• The other day I had the privilege to try out some Kemper profiles from the one and only Matthew Figurski! I got the profiles of "Mr. Boga", "BE100", "Camerica" and then a single profile of a Marshall 2555! And I must say that it has been a real pleasure to go through them one by one!!

    To begin with, I have to say that all of these profiles are VERY well made. In my opinion, some of the best profiles on the market. They are all very dynamic and have a huge tweaking potential! You can get both the killing high mids, the fat bottom sound and a screaming lead tone with lots of high. All of the included amps amazing, and every one of them is customizable to your liking! If you then add a tube screamer, some reverb and a nice delay you will get one of the best lead tones I have ever heard!! I have gone through about 90 of them... And I don't hesitate when I say it, I'm deeply impressed!!

    Of all these great profiles I struggled really hard finding the one i liked the most, but some of the BE100 profiles are just KILLING!! They will definitely be on my Clean/Crunch/Overdrive "Rock ´n Roll/Hard Rock" live rig!!
    To be honest, these profiles, in my opinion, are not perfect for my personal live sound. They just don't fit the sound i want when I play thrash metal with The Generations Army. But in situation where I'm going to play hard rock, rock and blues these profiles will be my best bet.

    To all the KPA users; spend some money on Matt's profiles! They are totally worth trying out if you look to replace some
    of your existing ones with some high quality stuff.
    Horns up Matt and keep making these amazing profiles!!

  • I'll just want to add my appreciation of Matts BE100!
    After using it for week it has become my to go profiles at the moment. A good set of clean/crunch/higain profiles that sounds amazing right out of the box due to a great cab as one of the reasons.
    Reacts to volume, attack and pickups really well with great detail and string separation without any traces of phase issues or other artefacts.

    Edited once, last by Janne (September 15, 2017 at 7:05 PM).

  • Anyone willing to write a review of a profile pack gets a freebie today. Hit me up!


    Do you have anything especially suited for stoner rock/metal like orange goblin?

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    Edit: what a horrible "thumbnail" =O

    Then I'd definitely be up for a review :)

  • I have a few I could send from my early packs that would get this sound....I must warn you that they take a tweak or two to get proper as they were profiled with controls at noon...

    It took some time until I realized, how the old profiles work. Even if I am totally blown away from the newer stuff, I don't wanna miss the old ones. I come back to them quite often - especially the DI profiles.

    The trick is to dial in gain (mostly much lower) and then it is VERY easy: Just treat the EQ (bass, middle, treble, presence) in the same way, you would do with a real amp. Tweaking is fast, works familiar and results are authentic and very good.

  • Again, be sure to set the EQ to liking and they'll begin to shine and bloom! Looking forward to your thoughts!

    OK, so first impressions:

    There are some real nice profiles in the selection you sent me (5 profiles incl 1 DI from each of the packs Stonerverb, Graphic OR and 100R - gain around 4-6 each, I think).

    It's very true that they react very well to the EQ controls. There are some very different "base sounds" in the profiles, and I didn't find all to my liking - but from each pack I'd say two out of four were very good platforms to build upon. There was definitely a clear difference between the packs in terms of the underlying amp and how it breaks up. I'll definitely spend some more time with the favourites.

    I think some of the amps (due to how they were profiled, as alluded to earlier) could use some more detailed EQ (in a stomp or FX slot). I need to experiment more with this, I haven't done so yet).

    But I've found a couple of real gems in there, which can take a lot of high EQ and presence without getting fizzy (which is something I don't run across very often for the kind of gain tones I like). Several profiles were very clear when playing just a single high string, but still deliver great overdrive/distortion when digging in to some power chords. I think these may become great favourites of mine. It's something I've been looking for lately, so this came at a perfect time! :)

    More to follow as I dig deeper. So far: definitely recommended :)

  • Hey guys,

    I'm really digging the Camerica and BE100 amps from Mattfig.
    Here's a video fo the Camerica in action:

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  • yesterday I had the chance to play a newly created performance in our rehearsal room, fitted with 5 profiles from Mattfig's great BE100 pack, 5 sounds from clean to hardrock-highgain.
    I must say: the profiles are just fantastic, I only made one small adjustment to the leadsound by adding some mids by studio-eq in order to meet my personal taste - the rest just works out of the box, and, most important (!), I had a lot of fun :D;)
    Many thanks to Mattfig for this excellent work! :thumbup:

  • I got the Loneclean and HumbleOD profiles and wow they are amazing. I mixed them with the IR stuff from Celestionplus plus a Barber Gain Changer X and the combo nails the tones I love to play.

    Thank you for the great profiles.

    And the fall coupon!

  • Hi,

    I take the opportunity and used the code for 50% off for the BE-100 pack and...it's INCREDIBLE !!!

    I already have different BE-100 packs and this one is excellent and has some excellent out of the box profiles!
    I also have a BE-100 at home (a "real one") and this pack keeps its feeling and mojo!

    Thanks a lot Mat !!

  • Hi Matt,

    Sorry but I didn't have tested some boosts with the profiles... I will try it.

    For the moment, I only have played with some different profils, without modification on the set up...
    Only plug with my "old" MusicMan Axis (1999), played with its volume pot and its toggle switch to adapt gain, for crunch and/or clean sounds !

    ...and it was singing like a charm !!

  • I purchased the BE-100 pack yesterday and it's fantastic. I'm a big fan of your low gain profiles and this pack has some gems. I roll back the gain a bit and have a couple overdrive pedals in the mono loop. Totally nails my kind of tone.

    I also like the fact that I don't have to make too many adjustments to dial in the profile for my tastes.

    Thanks mattfig!