Kemper power rack weak at practice

  • Hey guys,
    I am using mostly mesa mark V presets, but tried paid, free.. you name it profiles.

    My problem is, that the kemper is just not big enough, I need to play on 8 with 10db boost so I can hear myself properly and feel the sound, I also got mesa TC 50, I use that on 3 from 10 and it's so big and loud that it makes me think about selling Kemper.

    I am sure I am doing something wrong here, maybe eq, preset configuration etc any advise ?
    The tone is ok, it's just weak, I added post eq to add mids, helped little but still weak, not full and rich.

    Maybe, can you share preset that works for you ?

    I am running 2x12 celestion v30 60w, using earplugs for protection, perhaps that could play role, but can hear tc50 much much better with earplugs..

    Edited 2 times, last by matej.bludsky (June 3, 2017 at 5:29 PM).

  • The old problem of finding profiles that work at performance volume. If there's any phase-cancellation inherent in the profile, that will make the matter worse in the room, although that ought to be moot, if you're using DI/DA/Merged profiles with your cab. The only way of really getting around this is to spend time searching for profiles that work loud, in the environment that you're wishing to run them. I wouldn't be too worried about the volume value on the Profiler. If your Mesa is louder using the same cab, just turn up your Profiler to match it. The speakers should be able to handle the same output, no?

  • My problem is, that the kemper is just not big enough, I need to play on 7 with 10db boost so I can hear myself properly and feel the sound, I also got mesa TC 50, I use that on 3 from 10 and it's so big and loud that it makes me think about selling Kemper.

    Please check the volume settings for the monitor output in the output menu. The factory defaut value for that is -12 dB.

  • Well i tried around 50 plus profiles already.. i cannot really make the volume any louder, at this point i am already around 500W of power for sure, if i go to 10 and 10 i would be worried about the kemper to survive that..

    Basically the only thing that helped was putting mids on 5 but that would produce ugly sound.. don't want to do that :(
    I think i am going to stick with mesa for practice and kemper for live use.. Kemper is just not good for practice i think after using it around half year.. trust me i tried everything before posting here, read the forum.. maybe its an issue with my ears.. not sure.

  • Please check the volume settings for the monitor output in the output menu. The factory defaut value for that is -12 dB.

    Yeah, i know about this i was actually using main output fixed to minus 10 db and monitor output connected to the knob, i play with 10 db boost as well so basically settings are -10 for main 8.6 for monitor output and on top of that 10 db boost for the power amp..

    It is incredibly loud, but gets lost with drums bass and vocals, i do not hear myself if i go any lower than 8

  • The old problem of finding profiles that work at performance volume. If there's any phase-cancellation inherent in the profile, that will make the matter worse in the room, although that ought to be moot, if you're using DI/DA/Merged profiles with your cab. The only way of really getting around this is to spend time searching for profiles that work loud, in the environment that you're wishing to run them. I wouldn't be too worried about the volume value on the Profiler. If your Mesa is louder using the same cab, just turn up your Profiler to match it. The speakers should be able to handle the same output, no?

    I think the speakers are ok, if i go on the mesa on 7, it is so loud that it will break window, the 50W of tube power is still much much more than the 500W of kemper power, at least thru this cab.

    On the mesa i maybe hit like 20W if so.. thats like 500W on kemper for me.

  • Hey guys,
    I am using mostly mesa mark V presets, but tried paid, free.. you name it profiles.

    My problem is, that the kemper is just not big enough, I need to play on 8 with 10db boost so I can hear myself properly and feel the sound, I also got mesa TC 50, I use that on 3 from 10 and it's so big and loud that it makes me think about selling Kemper.

    I am sure I am doing something wrong here, maybe eq, preset configuration etc any advise ?
    The tone is ok, it's just weak, I added post eq to add mids, helped little but still weak, not full and rich.

    Maybe, can you share preset that works for you ?

    I am running 2x12 celestion v30 60w, using earplugs for protection, perhaps that could play role, but can hear tc50 much much better with earplugs..

    Your speakers seem to have a really low output rating, I'm not sure how you are raising the Kemper so high without damaging them. Are you sure they are not damaged?

    Try another cab and check, but don't have the power amp volume so high. I'm sure there's something else going on here and it's not the Kemper.

  • Like topic starter, I'm beginning to wonder about volumes too. Very recently I bought me an almost as new looking ENGL E212VHB Pro Straight 2x12 cabinet 120 W mono or 2x60 W stereo for my 600 W. powered black Kemper. It has an impedance of 8Ω mono and I use it that way.
    At home I like to play loud, but somehow there's no body, no warm and full rich sound, and no real loud volume before soon clipping in the output led on right top of the Kemper. I looked everywhere:clean sense, dist. sense (0.0) stomps like delay and reverb, gate, compressor etc.
    In the early days I had my all EL34 valve amp head volume also at around 3/4 and that could tear the walls down (as a matter of speaking...)
    I can't figure out how to get that fat rich sound again that keeps on cutting through the mix in a convincing way. Would nothing beat a real valve amp then afterall? Or is it due to all those rigs in Rig Manager where to choose from (yes...I got 13818 to choose from now...!) Are they all bad or do I have to try them all before finding one which sounds right? Or maybe be satisfied with less good sounding rigs. Finally, did I buy me a bad cab?

  • I'm running a Kemper Powerrack on a ENGL 4x12 pro slanted with v30 and it sounds great. Cuts nice theough the mix and we play LOUD very loud. Volume levels inthe settings are normal. The Kemper should be powerfull enough. Maybe you've got a volume level somewhere set too low. Also the EQ settings are important, high frequencies are lost in cymbals and low frequencies are lost in the bass. Of course you shouldn't set it to onlly mid frequencies but the correct EQ settings can do a lot. For example when I switch ao my solo sound, I don't switch volumes but just EQ so that it cuts even more through the mix.

    • Anyway. The Kemper has the balls for it ...
  • Give the Pure Cab feature a try, in the output settings. It can make your sound a little beefier, less "studio" and more in your face. If you're looking for a razor sharp modern djent sound, you may not like it, but for a more natural tone it's great.

    I would hope he is running with cab sims off. If not, could be his problem right there

    Try running the Kemper (line out, not amp out) through the effects loop in on one of your tube amps and see if that helps. Or, if you have a PA amp available try that instead of the internal Kemper amp.

  • I'm unclear on the issue it pure volume or cut ?

    The powered Kemper should be loud enough as I've run mine many times at gig levels (no PA miking etc) and never run out of volume.

    BTW I do think there is a difference between solid sate amps and valves power wise ( I'm sure there is a technical reason here), my Kemper is not as powerful and my ENGL or Laney 100watter was but I've still never run out of volume on the Kemper. If you are not getting the volume, either there is a technical problem or it is a setting. I have found anomolies like linked volume (unlink everything as a test) and also for some reason sometimes my volume pedal needs quick rock back and forth after start up to get full volume. obviously you've increased the power section to full ?

    If its cut, then obviously that is EQ which is either down to the profile or the EQ settings which sounds like you have tried it.

    Have you tried an FRFR speaker at rehearsal or running into the PA ? Most rehearsal rooms have monitors. Because you have a powered version, you could just run into a passive monitor and try that ( you might need a jack to Speakon adapter)...just a thought...

  • I have the unpowered Rack, powered with a Matrix GT1000FX running in bridge mode 1000 watts at 8 Ohm, connected to two Marshall 4x12's (together 8 Ohm).

    It's not loud enough............ It's loud, just not loud enough for a thrashband with an insane loud drummer.

    This is just stupid, but it is. We also have 5150's with are so much more louder. Settings on the Kemper are fine, the Matrix also has lights that light up if max power is reached.
    When the Kemper is connected to the power amp of the 5150 it is so much louder and brutal. And we use a lot of mid's in the guitars.

    I have to say our old Marshall 4x12 (gt75 speakers) aren't the loudest. If we would use Engl ore Mesa 4x12''s with V30's the Matris would be sufficient.

    So we will be using our 5150's as power amp for the Kemper.

    (and yes, we use ear protection)

  • i am running cab sim off, I think the issue is cut and fullness of the tone, basically need to increase volume so I can hear myself.

    I think the problem is more in the 600w solid state power amp, it sounds thin and weak in the mix, I tried Marshall el35 monoblock 2x50w all tube power amp, feeding monitor out, that thing actually sounded much much better and I could hear myself..

    The problem with digital is, that it's missing some frequencies that a real tube amp would have, not sure if you can get that fat tone you need to get in the mix with digital at rehearsal...