords .... which you have the chance to get swapped in the wrong direction, and a power drop that you need near your feet. It is also quite large.

    I agree.... save up the money and get the remote. It is well worth the cost of admission. After all, you are playing on a ~$2000 state-of-the-art profiling amp. If you do live performances, the remote is a God-send.

    I already use the Remote, and I have to say that since I wrote this post I have a new-found appreciation of it.

    What I like about the Remote:

    • Small footprint.
    • Differently coloured LEDs for the stomps.
    • Clear text display with good backlighting and high-res image.
    • Soft switching action.
    • Full Kemper integration: 2-button states for Morphing, Momentary switching option, Performance mode, etc.
    • Single cable connection to KPA.

    What I dislike:

    • Latency using exp pedal ports 3-6.
    • Can't program more than 4 stomps without "doubling up" on the switches.
    • Must use Performance mode in order to fully benefit from Remote's integration, meaning having to copy each rig in a new performance slot (this is more a criticism of the KPA than the Remote, tbh).
  • I may be of no help, as I am a midi noob... I have never used a Kemper remote so I don't have that experience to base anything on.
    I have programed the TB-11 to use in performance mode and what I am not liking at all is Im not seeing the rig (slot) being displayed, and I can't see what effect is on other than an indicator. So I have to just remember... Not really what I was wanting.
    I'm going back to the drawing board, and try to get it to work in Browser mode to at least be able to see what rig Im using, and then try to set up my effects in general universal order to help me remember without looking back.
    The TB-11 seems to be great midi option, but as with any midi controller, limited in some ways compared to the remote.
    I would have liked to have ordered a remote, but still unavailable... unless I buy another Kemper... whatever

    I'm sure there are things I'm missing in programing the TB-11, but thats probably why I should be using a remote instead.

    unfortunately you cannot see slots names, at least on the latest firmware. In Performance mode TB-11P will show performance name and in the Browser - Rig name will displayed.
    What did you mean "can't see what effect is on other than an indicator" - you want to see effects names on LCD screen?

  • have anyone try this? Will the display the Kember tuner?

  • Hi,unfortunately you cannot see slots names, at least on the latest firmware. In Performance mode TB-11P will show performance name and in the Browser - Rig name will displayed.
    What did you mean "can't see what effect is on other than an indicator" - you want to see effects names on LCD screen?

    Hi Serg.
    I should have contacted you first. It would probably have saved me some time.
    I am new to using performance mode on the Kemper, so part of it is me rethinking how I set up banks and patches.
    I have only a couple performances, 10 slots. I have named them with 1st the number, then a letter or 2 to abbreviate the amp name in each slot... just to help remind me like this (1 F 30 45 FR SO). This way I know at a glance what performance I’m on, and what amp I’m using.
    I’m new in my band and as the second guitar player I’m just focusing on learning the songs. Not many effects and mostly dry amp tones
    In the future I will begin to setup performances for specific songs as I take on more of a lead role.

    With 2 lines on the screen, it would be nice to be able to assign what is displayed ...or more flexibility in patch naming I mean. Is it possible to get slot names displayed in the future ? Even the Kemper doesn’t show the effect name on the display in performance mode, but it does color code the indicator light.

    On a positive note, with all the switches customizable on bj devices, I can control everything on the Kemper with the shift mode feature. I being a noob was able to program it fairly easily. I just wasted some time (ok,. A lot of time) on slot naming. The TB 11 has a small footprint even with the expression pedal built in. Easy to tote around. I can control way more functions with it than the much larger FCB 1010. The build quality is excellent and the switches appear to be of good quality. I really do like the built in pedal over the Kemper Remote. It keeps things simple when I need them simple. I can add expression pedals if the need ever arises..

    Edited once, last by guitarj (December 16, 2017 at 7:28 AM).

  • Hi Serg.I should have contacted you first. It would probably have saved me some time.
    I am new to using performance mode on the Kemper, so part of it is me rethinking how I set up banks and patches.
    I have only a couple performances, 10 slots. I have named them with 1st the number, then a letter or 2 to abbreviate the amp name in each slot... just to help remind me like this (1 F 30 45 FR SO). This way I know at a glance what performance I’m on, and what amp I’m using.
    I’m new in my band and as the second guitar player I’m just focusing on learning the songs. Not many effects and mostly dry amp tones
    In the future I will begin to setup performances for specific songs as I take on more of a lead role.

    With 2 lines on the screen, it would be nice to be able to assign what is displayed ...or more flexibility in patch naming I mean. Is it possible to get slot names displayed in the future ? Even the Kemper doesn’t show the effect name on the display in performance mode, but it does color code the indicator light.

    On a positive note, with all the switches customizable on bj devices, I can control everything on the Kemper with the shift mode feature. I being a noob was able to program it fairly easily. I just wasted some time (ok,. A lot of time) on slot naming. The TB 11 has a small footprint even with the expression pedal built in. Easy to tote around. I can control way more functions with it than the much larger FCB 1010. The build quality is excellent and the switches appear to be of good quality. I really do like the built in pedal over the Kemper Remote. It keeps things simple when I need them simple. I can add expression pedals if the need ever arises..

    Yes, I will try to implement slot names displayed... need some time for investigation :)