Official profiles from manufacturers - The next wave? Dr Z has some

  • I just saw that Dr Z amps has come out with their own profiles.…r_Profiles.html

    Pretty neat, I think, though I have no idea whether they are better or worse than profiles that users have made of the amp.

    I still think it is the next step in the evolution of the Profiler's capabilities. I mean, official amps, how cool is that?

    I would expect far more snapshots of the amp in various positions.

  • Its a great pack with lots of interesting effects in it, unique clean and crunch sounds from this amp, blues , classic rock to REGGAE....only half way through testing ATM :)

    Don't forget Andy already did the official victory amps pack too
    is there more?
    Yep way cool :)

    I heard a Kemper Profiler and I must say I was pretty amazed at the quantum leap they made in digital amplifiers

    DR Z


    Have a beer and don't sneer. -CJ. Two non powered Kempers -Two mission stereo FRFR Cabs - Ditto X4 -TC electronic Mimiq.

  • Tapp Amps offered some profiles of 2 of their amps for a while -->

    I think especially for smaller manufacturers (in this case they don´t even sell the amps officially) it is a great tool to get some recognition from a wider audience.

    And for the big guys like Marshall, Vox, Peavey, Mesa, etc... it could be also a great marketing tool. Just think about how many profilers are used and how many people they could reach with perfect made profiles.

    I hope this will happen in any way.

    Official Profile Packs?? Hell Yeah!

  • This is awesome! I wish more manufacturers would do it.

    In fact, since it's their actual product, I'm sure they are interested in providing a profile that is as close as possible to the actual amp itself. Hence, I would expect a profile of stellar quality comparable or superior to the better commercial profiles out there.

    The fact that they only do like 3 to 5 profiles per amp is not bad as long as they focus on a proper representation and quality. (e.g. 1 great clean, 1 great crunch, 1 great lead etc.).
    Who really needs 20 profiles of an amp? In the end, you always go for 1 or 2 of those as they sound or feel better to you than the other 18 ones.

    Celestion doing IR's of their speakers was great.
    Now amp manufacturer's doing actual profiles of their amps is superb!

  • On 21 March 2017, Id send this message to amp manufacture Divided by13:

    I've red that since the release of the Kemper Profiler, the sales of tube-amp manufactures has decreased.
    And therefor tube-amp manufactures are mad, on the Kemper manufacture.

    I've noticed that serveral kemper-users made profiles of Divided by13amps & sell these Divided-profiles.

    But, I don't understand why Divided (and other tube-amp manufactures) don't make their own profiles of THEIR own tube-amps.
    It would make sence if Divided made their own profiles, then (at least) Divided will be getting paid for their OWN tone.
    Now Divided doesnt get any money and other people are getting paid for Divided-profiles.

    Please, could you share your thoughts?

    If you want, I could help you with profiling.
    I've got mic's (sm57 & r121 & md421), preamps (two AmsNeve 1073classic) and a summingmixer (Burl b32), with ATC speakers.

    On 21 March 2017, Id also send this message to Matchless, Marshall, Fender, Vox and a few other tube-amp manufactures.
    None of these tube-amp manufactures respond! ||

    And because of this, I have no problem for paying for profiles to somebody, who doesnt own the tube-amp company.

  • I would like Fuchs to do profiles. They did some plugins for a company I think Apoggee can't remember so would think they could do the same with Profiles. I guess big question of course is the manufacturer has to purchase a KPA which might be more than they want to invest also considering extra costs of interface gear and a dedicated area for profiling

  • My concern would be whether the manufacturers then use this as a push off point to stop other people from profiling their amps. I.e. Cease and desist to anyone sharing a profile that isn't an official profile because they claim rights to profiles of their own amp by manufacturing profiles of said amp.

  • My concern would be whether the manufacturers then use this as a push off point to stop other people from profiling their amps. I.e. Cease and desist to anyone sharing a profile that isn't an official profile because they claim rights to profiles of their own amp by manufacturing profiles of said amp.

    As long as you don't say it's a Amp X, I don't see how they could get you on that score though.

  • This is awesome! I wish more manufacturers would do it.

    In fact, since it's their actual product, I'm sure they are interested in providing a profile that is as close as possible to the actual amp itself. Hence, I would expect a profile of stellar quality comparable or superior to the better commercial profiles out there.

    The fact that they only do like 3 to 5 profiles per amp is not bad as long as they focus on a proper representation and quality. (e.g. 1 great clean, 1 great crunch, 1 great lead etc.).
    Who really needs 20 profiles of an amp? In the end, you always go for 1 or 2 of those as they sound or feel better to you than the other 18 ones.

    Celestion doing IR's of their speakers was great.
    Now amp manufacturer's doing actual profiles of their amps is superb!

    I wish more manufacturers would do it too. More producers, more artists, whatever. It's good for users like me who don't profile.

    I actually prefer more profiles in a pack. Not all profiles will work with all my guitars or have my tone sensibilities. Best to have more.

  • As long as you don't say it's a Amp X, I don't see how they could get you on that score though.

    That would make the search on the rig exchange completely useless. It also wouldn't be any consolation to those guys selling profiles, right now you can get a Marshall or DrZ or any number of others from multiple sellers, each doing their own take on what they think is the best possible micing technique and recorded sound of each amp, maybe some of them will be much better than the ones the manufacturers themselves create, but they'll have a really hard time selling them and recording what was actually used to make the profile. Most people buying commercial profiles want a specific amp, hard to sell that if you can't talk about what specific amp is used.

  • That would make the search on the rig exchange completely useless. It also wouldn't be any consolation to those guys selling profiles, right now you can get a Marshall or DrZ or any number of others from multiple sellers, each doing their own take on what they think is the best possible micing technique and recorded sound of each amp, maybe some of them will be much better than the ones the manufacturers themselves create, but they'll have a really hard time selling them and recording what was actually used to make the profile. Most people buying commercial profiles want a specific amp, hard to sell that if you can't talk about what specific amp is used.

    Well, most commercial sellers usually name their profiles in a different way, like Marshall becomes Moreshell or whatever, because that kind of stuff is actually legally dangerous.

    In case the amp sellers actually do try to crack down on profiling, it is easily conceivable that even regular profilers will use odd naming conventions to avoid attracting some legal notice.

  • that is strange because ik multimedia has official fender, orange and Mesa products why would they let amplitude do it and not kemper


    Have a beer and don't sneer. -CJ. Two non powered Kempers -Two mission stereo FRFR Cabs - Ditto X4 -TC electronic Mimiq.

  • that is strange because ik multimedia has official fender, orange and Mesa products why would they let amplitude do it and not kemper


    Not too sure. There may be a licensing or some other arrangement. I've even seen Line 6 say that so-and-so model is based on some or the other real world amp.

    But when Michael Wagener tried to release some famous amps, he got a notice. And IIRC, other commercial sellers are also careful because of some incident or the other.

    I think when it's just a "model" that's nothing like the real thing, amp companies let it slide. But if they feel their business is threatened by some kind of clone, they are liable to send a notice. That's just how the world works nowadays. You see it with big companies and small people too.

    On a side note about "how the world works today":
    I was sick at this story I read today about how insulin prices have gone up to around $300 a pop because three countries in America control the market. When it was invented, the patent was sold for $1 just so that everyone would have access. But now they charge people an arm and a leg for that drug because the companies are greedy as hell.

    In the same way, companies like Apple and Samsung tried to get patents for the shape of the mobile phone. Trump has got a patent for "You're fired". There are other weird stories like that. I don't get it, it's not like they thought that stuff up themselves, so why do they get the patent?

    Answer: we are all slaves to the New World Order. Where is Ultraman when we need him?

  • Good point on the market and big pharma, May i add ...The insulin people can get off their medication in 30 days , we do it all the time..the problem is education and thats the way to defeat the "NWO" :)

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    There was even a medically verified type one diabetes case there (at the end)
    cured. Remember when you guys need info on alternative medicine or health email me, i respect you guys and give it out FREE.

    Back on topic, maybe thats because Michael did not ask them first,? Bah i think DR Z can help Pave the way, the more people on board the better and i think its a good point the amp manufactures could make a lot of money releasing their own rigs

    DR Z is smart, i hope others learn
    Ps i am not a Slave the girl who gets me beer out of the fridge is a slave :D


    Have a beer and don't sneer. -CJ. Two non powered Kempers -Two mission stereo FRFR Cabs - Ditto X4 -TC electronic Mimiq.

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