Online petition for software editor - support appreciated

  • The only thing more useless than signing a petition is a slacktivist hashtag campaign. The company isn't forced to acknowledge, care, or do anything about a bunch of random people online petitioning them about something. Hell, it's kind of embarrassing when you consider the truly viable reasons to petition people.

    I'll keep my trap shut about the stir I created earlier with loose lips after NAMM, so all I'll say is the same thing I said at the time: just be patient. ;)

  • ... and as the one castigated for paraphrasing you some months later, MM, I'll keep mine shut too, other than to paraphrase both you and me again from this thread by saying, "be patient...". :D

    I personally do not find a need for software. Everything I need is on the unit itself. To me, it is, at best, a "nice to have" feature. The argument that other modelers have software, then Kemper should simply doesn't work. In fact, they are probably doing you a favor.

    As others have said many times in the various threads, LP'd, those with studio-style setups, especially where the KPA is racked-up, could really use an editor for ergonomic / work-flow reasons. The anticipated preset and Cab-handling features would be icing on the cake, and help speed things up even more.

    Kemper should have the best editor as it's the most advanced modeler...

    I agree Dean, and I reckon it will. As Kemper's track record proves, it's always worth the wait.

    Sorry Nicky but I have to respectfully disagree, if they heard eons ago how come there's still no editor? No offense to the Kemper team intended, but they might have heard but didn't truly listen to their customers. The delays are great, but without an editor they're more than a pain to fiddle with the knobs. Why not give choices to the many who want a computer editor and those who love to fiddle with knobs can have their way too?

    The best recipes often take the longest to prepare and cook, as you'd know, Dean.

    Sorry I've got nothin' else to appease you or anyone else, but given the overall timeframe at this point, you'd think that if one were on its way, it wouldn't be far off now.

  • ... and as the one castigated for paraphrasing you some months later, MM, I'll keep mine shut too, other than to paraphrase both you and me again from this thread by saying, "be patient...". :D

    As others have said many times in the various threads, LP'd, those with studio-style setups, especially where the KPA is racked-up, could really use an editor for ergonomic / work-flow reasons. The anticipated preset and Cab-handling features would be icing on the cake, and help speed things up even more.

    Please don't get me wrong. I am talking about my own experience. Of course, it could benefit others that need to be away from the unit, like studios, etc. From my (non studio) perspective, the Kemper replaces an amp head, and I use it as such. All the controls are right there for me, in a very intuitive manner, just like an amp head.

    My point was that the Kemper settings can be easily changed in the existing interface. But of course, there are exceptions, like the studio setup.

  • On my phone, it doesn't say what the petition is for, just shows a picture of a KPA. Someone on Facebook just posted the link without context, and when I clicked the picture of the KPA, it said i had signed! For the record, any Kemper mods or techs, it wasn't my intention.

    Having said that, I understand some people's needs for an editor, even if I myself shudder at the thought of clicking and dragging knobs around with a mouse. I just personally think that petitioning a company to put funds and resources into building a separate platform that contradicts their vision for their product comes off a bit spoiled brat-like, no offence.

  • Hey guys,

    i know, mostly everything about this topic has already been already said by now, but somehow i feel the urge to share my 2 cents about it as well ^^
    I do understand both sides on this topic (though i would personally really appreciate an editor), but there is one thing that bothers me a bit and i think this is a reason that justifies the constant 'beating of a dead horse':

    Scenario 1: The Kemper Team is already working on an editor. I would understand that they do not want to give too much info or even a release date, as everyone would complain if they can't meet that goal. However, in this scenario, i do not understand why they do not just say: "Listen Folks, we are developing an editor, but we can't say when it's finished as it is a lot of work. When it's ready, we will release it"
    This way, we could stop constantly wishing for an editor, as we knew that one is coming.

    Scenario 2: The Kemper Team has reasons to not develop an editor. In this scenario, i do not understand why they do not just state these reasons and just close this topic. If they would say: "Because of reason XY we do not develop an editor." Then everyone wishing for an editor could decide wether he still wants to use the kemper with the knowledge that it will never get an editor or if he wants to start looking for a different device.

    In either case, why not just give a short statement about this issue? Apparently it is an (if not the most) important topic within the kemper community. Why can't they put these tiring discussion to rest by stating their opinion?

    And this is why i do understand why this topic is constantly brought up. Of course, they know about the issue. But this is the whole point of demonstrations/petitions. Showing how important the topic is and annoying someone until he gives a statement. And as long as there is no clear statement, every new discussion/request/petition might be the pivotal argument for kemper.

    I would appreciate to discuss these points/this opinion with you guys.

  • I would appreciate to discuss these points/this opinion with you guys.

    I'd like to have some information, too.
    It seems to be Kemper's business principle not to talk about unplaced eggs. We've noticed that over the years.
    Why should they abandon their principles? No one is against the principle that Kemper provides upgrading at no cost.
    We often experienced that upgrades based on customer requests are suddenly implemented. No announcement has ever been made before.

    I would think that the possibilitiy to make requests for changes and expansions should not be overused.
    No one is forced to buy a Kemper. The rules of the game are determined by the manufacturer.

    That's not my opinion, it's an experience I've made here and elsewhere.
    My opinion is that the long and useless whining is boring.

  • I would appreciate to discuss these points/this opinion with you guys.

    You'll be stunned (not!) to learn that even the points you brought up have been beaten to death, LH. :D

    A couple of years ago, and I'll have to paraphrase yet again, although I think I can match it word-for-word, someone from the team said, "There are no plans for an editor at this time". If you've ever heard a politician say something like this, you'll know that it's a classic case of leaving one's options open. That was early-on in the piece (editor "saga").

    Since then, the forum at-large has come to accept that the company has a policy much like Apple's. If a company breaches its M.O. then it sets a precedent and is expected to adopt the new behaviour from that point onwards. In light of this, unless the company's going to rewrite its development / disclosure policy, it's not going to bow to pressure, be it via forums, 'phone or petitions.

    IMHO, the fact that it hasn't been ruled out speaks volumes, and is good-enough for me. I know it's not for many others, but as I suggested, once one accepts that it's the company's right to craft and implement its policies, one has to, at some point, recognise the fact that it knows all it needs to know regarding, in this case, the passionate requests for an editor.

    Harry beat me to it.

  • I can't believe this.For that kind of money, I'd think you'd try to find out exactly what you're buying.

    But anyway - I would like tor have an editor but I am not crying for it.

    I know of another person on this forum who didn't know. I myself heard of Kemper in 2012 and bought it in 2015 and didn't know that there was no editor. It wasn't a deal breaker for me, but I can see how others nowadays don't expect that a digital device doesn't have an editor. At the time I bought it RIG Manager was out and the product description said "software librarian" so I thought it was also an editor.

  • Why should they abandon their principles?

    Since then, the forum at-large has come to accept that the company has a policy much like Apple's. If a company breaches its M.O. then it sets a precedent and is expected to adopt the new behaviour from that point onwards.

    Thanks for your statements

    However, i have to object somehow :D

    I understand their principle of not giving away too much information and i do see the benefits of this strategy.
    However, i think my thoughts do not contradict this principle.

    Take the spring reverb for example.
    A long time, many users have asked for a spring reverb. I remember that at some point, the kemper team said that the spring reverb is on their to-do list but they will not give any more info. We would know about the release date when they will release it.
    Afterwards, the frequency of requests for a spring reverb decreased (at least in my perception).

    So when this is possible, why not do the same regarding an editor?