issues - darn it!

  • I had another go and reproduced the issue by rotating (not removing) the jack at the pedal end

    I'd like to add that, if you connect a cable to the Profiler/Remote and leave it unconnected to a pedal, two things happen:

    1) the Profiler/Remote recognizes this as "plugged in", electrical changes are converted to values
    2) the "open" cable is working as an antenna, reacting to the electro magnetic field around, resulting in electrical changes.

    This can lead to calibration issues when the pedal is re-plugged. Please avoid that situation, you might need to recalibrate that pedal again.

  • It would be very helpful to know, if the Volume Pedal bar in the System Settings on page Pedal Links reflects that "0.1" volume, if it happens.

    In that case check, what happens, if you calibrate the pedal. And what if, you simply crank up Volume Pedal with Soft knob 3 on that page.

  • *EDIT* I am not at home and can't check the FW version, but i'm assuming we are all on the latest stable release. I have had my Kemper a few weeks and updated it right when I received it.

    I am having similar issues. This has happened to me at 2 different rehearsals:

    First rehearsal:
    I was messing with the looper and adjusting the volume. I had the volume pedal down (Moog EP-3) when I switched back out of looper mode. The volume pedal became unresponsive and there was no sound out of any rigs or performances. The indicator on the Kemper moved with the pedal, but there was zero volume. It was like I was muted for tuning. The signal from my guitar was still hitting the Kemper and the tuner LEDs on the "ON" switch where still reacting. Switching to the tuner showed the tuner working as well. The entire machine functioned like it normally would, there was just no volume.
    After going in and out of looper mode a few times and rocking the pedal back and forth the sound magically reappeared. At this point I was just mashing buttons in frustration. I'm already getting flack for using the Kemper from some other band members, this just adds fuel to the fire.

    Second rehearsal:
    Similar circumstances only no looper. I was in between songs using the tuner. When I switched the tuner off there was no volume. It's like I was still muted. Everything on the Kemper was still responsive. Banks changed. Rigs changed. Rig names changed while switching through. The tuner still worked. The volume pedal indicator still moved when I moved the volume. This time I spent an extended amount of time trying to fix the problem and figure out what was wrong without resetting. I figured it must be user error. I checked pedal settings, output settings, unplugged the pedal, turned the pedal ports off and back on, plugged the pedal back in. calibrated the pedal, and nothing.

    This ended in needing in a reset, which unfortunately will be a deal breaker for me ever using the Kemper live. We play original music and open shows for bigger acts. We get 25-35 minutes to gain attention. Energy and flow is everything. This just can't happen for me.

    Moving forward:
    Since I feel the volume pedal is involved somehow, or at least rigs with a volume pedal setting in the chain, I am going to deactivate the setting that makes the pedal act as a volume if no wah is present, and see if this fixes the problem. This is really disappointing and I feel I shouldn't have to avoid using certain features, but I really don't want to start dragging 500 pounds worth of crap around again.

    I am optimistic knowing i'm not the only one having similar issues. This means its possible its a software issue and hopefully resolvable.

  • Excellent information, thanks!

    A few more questions:

    Do you experience the issue in Performance Mode or Browse Mode or both?
    Are you using a Profiler Remote and /or any other remote control equipment?
    You are referring to a reset ... have you tried a simple restart?
    Are you using the Effects Loop function and is it somehow involved?
    What happens, if you switch into Tuner Mode and unselect "Mute"?
    Or have you tried an Init Globals in the System Settings? If you load an Output Preset afterwards you might be back to normal within seconds. But it would help us to know, where to search.

  • Excellent information, thanks!

    A few more questions:

    Do you experience the issue in Performance Mode or Browse Mode or both?

    I only use browse mode intermittently to show someone a quirky profile I might have. At rehearsal it's 100% performance mode.

    Are you using a Profiler Remote and /or any other remote control equipment?

    Using the kemper remote with a moog EP-3 expression pedal plugged into it.

    You are referring to a reset ... have you tried a simple restart?

    This is probably what I meant. Simply turning the dial to off and after shut down, turning it back to performance.

    Are you using the Effects Loop function and is it somehow involved?

    No effects loop or any other 3rd party hardware.

    What happens, if you switch into Tuner Mode and unselect "Mute"?

    Will be experimenting today. I'll be back to answer this later.

    Or have you tried an Init Globals in the System Settings?
    I have not, but was tempted to do that today. I'm torn between trying to recreate the problem here first with the Kemper in its current state in order to really pinpoint the issue, but at the same time my Kemper is second hand and who knows what the other guy may have done to it. I will probably just do the initialize and start from square one as I feel any data gathered will be more valid that way, should the issue arise again.

    If you load an Output Preset afterwards you might be back to normal within seconds. But it would help us to know, where to search.

    Thanks so much for the reply. <3

  • Hmmm, when i read this issues here i have the feeling that this a remote problem. I am also in contakt with Burkhard because the calibrations of my expression pedals get lost from time to time. All pedals are connected to the remote. I have no volume issue, only the calibration thing and from time to time a glitch on my mission pitch pedal. Strange because i have that with the release fw and the new beta.
    Hope the kpa guys find a solution.

  • On more question ... when the issue happens, does the output LED still indicate a signal?

    And by the way many thanks for your analytic approach and effort to get this nailed!

    I probably won't be in a scenario to reproduce the issue until Monday night at rehearsal. I ended up backing up my performances and rigs and performing an Init. I did not reload factory rigs. I only have the ones I was using before.

    On a side note, my profiler powered itself off about 3 minutes after it was fully rebooted from the Init.

    It was pretty random. Nothing connected to anything aside headphones and a guitar. No other outputs plugged in. I don't mean it shut itself down, either. It was a complete power drop. It came back on and was stable for the next 2 hours that I used it with my DAW.

    "And by the way many thanks for your analytic approach and effort to get this nailed!"

    I'm an avionics engineer on the troubleshooting side of things. Analytics is life! :D

  • Everytime I switch on my KPA, the contrast on the remote is at maximum.
    I set it right but when I turn off and on again the KPA, the contrast is still there at maximum (almost unreadable)

    Have you checked the contrast knob setting on the rear of the remote and the setting from within the profiler system setup? As I recall this can be set via software from within the profiler setup menus but the hardware knob on the back of the remote will override on boot.

  • Have you checked the contrast knob setting on the rear of the remote and the setting from within the profiler system setup? As I recall this can be set via software from within the profiler setup menus but the hardware knob on the back of the remote will override on boot.

    This might be the case, I was only changing the setting on the panel but didn't check the remote knob! Thank you!!!

  • I played live last night with this beta, my "presets" on the 1 st bank lost the remote assignments for the effects, I kept redoing and saving and they would disappear. Lost volume once totally and had to go out of that preset into another and back to get sound

    Also had a volume drop and warble like tremolo sound for a while. Going master mono into 2 channels of the board. Going back to the latest approved software tonight

  • So during practice today I totally lost sound again... the fifth time in 3 months. Re-booting brought me back, but... this is unreliable and it really sucks!

    I also now have a calibration issue with pedals... All pedals calibrate to 127 (max) at toe down - until I hit the pedals... then they only go to 119!! Every one of them! Not sure what's going on with that, but it really sucks sound-wise, and gig-wise this will really be a killer.

    Not having a fun few months with my KPA. Do I need a new KPA (computer) to solve these issues???

    Any ideas are greatly appreciated.

    Yes, I've started a support ticket for this.

    Gary ô¿ô

  • So during practice today I totally lost sound again... the fifth time in 3 months. Re-booting brought me back, but... this is unreliable and it really sucks!

    I also now have a calibration issue with pedals... All pedals calibrate to 127 (max) at toe down - until I hit the pedals... then they only go to 119!! Every one of them! Not sure what's going on with that, but it really sucks sound-wise, and gig-wise this will really be a killer.

    Not having a fun few months with my KPA. Do I need a new KPA (computer) to solve these issues???

    Any ideas are greatly appreciated.

    Yes, I've started a support ticket for this.

    I have a 3 hour rehearsal tonight. I am going to disable the volume pedal function when the wah isn't engaged and see if it happens again (my issue only seems to occur on profiles with a volume pedal active). If it does, the next step will be removing the expression pedal altogether.

    Hopefully we can gather enough data to pinpoint the problem. I used the Kemper for hours last night on my desk with no pedal attached and it was flawless the whole time.