Into the void aka You moron, you traded away the Kemper

  • That's sound and well-measured advice, Ash!

    Hehe, please don't shoot me, Ash! I'll deliver on those profiles, bud!

  • Brother AJ, maybe it's time for you to take Chill Pill™, matey. :D

    I mean, seriously, Dean means well. He defends the Kemper with a passion that reflects how impressive he finds the beastie. I try to as well, as I see nothing dishonest about communicating things as one sees them; I just don't have the balls to be as "in-your-face" and no-frills about it as he. I give full credit to him therefore for stepping up and taking many, many hits for the team, so to speak, something he's done consistently for a long time.

    If he gets a little carried away once in a while, that's understandable IMHO; he does cop pressure from many quarters at once and frankly I often shake my head and laugh at the thought of being in his position sometimes. I reckon it'd be too much for this lil' ol' monkey to bear.

    Anyway, I really only wanted to respond to your post #140 where I think you read too much into Dean's comments; I see no malice in them. As a famous scientist once said, "If you torture the data long enough it'll confess to anything". :D

    Anyway, I'm excited for you man. I sincerely hope your adventure doesn't end up costing you too much time and money relative to the lessons you learn. Mind you, that's a uniformitarian point of view, which isn't necessarily valid when it comes to we emotional beings. 8o

  • Thanks for the tip, @Monkey_Man, sound advice. I don't want this to go on any further. Long live the KPA, I'm a fanboy (accurate spelling) too.

    Could the mods kindly lock this thread? @DonPetersen @hjscheffler. It isn't contributing to the forums in any way.

    I just wanted to say goodbye, so

    GOODBYE, YOU KEMPER MANIACS! HOPE TO SEE YOU GUYS PLAYING SOMETIME SOON!  :thumbup::thumbup::thumbup::thumbup::thumbup::thumbup:

  • Besides who is Jake Pitts from the popular Rock band Black Veil Brides, Their albums only debut with around 40,000 records sold the first week cracking the U.S top ten charts at number 7 or eight.

    Both guitar players in the band use the Kemper Live and in the studio, but some people here are aiming bigger and better than U.S top ten charts. So KPA is not good enough for them.

    But F#@k me what do i know . This is the first time I've heard of this band, but I share their appreciation for Kemper and without knowing who they were I thought their 6505 destroys the Sin 6505. Is that a crime.

    Ugh, stop with the travesty...

    I'm sort of perplexed at why this matters. If somebody whose album debuts with 100,000 records sold in the first week and cracked the top ten charts at, say, 2 or 3, and they said the Kemper sucks and they only use a POD, would you then trust them more? This smells an awful lot like arbitrary appeals to popularity and authority because it's convenient for your argument. You yourself said you'd never heard of them before, but you presumably now care because they sing the praises of the device you hold dear. Consider that the vast majority of artists around the world use equipment other than a KPA. By your logic we could easily turn around and ask why their gear isn't good enough for you that they use to pump out top 10 records.

    Fact remains that some serious acts use the Kemper live & some in studio. Nobody here is saying the Kemper isn't good, sometimes great, only that it has marked differences from the source tone. That doesn't mean it's not still useful or you may prefer certain aspects of its fingerprint, but all this griping towards SinMix over what you argue he uses in his IR's not being true to the source tone is laughable when you look past the KPA's own marketing as being able to match a source tone while it recolors each tone in its own way. Maybe you don't hear the compressed tone on 90% of all the high gain profiles that makes it sound like the wah is engaged over everything or high mid fizz that the Kemper bakes in, but some of us do and it affects what we hear and play. We don't particularly care about what some top 10 band using the Kemper thinks, it doesn't really help the issues we try to resolve for ourselves.

    So get over this "these people think the Kemper sucks" line of thinking when that hasn't been the sentiment expressed at all. The mere fact that you try and ram this straw man tactic into the conversation is what reveals the "fanboi" (as AJ says) element of your appeal. You're trying to make it sound as if we are irrational for daring to challenge the infallible KPA so that it artificially validates your own opinion on the matter.

    Some guys come out with mind blowing stuff on the forums and we're now being told the profiles of our choice suck too.

    Nobody said your profiles suck, at least not that I've seen.

  • AJ, although it mightn't have been your intent, the thread has examined the pros and cons of foregoing a Kemper in lieu of a real amp. I honestly think that this aspect of it, which has largely become the gist of it now, is valid and worthy of consideration.

    I mean, "Hey guys, I'm selling the Kemper to try a couple o' real amps for the first time!" followed by a response of, "That sounds perfectly-reasonable in a budget home-recording situation to me" was realistically-speaking just never going to happen, was it?

    I also think the goodbye hasn't been protracted-enough. I wanna give you a hug and say goodbye again, or rather, a "See you soon, mate!"... followed by another one. I s'pose a part of me still hasn't come to terms with it. ;(

  • Ugh, stop with the travesty...
    I'm sort of perplexed at why this matters. If somebody whose album debuts with 100,000 records sold in the first week and cracked the top ten charts at, say, 2 or 3, and they said the Kemper sucks and they only use a POD, would you then trust them more? This smells an awful lot like arbitrary appeals to popularity and authority because it's convenient for your argument. You yourself said you'd never heard of them before, but you presumably now care because they sing the praises of the device you hold dear. Consider that the vast majority of artists around the world use equipment other than a KPA. By your logic we could easily turn around and ask why their gear isn't good enough for you that they use to pump out top 10 records.

    Fact remains that some serious acts use the Kemper live & some in studio. Nobody here is saying the Kemper isn't good, sometimes great, only that it has marked differences from the source tone. That doesn't mean it's not still useful or you may prefer certain aspects of its fingerprint, but all this griping towards SinMix over what you argue he uses in his IR's not being true to the source tone is laughable when you look past the KPA's own marketing as being able to match a source tone while it recolors each tone in its own way. Maybe you don't hear the compressed tone on 90% of all the high gain profiles that makes it sound like the wah is engaged over everything or high mid fizz that the Kemper bakes in, but some of us do and it affects what we hear and play. We don't particularly care about what some top 10 band using the Kemper thinks, it doesn't really help the issues we try to resolve for ourselves.

    So get over this "these people think the Kemper sucks" line of thinking when that hasn't been the sentiment expressed at all. The mere fact that you try and ram this straw man tactic into the conversation is what reveals the "fanboi" (as AJ says) element of your appeal. You're trying to make it sound as if we are irrational for daring to challenge the infallible KPA so that it artificially validates your own opinion on the matter.

    Nobody said your profiles suck, at least not that I've seen.

    Ah, I was referring to the attacks on Sinmix. He was very kind to me when I didn't have money for profiles, gave me a producer pack for free, no strings attached. A real gentleman, I understand that he has his own style of doing things, but I've never seen his idiosyncrasies as being full of malice or borne out of some hatred for the Profiler.

    He uses it and uses it well. Doesn't strike me as a guy who'll deliberately give profiles that are not top notch because he has some agenda to see the Profiler fail. Anyone can just go through his free profiles and compare them to a lot of the free profiles on the exchange and come to a conclusion.

    The stuff that has been said is unfair and uncalled for.

    AJ, although it mightn't have been your intent, the thread has examined the pros and cons of foregoing a Kemper in lieu of a real amp. I honestly think that this aspect of it, which has largely become the gist of it now, is valid and worthy of consideration.

    I mean, "Hey guys, I'm selling the Kemper to try a couple o' real amps for the first time!" followed by a response of, "That sounds perfectly-reasonable in a budget home-recording situation to me" was realistically-speaking just never going to happen, was it?

    I also think the goodbye hasn't been protracted-enough. I wanna give you a hug and say goodbye again, or rather, a "See you soon, mate!"... followed by another one. I s'pose a part of me still hasn't come to terms with it. ;(

    I'm the first to agree, Nicky! I've been saying so throughout this thread! Look at the thread title, I recognise this as being a move that could be filled with pitfalls of all kinds. The cops may come over to my house! I may be electrocuted! I may never get a good recording tone again! Maybe I'll go broke and be unable to afford a Kemper!

    The fact remains that nothing ventured, nothing gained. We all owe it to ourselves to not be afraid to adopt another approach or try something new.

    I mean, look at TGP. The whole place is nowadays filled with threads about people junking their pedalboards in favour of solutions like the Kemper.

    Why go against the flow?

  • Don't say that too loud. Next time you should go into whisper mode. They might start calling you a fan boy.

    There are literally 3 or 4 people on this forum who are either bored with Kemper, expect miracles or got fixated on superficial things having a massive stick up their arse and clinical OCD at the same time. Most of us know that original amp will sound closer to original amp than Kemper - if one wants a super authentic tone it's as simple as buying/renting the amp and cranking it up in a treated room (and some people here do just that - they are good, so they do get better tone/profiles) - it's not a big deal if you need "serious" recording, but of course it can become difficult if you live in apartment and about to record a next multi-million selling album right there (or at least it feels like that in persons's head, well, I sometimes hear voices too ;) ). That doesn't change the fact that Kemper is a game changer. Fanboy me away, see if I care.

    Bottom line is that lately, forum got a bit polluted with petty, repeated negativity about the same minuscule details. That shouldn't stop people from enjoying the Kemper.

  • Well for Me its really simple becouse I'm a simple Guy :D How we can do better things if someone still telling You You are the best this gear is best nothing better cant be done etc... not a good Way IMO. Kemper is great and for sure so far only Kemper profile after ptoffiling sounds very close to profiled amp (ok profiled miced cab :D ) but it's still not perfect saying this I'm not a dick but someone who knows what can be changed in the Future.

    Many people are sooo fuuu... blind and this is more sad than the fact that Kemper can sounds better (closer) to profiled guitar chain (yes not only amp) but amp + miced cab - maybe in the future also can profile some pedals like fuzz or Boss HM2 and we can use them in one of Kemper slots! Nothing more to say in this thread @nightlight good Luck again and as always Have Fun and Stay Metal! :thumbup:

    Stay Metal!

  • What I'd love to see from the Kemper 2 is not a miced cab sound, but an actual replica of the amp in the room sound, complete with matched tonestacks, and of course the choice to seamlessly use in any cabinet. The difference would be that you could play it at any volume without the need to crank it. That would be sweet!

    Not that I find anything wrong with V1, great sound, great FX. Clearly no better digital guitar processor/modeller/profiler to my ears.

    I'm not really sure how this devolved into a thread about the Kemper is better or something is better really. I've never said it. I don't know who said it.

    But yeah, there's bucket loads of negativity. There was really no need for this to turn into a Kemper versus other gear thread.

    Kind of silly really that this happens kind of sniping happens on every single thread where someone says they're moving to some other setup. It's like we're the Fractal forums, but we only kick in when someone is leaving. We don't even do it when people post negative things about the Kemper and that can be easily verified.

  • We are opening cans of worms here now and then. Bad thing. More often than not, this is a friendly, easy-going environment, and yet, we do have unnecessary confrontation that may be on trivial matters. We all have a right to like / dislike things, tone, players, guitars, kinds of music. But we should try to respect each other and keep things within an objective non-personal territory as much as we can. God, I'm sounding like the vicar here, or a father figure, and I'm neither that religious nor that old (though I am a father, ha, ha). And the ghost who walks, eh?
    We may all agree, first of all, that debate is not bad at all, and that tone is subjective, and that the pros and cons of a Kemper versus a real amp are subjective too. I think it is OK if you don't like the Kemper, and it is OK if the Kemper is the holy grail for you. But it wouldn't be commonsensical to tell anybody that recording an amp in a home studio is an easy matter. We may all agree to that? Still, this Kemperland is not a prison, or some sect that doesn't allow the converted to leave. We welcome new members and we wish good luck to those "morons" (not my words) that decide to leave and travel to new lands. I am very happy with my Kemper and yet I cannot guarantee I'll be a Kemper user forever. Can anyone?
    If we own a Kemper it means we like/love it to a certain extent. Some have had it for a long time and others for just a few days, but if we keep it after a while it usually means we think it is good or that we have not found anything better in the digital realm. Sure, we can discover pros and cons, or question ourselves whether we should try something new or go back to tube amps. Dissatisfaction is normal, human, and in some things like the epic search for the ultimate, probably more typical of the male side of humanity. As if the Kemper were a new lover, we may be infatuated for a some time and have a silly permanent smile on our face. Then, later, however good or "perfect" that lover may be to the eyes of everyone else, we discover the thrill is gone, as BB used to say, and we must start again in our quest for perfection. Yeah, the Kemper is just a machine, but we are always looking for tone nirvana, a pretty evasive thing. I have used a few amps with and without attenuation, tried solid state amps (yuk mostly), sold a Mars to buy an Engl later and feel I should have kept the former, tried analogic/valve overdrives, used preamps thru an ADA cab simulator and TLAudio tube EQ and compression, tried analogic effects, went digital and tried Pods, Line6 effects, the AXE Ultra, the Kemper....Some stuff I still have, other I sold. And have I progressed much? Sure. But tone is so much dependant on our hands! The Kemper is not perfect for us? Probably not. My vibrato, accuracy, speed, you name it? Certainly not, and they will never be, I guess. There are guys who may sound better with a Pod, or make anything sound good (that's why they endorse so many products). Sorry for writing that much. I tend to drop in and leave soon.

    Never too old for rock'n'roll

  • This deliberate contortion of what I said is dangerous. .....

    Lol @ the guy who thinks we should respect Bieber and Beyoncé because they made the Top 10....

    What you said :D?( I'm not sure you yourself even know what you're say saying. you called yourself a "moron" for trading your Kemper :thumbup: l. It's in the title of the thread isn't it?

    And let's pick at the above statement you said above where you're suggesting that Bieber and Beyonce don't deserve respect even if they made it to Top 10 :P .

    I no longer know who I'm talking to 8o Are you still in high school? So you think Metal is the only music that deserves respect. So Bieber and Beyonce' s music don't deserve respect because it doesn't have any heavy riffing guitars and thundering drums? Do you care to elaborate on why top ten artists don't deserve respect? I don't like their music myself but I have the utmost respect for them for knowing how to deliver their music to millions of people who happen to love and enjoy that music. What's there to disrespect? OO forgive me, I understand, it's not METAL

    I don't like to presume or conclude the obvious that you don't seem to have respect for those who have different interests than you or simply different than you, meanwhile you rant about lynching and being an outcast and whatever else you rant. Please elaborate why their music doesn't deserve respect other than the fact that you don't like it and it's different to you.

    Stay Metal :D

  • ..
    I'm sort of perplexed at why this matters. If somebody whose album debuts with 100,000 records sold in the first week and cracked the top ten charts at, say, 2 or 3, and they said the Kemper sucks and they only use a POD, would you then trust them more? This smells an awful lot like arbitrary appeals to popularity and authority because it's convenient for your argument. You yourself said you'd never heard of them before, but you presumably now care because they sing the praises of the device you hold dear...

    Don't be so perplexed, if you have an open mind, just listen to what I have to say.

    If top selling artists is using a POD then it means that the POD can be a viable solution if you learn how to use it. Garbage, the band used POD! POD was probably on more records than anyone can even imagine.
    Kemper is also on many records which means it's a viable solution. Simple as that, and actually a very good solution in many more ways than what the POD could do and that's not to minimize the contribution of the POD in all seriousness.

    Regarding Jake Pitts, I accidentally stumbled on his video while listening to some mix comparison started by SinMix where he claims that one of the tracks is a Kemper Profile of a 6505. To my ears the four different tracks of Kemper, Helix, etc all sounded lifeless and thin including the Plugin tse x50. I couldn't believe that a Kemper Profile was actually among the bunch and I couldn't explain it.

    So I went to youtube and search for "6505 Kemper". The first result wast the Jake Pitts video, Now it made sense after hearing the Jake Pitts 6505 that sounded like the Kemper I know. I didn't even know who Jake Pitts was and though he was just a regular guy, so i linked to the video in Sin's thread and asked how come non of the tracks of Sin's 6505 sounded or even resembled a 6505. DIMI said that Jake is in Black Veil Bride.

    Not that it was unusual, but it was interesting how quickly I was able to get a much better sounding 6505 that turned out to be used by a Rock Star who has a home setup where the two guitarists record all their records and take that same sound to the stage meanwhile a commercial seller of profiles and Impulse Responses is posting less than favorable clips that supposedly include a Kemper that's almost indistinguishable from a Plugin with Some Impulse response acquired using guitar amp Power Amp section

    I simply asked questions but didn't get answers so what would you think? you think someone is interested in selling Impulse responses by making them seem comparable to one of the biggest Dogs in modeling world (KPA) because this would open them up to a big market for those who own, helix, torpedo, Axe etc, etc.??

    Honestly the thought crossed my mind and since I like transparency I didn't see any harm in bringing it up.

  • What you said :D?( I'm not sure you yourself even know what you're say saying. you called yourself a "moron" for trading your Kemper :thumbup: l. It's in the title of the thread isn't it?
    And let's pick at the above statement you said above where you're suggesting that Bieber and Beyonce don't deserve respect even if they made it to Top 10 :P .

    I no longer know who I'm talking to 8o Are you still in high school? So you think Metal is the only music that deserves respect. So Bieber and Beyonce' s music don't deserve respect because it doesn't have any heavy riffing guitars and thundering drums? Do you care to elaborate on why top ten artists don't deserve respect? I don't like their music myself but I have the utmost respect for them for knowing how to deliver their music to millions of people who happen to love and enjoy that music. What's there to disrespect? OO forgive me, I understand, it's not METAL

    I don't like to presume or conclude the obvious that you don't seem to have respect for those who have different interests than you or simply different than you, meanwhile you rant about lynching and being an outcast and whatever else you rant. Please elaborate why their music doesn't deserve respect other than the fact that you don't like it and it's different to you.

    Stay Metal :D

    I also wrote "into the void", it's an old Black Sabbath song that I don't think you're familiar with. Why focus on moron? I'm black and it's the sabbath, but that's obviously not cool enough.

    The fact that you think Justin Bieber deserves any kind of respect as a Musician kind of shows the disconnect we're having here. It is pretty damn laughable. Do you play the Kemper anymore, or just take digs at anyone who isn't part of the hive mind you want this place to become?

    I listen to the Beatles, the Rolling Stones, The Who, Little Richard, Chuck Berry, Jerry Lee Lewis; Iggy Pop, Frank Zappa, Led Zeppelin, The Doors, Miles Davis, John McLaughlin, Jimi Hendrix, Joe Satriani, Steve Vai, Slayer, Megadeth, Meshuggah, Dream Theater, and a whole spittoon of artists.

    If you think Byonce and Bieber deserve respect, you're off your rocker. "Britney Spears deserves respect", oh my lord.

    You are hopelessly lost. I have a finite amount of money and time to listen to music. I spend it listening to the good stuff, not just some crap that is force fed to me on the radio because the record companies are fucking force feeding the masses with images of skimpily clad girls and faggots with swag.

    Pardon my French because you're so PC, @Dean_R.

    Let's all worship the Kardashians because they're the stars of today, that's what you're telling me. And I think it's just deplorable that you're advising people to worship mediocrity because it was smartly packaged. Just like the 13-year-old teenage girls that the recording industry feeds off.

    This is what this thread has deteriorated to. I'm forced to say, "please don't worship the Kardashians and Bieber, you're being played and you don't know it."

    I mean, honestly.

    I'm going to yank and crank those amp still the cops come, deal with it

  • We are opening cans of worms here now and then. Bad thing. More often than not, this is a friendly, easy-going environment, and yet, we do have unnecessary confrontation that may be on trivial matters. We all have a right to like / dislike things, tone, players, guitars, kinds of music. But we should try to respect each other and keep things within an objective non-personal territory as much as we can. God, I'm sounding like the vicar here, or a father figure, and I'm neither that religious nor that old (though I am a father, ha, ha). And the ghost who walks, eh?
    We may all agree, first of all, that debate is not bad at all, and that tone is subjective, and that the pros and cons of a Kemper versus a real amp are subjective too. I think it is OK if you don't like the Kemper, and it is OK if the Kemper is the holy grail for you. But it wouldn't be commonsensical to tell anybody that recording an amp in a home studio is an easy matter. We may all agree to that? Still, this Kemperland is not a prison, or some sect that doesn't allow the converted to leave. We welcome new members and we wish good luck to those "morons" (not my words) that decide to leave and travel to new lands. I am very happy with my Kemper and yet I cannot guarantee I'll be a Kemper user forever. Can anyone?
    If we own a Kemper it means we like/love it to a certain extent. Some have had it for a long time and others for just a few days, but if we keep it after a while it usually means we think it is good or that we have not found anything better in the digital realm. Sure, we can discover pros and cons, or question ourselves whether we should try something new or go back to tube amps. Dissatisfaction is normal, human, and in some things like the epic search for the ultimate, probably more typical of the male side of humanity. As if the Kemper were a new lover, we may be infatuated for a some time and have a silly permanent smile on our face. Then, later, however good or "perfect" that lover may be to the eyes of everyone else, we discover the thrill is gone, as BB used to say, and we must start again in our quest for perfection. Yeah, the Kemper is just a machine, but we are always looking for tone nirvana, a pretty evasive thing. I have used a few amps with and without attenuation, tried solid state amps (yuk mostly), sold a Mars to buy an Engl later and feel I should have kept the former, tried analogic/valve overdrives, used preamps thru an ADA cab simulator and TLAudio tube EQ and compression, tried analogic effects, went digital and tried Pods, Line6 effects, the AXE Ultra, the Kemper....Some stuff I still have, other I sold. And have I progressed much? Sure. But tone is so much dependant on our hands! The Kemper is not perfect for us? Probably not. My vibrato, accuracy, speed, you name it? Certainly not, and they will never be, I guess. There are guys who may sound better with a Pod, or make anything sound good (that's why they endorse so many products). Sorry for writing that much. I tend to drop in and leave soon.

    Where did this debate start though? Early on I acknowledged all the advice I was given.

    And then it goes on and on, what do you want to do? Crucify me?

    Or electrocute me (hah)?

  • <P3t3rB sighs as he has eaten a months supply of Sour Patch Kids reading this thread and wonders if AwesomeElvis has any to share>

    <also has a little chuckle when he thinks the first "heavy metal" album he bought was Masters of Reality by Black Sabbath in 1971>

    Perhaps it time to check out.