How Do You Tell What Effect is Selected?

  • I'm a new Kemper user - through trial and error I've managed to figure out enough that I feel confident going to play a gig this weekend with it. :)

    One thing that is kinda frustrating me is how to select a stomp/effects button and simply tell what effect you already had selected. For example, lets say in the X MOD effect I had the DLY - Dual Tape selected. If I press and hold the button at some point to get to where I can edit that effect the screen just shows "Dual Delay" for the type - it doesn't actually show the specific preset. Most of the time - especially after a reboot - if you grab the browse knob to edit it, I would THINK that it would default right to the preset you've my case DLY Dual Tape. However, it doesn't - it defaults back to the very first preset in the entire scroll list...right at the start.

    I added a few pics to illustrate. The one showing "Dual Delay" is what shows AFTER I've done all the setup and saved the rig. The "Dual Tape" is the actual delay preset I used. Ideally, I'd like to be able to engage the browse button and have it default right to this preset showing me what I have selected and am using in this effect slot but again, it could end up anywhere in the effects depending on what I had selected last or again, if it's a reboot it'll start at the beginning of the entire list of effects.

    This makes it terribly frustrating to figure out what effect you have selected there if you want to use it somewhere else as an example. I'm just trying to figure out an easy way to select a stomp or effects button and see exactly what preset was selected vs the general 'type' and then having to scroll around trying to re-figure out what I put in there. Hope that makes sense...

  • Makes perfect sense, mate.

    This has been discussed on the board a few times now, so hopefully the K Team™ has seen it and will implement behaviour, such as displaying the used preset after one "click" of the Browse knob, some time soon.

    Obviously, if the preset name were permanently displayed somewhere across all editing pages, that'd solve the issue too.

    Don't worry - I suspect many here feel your pain.

  • There are logical limitations for that request. A Preset is nothing else but a list of parameters loaded, one parameter included being the type of effect, another parameter being the on/off state of that effect. As soon as you change any parameter of that effect e. g. switching it off or increasing its Mix or changing the Pedal Mode of a Wah, the current effect isn't identical with the Preset anymore and such a reference could be very misleading.

  • There are logical limitations for that request. A Preset is nothing else but a list of parameters loaded, one parameter included being the type of effect, another parameter being the on/off state of that effect. As soon as you change any parameter of that effect e. g. switching it off or increasing its Mix or changing the Pedal Mode of a Wah, the current effect isn't identical with the Preset anymore and such a reference could be very misleading.

    I don't know how it's that hard to just default to whatever the actual effect preset is selected when the user turns the browse knob for the first time. Seems to be pretty logical to me logical is it to start it at the beginning of the list or at the preset for the last effect that you had selected? It seems random where it defaults to except for when it reboots the default the first time on mine is always the very first effect preset in the entire list of effects.

  • Yeah, but once edited and walked away from / returned to later, you wouldn't know which preset it was based on, Sam.

    In the long run, it'd be much-easier to have a known starting point for achieving a particular sound in mind than to have to always copy and paste a setting from a particular Rig... and still not know what the starting point was, IMHO.

    Random, practical scenario:

    Guitarist A
    Hey man, that chorus sound freakin' rocks! Which preset is it based on? I wanna have a go myself.

    Guitarist B
    Umm... dunno mate; I just copied and pasted it across all my fave Rigs.


    Writing all parameters down and sharing them in an algorithmic crapshoot
    Naming and saving the preset to USB stick for sharing with Guitarist A

    Inelegant, farcical-and-illogical, IMHO.

  • As soon as you edit the effect - change its parameters - it's arguable, if it is still "based on" a particular preset, because the parameter settings are what makes a preset unique. Effect type is also a parameter. Would it be useful information that the phaser effect you currently hear is "based" on a flanger preset?

    In your example guitarist B loading that "based on" preset could end up with a total different sound, because guitarist A edited the sound in the meantime. Plus if the preset had been created by guitarist A it might not even exist on the Profiler of guitarist B. Or a preset with that same name had accidentally been created by guitarist B, but represents a completely different effect.

    If you like a particular effect setting, instead of using Copy/Paste you could store it as a preset, give it a name intuitive for you, and reuse it at any time. If you want to share such an effect with another user, you could export/import the complete Rig.