Looking for this kind of sound, any suggestion?

  • Hi!
    I'm looking to get close to the sound John Mayer achieves at the intro of this video (from the beggining to minute 1 or so). Also on the solo (3:37, same kind of tone), and the outro (4:23), which also has some awesome overtones that I don't know how to get (I guess it comes a little bit from rolling down the tone, but I cannot nail it).

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    Any tips and profile suggestions? (I guess the first thing is the right guitar, I'm using an american Fender Strat that gives me easily many John Mayer's kind of tones, so I think that point may be covered)

    Edited 2 times, last by AlvaroQB (October 21, 2017 at 4:01 PM).

  • I think its a lot to do with the overdrive pedals, and note that his strat has special pickups "3 Big Dipper Single-Coil Strat Pickups with Special Scooped Mid-range Voicing to Meet John Mayer's Specifcations"

    Sterling Musicman JP150, Fender USA Strat
    Kemper Powerhead & Remote > ElectroVoice ZLX12-P | Palmer 1x12 Cab(G12M) | Sennheiser HD558
    Audient iD14 > Reaper

  • I think its a lot to do with the overdrive pedals, and note that his strat has special pickups "3 Big Dipper Single-Coil Strat Pickups with Special Scooped Mid-range Voicing to Meet John Mayer's Specifcations"

    I think this can give a lot of guidance. Within the Kemper the green scream is going to get you very close with the right amp. Here's what I tried and it sounded in the ball park.

    Grean Scream drive at 5 and same with tone
    MB OTS CLN 1 (From the factory profiles it's an MBRIT profile
    Kemper standard EQ with Pre engaged Boost bass and Treble cut the mid and presence to taste (this is personal I just prefer EQ in the PRe position if I need to retain more of the amp character.)
    a Delay setting above 800ms with little modulation within the Delay
    Reverb to taste
    If you play the licks, I think you would be very close. But as mentioned I think the Tube Screamer type drive is must for this sound. Any Hot Neck strat pickup will get you in the ball park.

  • Try rolling your tone control off a bit with this rig. (You may need to add gain to suit your Strat - I reduced my profile's original gain to make it sound more like a Clapton sound).

    It is on the Rig Exchange/ in Rig Manager: "Fender Dyn DR Clapton paults"

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  • Thank you all! I tried the settings suggested by Dean_R, changing the parameters a little and using a TS copy I have here, and I got a simmilar kind of tone that works really nice! I'm gonna try the same with other MBrit profiles and the one suggested by paults.

  • Here are two profiles of my amps,that I've tried to adjust to your default sound.
    Maybe you can use it.

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  • Sounds like an Octavia on the second solo.

    A big part of this is the volume levels and the interaction between his guitar and the speakers IMO.

    If I set my Bogner for that sort of tone it sounds pretty good at normal room levels, but when I get it up to concert levels it's unbelievable.