Test Your Ears - Kemper vs. The Real Thing - TEST RESULTS

  • The sample below is broken down into 7 sections. Can you identify which sections are the KPA and which are the real amp?

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    For the test results, go here.

    Edited 2 times, last by ColdFrixion (March 8, 2017 at 12:13 AM).

  • @ColdFrixion

    Fantastic work, mate.

    And no, I cannot tell what is what. It all sounded great. I couldn't even begin to guess.

    However, what is the target (reference) tube amp that is being used in this blind test...that is, make and model?

    I sure hope you get a whole bunch of members who are willing to take a shot at this.

  • Very difficult to tell as the playing changes quite a bit.

    My guess..

    Section 3 is amp. Section 5 is Kemper.

    Section 4 amp, section 7 KPA

    6 is KPA.

    Wont bother with the beginning -- the playing is just too different from the rest to make a comparison.

    Anyway, wrong or right, the differences are negligible by any means.

    But this does not mean much imho in the context of the the discussion in other thread (though yes when it comes to the headline topic).

    Edited once, last by Dimi84 (March 5, 2017 at 12:06 PM).

  • I'd like to hear SinMix's "guesses" 'cause he said just last week that he can identify the Kemper's "fingerprint" even in a mix context in recordings. This, without the luxury of "randomly" spliced real / Kemper sections - just straight-up recordings.

    I've no reason to doubt him 'cause of his experience, so I'd be very interested to see his take on this.

    Oh SinBro'... you gonna take a shot at it, man?


    I sure hope you get a whole bunch of members who are willing to take a shot at this.

    I'm dumb but not that stupid. I wouldn't have a hope in Hell, John. :D

  • IMHO a blind test should include chords, good dynamics, notes ringing, ... You can make a blind test with BIAS and the KPA playing just three power chords and many people will not be able to tell which one is the KPA. That doesn't mean that the BIAS is as good as the KPA.

  • The sample below is broken down into 7 sections. Can you identify which section is the KPA and which is the real amp?

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    Stay Metal!

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    Stay Metal!

    I know the video too, but he spliced it together in a way that makes it much harder to guess. Can you still identify the real amp and profile? @sinmix (btw I love you; you sent me some free profiles long time ago)

  • Not easy - true, becouse its still not higain tone for Me, on crunch clean even ampsims sounds very close but... :D

    1,2 - real amp
    3,4 - kemper
    5,6 - real
    7 - kemper

    Stay Metal!

    jup i agree

  • jup i agree

    Let's see :D:D:D hahahah...I think some eq was used on kemper track or real amp track in this example, becouse all parts sounds with same midrange level, anyway more palmmutes can helps more <3 Can post my example and even if someone dont hear a diff that does not mean they do not exist :thumbup:

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    Stay Metal!

  • I like blind tests. It's always fun!
    But best thing about this blind test is, I know one thing for sure again, even before results are revealed: Kemper is definitely good enough for me!!

    Yes its good, For Me all Ampsims with good IR also sounds good in the mix. Live use is another story for sure. TBH with killer song well played all sounds Good - Look at Ola :D

    Stay Metal!

  • This is quite a biased clip to be doing a comparison with. The passage is scooped drop tuned and more importantly it is too busy. The KPA masks well in busy passages because most of what you are hearing is attack or mutes. If you really want to test out the KPA properly use standard tuning and a mid-normalized EQ'ed spectrum (i.e. Marshall profile that is not scooped out) that has both chords and single notes which at times are allowed to ring a bit instead of constantly palm muting or picking all the way through.

    Also, do we even know for a fact what processing may have been done to these clips - were these recorded by a forum member or instead something randomly pulled off the web?


    Edited once, last by SonicExporer (March 5, 2017 at 4:54 PM).