[SOLVED] Pedal to Midi Feature : how to use it ?

  • Hi,

    as i understand is by activating this feature, it is possible to make the kemper seding CC on its MIDI output when a pedal (Wha for example) is activated. If this is the case, I'm reallt interrested in this feature to be able to reamp track when a WHA is used (I capture the DI and and MIDI channel to be able to send them again to the KPA when I reamp).

    The fact is, even if i activate the Pedal To Midi feature, i cannot see any activity on the KPA's MIDI ouput. Am I missing something ?


    "Have you configured one or two external devices on the “Perform Mode: MIDI” page in System Settings?"

    While being in Performance Mode enter System Settings, navigate to page "Perform Mode: MIDI", set up one or two external devices with
    a. MIDI channel
    b. MIDI output your cable is connected to
    c. a logical name (this is optional)

    Once done, the feature is available in BROWSE mode and PERFORMANCE mode.

  • The four pedal controllers for Morphing (control change #11), Wah (control change #1), Volume (control change #7), and Pitch (control change #4) can be sent via MIDI to those two externaldevices configured on the “Perform Mode: MIDI” page in System Settings. This works even, if the expression pedals are connected to theProfiler directly, or to the Profiler Remote. To enable this feature pleaseselect the “Pedals to MIDI” option in System Settings.

    Perhaps you havn't set-up your external device(s) yet with MIDI channel and MIDI output to be used.

  • I cannot figure out how to make this thing working. I've checked the midi connection (with the third party toaster editor) the midi communication works well in both way. But if I just put a wha stomp and moving the pedal, ther is no midi message at all going out the kemper. What I'm doing wrong ?

  • I cannot figure out how to make this thing working. I've checked the midi connection (with the third party toaster editor) the midi communication works well in both way. But if I just put a wha stomp and moving the pedal, ther is no midi message at all going out the kemper. What I'm doing wrong ?

    Are you in Performance Mode? Have you configured one or two external devices on the “Perform Mode: MIDI” page in System Settings? After doing that, There is no cc1 being transmitted on the MIDI Channel specified for MIDI Out or MIDI Thru in the Performance Slot?

  • You never mention nor confirm these hints:

    "Perhaps you havn't set-up your external device(s) yet with MIDI channel and MIDI output to be used."

    or this

    "Have you configured one or two external devices on the “Perform Mode: MIDI” page in System Settings?"

    While being in Performance Mode enter System Settings, navigate to page "Perform Mode: MIDI", set up one or two external devices with
    a. MIDI channel
    b. MIDI output your cable is connected to
    c. a logical name (this is optional)

    Please confirm, that you have done this.

  • I've tried that :
    In performance mode
    - setting the midi output for device A (i forgot that)
    - once done, i can see on my midi monitor several CC#1 messages ... before a total freeze of the KPA (need to turn it off)

    In browser mode, i can't find these device A /device B midi options.

  • Ok, i confirmorking now in both modes (browse and performance). The freeze was due as suggered by paul by an unwanted loopback from the midi monitoring tool.

    Thanks for the help.

    BTW, i've never seen anything about this MIDI device configuration in the manual. Isn't it ?

  • I know this is an old thread but it's relevant to my current dilemma.
    I'm also having midi locking up my KPA where it requires a restart to fix it. I'm assuming it's this loopback issue.
    I'm using the iConnectivity mio by the way.

    Three questions:
    1) How can I stop the loopback issue? I still want the DAW to be able to send midi back to the unit when it needs to make channel changes but I still want to leave my remote connected so I can do manual changes as well.
    (I've been able to do this when I have programmed midi changes using a third party midi controller to record my midi changes; then feed them back to the KPA via DAW...and can still use my remote.)

    2) When I'm capturing via Remote; I see normal midi changes but also lots of SYX info being captured as well.
    Could that cause an issue on playback? I'm not sure what those SYX commands are that it's capturing.

    3) When setting the 'Perform Mode: MIDI' section; does A & B have to be separate midi channels? I've got the KPA configured to Channel 16, but can I have those A&B for the pedals on 16 as well?
    Not sure if that's causing an issue or not.

  • If I understand you correctly, the lockup is due to a sysex feedback loop. The iConnectivity configuration software allows you to block sysex at input or output. Maybe worth trying that.