NAMM 2018

  • I get it. An editor would be good. I've recently rearranged the music room and the Kemper now sits slightly less comfortably in reach and an editor would negate that. Also, i find managing my presets a bit of a drag at times.

    To clarify, I'm using mine for massive, full blown effect laden tones, individual profiles for each song in my band's set, morphing, automated midi control, all that stuff. At gigs, rehearsals, in a studio and at home.

    But I found a huge benefit for not using an editor. At a recent band practice I realised a newly crafted profile needed tweaking mid song. With just a couple of button pushes and knob turned I was happy and barely missed a beat. Back when I had an Line6 HD500, I was so used to using the editor that I would struggle to remember how to change things without a computer plugged in. I would never have been able to make a big change so quickly that the band continued without a hitch.

    Further, I've been chatting to a few Helix users recently that are ecstatic about the new BE100 rig coming to the Helix. I remember this excitement and that's one of the main reasons I moved to a Kemper; we are not tied into the tones supplied to us by the manufacturer. I got so fed up of hoping that the new update would finally bring me a tone that would be 100% right to my ears, only to be deeply disappointed and unable to do anything about it. Not at all with the Kemper, I can download profiles until I drop.

    Of course I'd enjoy the fun of new reverbs too but I'm happy to negotiate the 10 or so settings that allow me to get really good results. Sure, there's no modulated or spring reverbs but combine the reverbs with the delays and there's nothing I can't do that I want to. A favourite trick of mine is to use the ducking setting on a modulation so that it sounds as if only the delay/reverb is being effected. Sometimes I wonder if people just expect a preset to be spot on and when it's not to find the next one is.

    A Kemper isn't a Helix. The Kemper doesnt have an editor but the Helix doesn't do what a Kemper can either. I have two devices from FAMC; a Liquid Foot (midi foot controller) and a Liquid Tracks (audio and midi recorder/player). The Liquid Foot has an editor and would be a complete and utter dog without one. The on-device programming is terrible. The Liquid Tracks has no editor. It is a pretty straight forward device however it is a complete ball ache to programme simple presets and label them. I've pretty much stopped giving them labels now as it is so clunky. In comparison, the hugely complicated Kemper is a doddle.

    I can see the appeal of a Helix, a fancy editor and VST capability, however there is no way i will ever sacrifice the convenience of one for the freedom to find/create my ideal tones.

  • The guy From Trivium was asked by Anderton's (skip to 2:40) if playing the kemper live changes the Feel..Guess what he said :)

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    Have a beer and don't sneer. -CJ. Two non powered Kempers -Two mission stereo FRFR Cabs - Ditto X4 -TC electronic Mimiq.

  • The guy From Trivium was asked by Anderton's (skip to 2:40) if playing the kemper live changes the Feel..Guess what he said :)

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    He knows nothing. He never tours a bar for 3 drunk people dancing or plays to the wall, so what he knows about congestion, lack of immediate attack, fizz and editor. Very disappointed, I am speaking for everyone here! ;)

    p.s. My NAMM award goes to Andertons for this troll. You guys are very close to mastery :)

  • No video on YouTube yet. I wonder how this is even possible. They must have told everyone to please not post anything yet. Or am I missing something?

    On a side note: The real hype seem to be the vloggers. Feels like in the comments it's more important to discuss who should have done the interview instead of talking about the new gear shown. This is a bit weird.

    Gear: Strats & KPA. Plug Ins: Cubase, NI, iZotope, Slate, XLN, Spectrasonics.
    Music: Song from my former band:[/media][/media][/media] Something new on the way...

  • No video on YouTube yet. I wonder how this is even possible. They must have told everyone to please not post anything yet. Or am I missing something?

    On a side note: The real hype seem to be the vloggers. Feels like in the comments it's more important to discuss who should have done the interview instead of talking about the new gear shown. This is a bit weird.

    Sorry for off topic but this is actually quite normal. Social media. Most people who are commenting hardly can afford or use the gear presented and there is a cult of "celebrity" going.

    To get back on topic, this NAMM was absolutely awesome so far. New PRS amp is bonkers (pre-ordered), I really like Ibanez AZ guitars, there is tons more. Good times.

  • Sorry for off topic but this is actually quite normal. Social media. Most of people commenting hardly can afford or use the gear presented and there is a cult of "celebrity" going.

    Just felt it was a bit extreme this year :D .

    For NAMM, the Charvel Dinky line is calling my name. The one with the charcoal ash body... mhmmm. Ibanez AZ also very nice. So many great choices...

    Gear: Strats & KPA. Plug Ins: Cubase, NI, iZotope, Slate, XLN, Spectrasonics.
    Music: Song from my former band:[/media][/media][/media] Something new on the way...

  • Guys

    This is just my view.

    From Fireloogie's comment maybe it's not extreme but more a sign that the Kemper user base is increasing and with this increase in user volume it has brought with it new feature requirements due to how these new users utilise the Kemper. I also think for the poor souls that have waited year and years for additional feature to have a year pass with nothing is annoying (I don't fall into that category but I empathise).

    When you boil down the requests about 90% of them are for an editor and better reverb. It seems counter productive to ignore these requests and let the user base become frustrated. A lot of people, like myself, purchased the Kemper to reduce kit, if you have to add a load of additional pedals to make up for its shortcomings then suddenly the cost skyrockets and you are carrying more rack cases.

    From what I see on the forum the general consensus is the Kemper has sub par distortions/boosts, sub par reverb, the rack is rather large compared to the competitors, it has no editor. It would only take 1 company to patent a slightly different profiling method, put it in a 2u rack, create an editor and add better distortions and reverb and suddenly Kemper would have a problem. From what I can see on the forum updates are free which is great but I would rather pay for them knowing the Kemper team can grow and that requests going back several years are being developed. So are Kemper standing still? Have I purchased a product that is no longer really being developed or being developed at such a slow rate that it will be overtaken by the time all the features required are available? These are my genuine considerations owning a Kemper.

    This does not mean the Kemper is bad for everyone. I like the reverb because I use them so little it's mostly irrelevant, I don't use distortion or boost pedals I just use the amp gain and I don't mind the rack being large as it has more button for functionality. I also find the unit extremely intuitive so I don't need an editor for general use, I do for recording though as like most on the forum I don't have a huge desk with integrated racks in an expensive studio, like a lot of people on here I work out of a converted garage/bedroom/small corner in the house.

    I think sometimes on the forum there is a lack of understanding for other people's opinions and requirements and almost an elitist attitude.

    Take care all


  • The few Andirons videos I watched on the Kemper before I bought it were a bit irrelevant for me. They seem to play the Kemper through a speaker setup when I thought the main selling point was direct.


    Kemper Rack OS 10.2.2 - Mac Sonoma 14.5

  • For me, the Kemper is just sitting around for house jamming on top of a speaker, sometimes on a stand face level so I can easily get to the little screen.

    For the real world I have a Boss ES-5 and my fav analog effects on a light little board, and my amps. THAT is simple. Even the little ES-5 has an editor! I don't have to get down on the floor and mess with little screens or close to the floor, I just use my laptop for any adjustments. Perfect. I love the -modern- age of simplicity and a big screen, we've moved pass the late 80's - early 90's of small screens and scrolling endlessly little dials, wearing them out through multitudes of sub-menus. It simply isn't needed anymore.

    My ENGL combo has 2 channels, 9 knobs, and a effects loop with channel switching. THAT is a real amp. My Diezel has 3 channels, a master, effects loops, midi, etc.. Simple. THAT is a real amp layout. That is not the Kemper.

    Guitar -> ES-5 -> Amp. EDITOR! It's so nice to just go right to the computer, see the map out of my chain, and change quickly.

    If I have a early 90's flashback and the urge to mess with the Kemper, which is NOT like an amp at all, but just another processor with more knobs and buttons and same tiny screen, I can scooch up close moving stuff out of the way so my guitar doesn't hit anything, and sit right in front of it (or stand if on the rack) and twiddle around the many many options, just like I did when rack gear first came out.

    When editors came out, it was a god send. Wow! I don't have to bang up my guitar or look like I am a scrunched up hermit for several hours making changes! I can just sit comfortably -away- from my rig with plenty of room and have everything huge and big! The future is now!

    Seriously... Even foot pedals have editors now... -----> even. footpedals...

    So you guys that want to hold on to some silly idea that something that is now absolutely STANDARD today is not needed, good luck with the past. Enjoy it. The kemper for me is fun, but I have the real thing too, and is compact and just as easy to use. I figured the Kemper would quickly catch up to the Axe FX in ease of use, but with no editor, there is no way.

    The Kemper just keeps getting bigger and bigger with effects and features, so as I use it, I get that same nagging feeling I had with my giant rack full of gear, so many choices, a little window to it, and the echo of: "Do I really need all this to just play?" Haha...

  • From Fireloogie's comment maybe it's not extreme but more a sign that the Kemper user base is increasing and with this increase in user volume it has brought with it new feature requirements due to how these new users utilise the Kemper.

    Ehm just for clarification: I did not mean this particular thread here, I meant the comments on YouTube regarding NAMM. Should have made this clearer maybe.

    For the editor thing: I can't understand why there's a debate. Some want an editor because their KPA is out of reach. That simple. This is different from almost any other feature request so no ranking is needed here. Though I'm one of these I don't expect anything from Kemper as if they owed me something. If not having an editor was such a bummer I would not have bought the device as I had known this before. What ever they will give to us will be great for a lot of users. And if it takes time, it only proves they won't handle us anything medicore.

    Gear: Strats & KPA. Plug Ins: Cubase, NI, iZotope, Slate, XLN, Spectrasonics.
    Music: Song from my former band:[/media][/media][/media] Something new on the way...

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  • Someone posted a screenshot of the ZOOM G3x editor from NAMM. The ZOOM, a $129ish amp modeling pedal, has an editor.

    Kemper kills everything in its path tonally. Which is what matters to me. But ignoring the onslaught of social media requests for it, to me, is a risky move. Armchair business degree disclaimer fully noted :D

    Line 6 really changed the game as of late and it would be tough to compete in that regard. If they found their own way to approach profiling (even though it would be inferior); well; that would increase the heat even further.