How many of you use the Kemper with a Acoustic Guitar ? ... or would like to

  • I'm just curious because i'll buy a Zoom a3 soon and that thing has simulations of other Acousticguitars on board, so that your normal piezo out sounds more like a miced martin guitar

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    So yeah, what do you think ?

    i think if it works it could turn the kemper in a awesome acoustic guitar platform

  • I had (and still have) the A3 before I bought the KPA . Now I use only the KPA for acoustic playing (Berts Profiles are really great among some others)

    The A3 do not has an acoustic simulator, but it helps to emphasize some sound aspects of your guitar and can modify the basic character of the sound in a certain way
    But like the KPA - it make not an acoustic guitar better as it is.

    For strumming accords in a rock band I use a fishman piezo in the strat bridge.

    For real acoustic work I use a Lowden with a LR Baggs contact PU.

  • Well, I had many acoustic preamps, LR Baggs, others...
    but from the day I got the Kemper, I used it for acoustic guitars aswell.
    With great sounds!!! If the pickup is sounding good, the Kemper will make it sound great!
    I often use a profile from a studio preamp, a little bit compression, perhaps some delay, chorus, reverb.
    The most effective way to get the sound the way I want it: using some studio EQ in the first slot...
    I only use 4 sounds in a big set of acoustic songs:
    "naked", just with a little bit reverb,
    "fat" with EQ to push some mids,
    "chorus"-sy sound for some special songs
    and a really special sound for some acoustic instrumentals, which I play on my on stage. Delay settings quite long and loud...

    I am really happy with that!
    Just one channel on the mixing desk, only one unit for all of my guitars, everything works out fine, best sounding!
    And since I got a really good active speaker (blueamps camper 112) I am zthe most happy guy on the planet.

    You have to give it a try - a miked Martin guitar can sound great, but..... it´s all in your fingers ...
    and: acoustic guitars and pickup systems...
    I use Furch guitars with LR Baggs Anthem and Element pickups, Furch´s with K&K pickup systems (pure mini with mic)
    an old Taylor with a Fishman piezo.
    Sometimes also a LR Baggs M1 active

    So: Kemper!!!!

  • I'm definitely planning to use mine for acoustic (and electric and bass and ukulele) with wireless in-ear monitors and stereo into the PA.

    My plan is to never mess around with physical guitar cabs again unless necessary. With the advances in IR (eg: I can buy a Neo Creamback IR from Celestion) there's enough scope if I want to go down that rabbit hole.

    I'll get a small pair of powered FRFR speakers for jams and small parties where there's no PA.

    I might have to keep a 1x12 V30 loaded cabinet around for situations involving tube amp purists. ;)

  • I use a Taylor T5Z into an A/B switch...acoustic direct to PA and electric into Kemper...incidentally the T5Z is almost identical in sound as my Taylor 614 direct...I'm actually not sure why I don't see more of these out there...great acoustic sound...great electric neck...great electric sounds...semi hollow for great controllable trem...maybe that's the issue...anyone else using this set up?

  • I tried my acoustic through the Kemper for the first time, yesterday. I still need to figure out how to mess with the settings to get a tone I like. I was using some of Bert's profiles, but they were sounding too bright and harsh.

    I am getting some clipping, somewhere, even though it isnt showing on the Kemper, interface, or DAW, so it's definitely fixable. I tried putting a 3 Sigma IR in the cab, which lowered the volume and smoothed it out, but I'm sure I can get there without the IR, using Bert's stuff.

    Anyone have any tips or tricks especially for acoustic?

  • Ah servus @getzzn :) hast jetzt auch nen Kemper? Kennst mich noch? :) wir hatten glaub ich beide mal das Axe Fx und da hast von mir mal ne Endstufe abgeholt und im "Nachtkastl" ham wir uns mal getroffen weißt noch? ^^

    Well i tried a few Preamps i'm just curious if these Acoustic sims of miced guitars that the a3 has could be a great addition

    thanks guys for the advice :) i'll try Berts profile then but a firend of mine offered me a a3 so i'll try it out ...

    Have you guys heard about the tone dexter ?

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    well my goal would be to get as colse as possible to a miced guitar sound as possible but i really don't know how at the moment ... maybe i should simply buy the tone dexter ^^

    and thanks for the recommendations guys :) i'll check it out... i just thought by know ther should be enough profiles for rock, blues and metal players out there so i guess I'll go mo for good clean sounds an bass and acoustic guitar profiles ...

    some might know but i made over 800 Profiles by now and if you want to try them check it out!…jIRStSXb0a?dl=0 (all amps of the AxeFx2, Helix, Vetta 2 and much much more) check my thread in free profiles for sound samples if you want to :)

  • I tried my acoustic through the Kemper for the first time, yesterday. I still need to figure out how to mess with the settings to get a tone I like. I was using some of Bert's profiles, but they were sounding too bright and harsh.

    I am getting some clipping, somewhere, even though it isnt showing on the Kemper, interface, or DAW, so it's definitely fixable. I tried putting a 3 Sigma IR in the cab, which lowered the volume and smoothed it out, but I'm sure I can get there without the IR, using Bert's stuff.

    Anyone have any tips or tricks especially for acoustic?

    Hi @patrick2099 if the volume is too high pull it back using the softknob amplifier (volume). I had to level it with my acoustics to be in line with my other profiles. Works fine for me but there are so many different acoustic pick up systems so it might be too loud for your acoustic...I tweaked almost all my profiles using the studio eq. If it's too bright for you switch it off or pull back some 10k or any other high frequency between 6k and 12k.

  • Hi @patrick2099 if the volume is too high pull it back using the softknob amplifier (volume). I had to level it with my acoustics to be in line with my other profiles. Works fine for me but there are so many different acoustic pick up systems so it might be too loud for your acoustic...I tweaked almost all my profiles using the studio eq. If it's too bright for you switch it off or pull back some 10k or any other high frequency between 6k and 12k.

    Thanks a lot for the very fast reply, Bert. I only had a few minutes to mess with it today, but I think that I found a big part of the problem. I think that the piezo on my acoustic is putting out more volume than my electric guitar with EMGs or a JB. Previously, I had been using it direct into the audio interface, with IRs, which drastically lowered the volume, so I didn't really notice how loud it was.

    Yesterday, I tried turning the compressor off to take away the loudness, which made things worse. Today, I took the output volume way down, and messed with the compressor a little, and got a MUCH better sound. I need to go through the profiles and find the best ones for my particular guitar and caveman-like playing. I think that some of the "harshness" was my pick clanging against the strings.

    Hopefully talking about specific profiles in this sub-forum doesn't get this moved or deleted, but if that is forbidden, someone let me know, and I'll know better for next time. I'm not trying to push anyone into buying anything, but I think that learning how to use particular profiles properly would fall under this one. I apologize if not.

    The soundclips for these sound great, so I know that the sounds are in there. It's really just a matter of me learning how to use the Kemper better. This weekend, when I have more time, I really need to use the headphones to try to pick the best acoustic profile and tweak it. I have a hard time with the guitar volume over my monitors unless I crank it to the point of getting feedback.

    Thanks for the profiles and for the advice!

  • When I use only acoustic on a gig, I use a Fishman Spectrum Aura. Instead of "modelling", it uses "profiles" of real guitars models that you blend with your piezo sound, it's on another level than the zoom, boss, etc. However when I have gig with both electric and acoustic, I use the KPA for convenience. The profiles that seems to work best for me so far are the factory stock profile "Acoustic B" and the "Rivera Sedona" by Dean on the Rig Exchange iirc. The Aura is a bit more authentic sounding (probably because I haven't found the definitive profile) but the KPA is easier to deal with by letting me add reverb/EQ/compression easily. Another advice learned the hard way is to be careful with the volume balance if you switch between acoustic and electric on a gig; the acoustic profiles are a lot quieter than the electric ones so might need to boost Db several notches on the acoustic.

  • When I use only acoustic on a gig, I use a Fishman Spectrum Aura. Instead of "modelling", it uses "profiles" of real guitars models that you blend with your piezo sound, it's on another level than the zoom, boss, etc. However when I have gig with both electric and acoustic, I use the KPA for convenience. The profiles that seems to work best for me so far are the factory stock profile "Acoustic B" and the "Rivera Sedona" by Dean on the Rig Exchange iirc. The Aura is a bit more authentic sounding (probably because I haven't found the definitive profile) but the KPA is easier to deal with by letting me add reverb/EQ/compression easily. Another advice learned the hard way is to be careful with the volume balance if you switch between acoustic and electric on a gig; the acoustic profiles are a lot quieter than the electric ones so might need to boost Db several notches on the acoustic.

    why not profile the settings that you like on the fishman ..? also there are aura profiles on RE ..

  • why not profile the settings that you like on the fishman ..? also there are aura profiles on RE ..

    yeah! that would be awesome :) having a the fishman aura sounds in the kemper :)

  • I use a Taylor T5Z into an A/B switch...acoustic direct to PA and electric into Kemper...incidentally the T5Z is almost identical in sound as my Taylor 614 direct...I'm actually not sure why I don't see more of these out there...great acoustic sound...great electric neck...great electric sounds...semi hollow for great controllable trem...maybe that's the issue...anyone else using this set up?

    I had a Taylor T5 for a short while. It played and felt fantastic. However, even at bedroom volumes, I couldn't control the feedback once any gain entered the equation. It would howl like a banshee. Even on crunch settings. Had to let her go in the end.

  • Have you guys heard about the tone dexter ?

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    well my goal would be to get as colse as possible to a miced guitar sound as possible but i really don't know how at the moment ... maybe i should simply buy the tone dexter ^^

    They don't ship to Europe yet. Just emailed them and they have no estimated time as to when ToneDexter will be available outside the US.

  • noooooooooo xD oh man :/ but why ? are there some americans here that could buy them for us and ship them over here? :D hmmm i would be a cool feature for the kemper too imo ^^