MIDI-clock for setting the KPA tempo is not stable

  • What is the meaning of TAP and Beat Scanner while the PROFILER is receiving a constant stream of MIDI clock?

    Do you mean "why would I need it"? I want to know if I'll be needing to keep connecting & disconnecting if I want to work differently/ TAP something in if I turn off midi clock send in Logic. Just more steps to do. It does not seem to work while a midi cable is plugged in. Can anyone confirm this is normal?

  • Was there ever a resolution to the midi clock drifting so much on the Kemper? I’ve used midi clock for years on my Virus C and it’s always been rock solid. It goes to the DAW tempo and stays there.

    These profiles go to 11!

  • MIDI clock is a constant stream of "heartbeats" and therefor constantly overwrites your TAP and Beat Scanner entries.

    Ok thanks. I know they probably want to keep it simple, but maybe a pref for us to be able to ignore it when needed. In a studio setup 100% of my time so the less cabling and un-cabling the better for me.

  • Was there ever a resolution to the midi clock drifting so much on the Kemper? I’ve used midi clock for years on my Virus C and it’s always been rock solid. It goes to the DAW tempo and stays there.

    Yea won't actually work for me either (when the cable is connected) yet. Can't seem to find anyone who uses Logic to say they have. I've been using midi clock and MTC for years too.

  • Yea won't actually work for me either (when the cable is connected) yet. Can't seem to find anyone who uses Logic to say they have. I've been using midi clock and MTC for years too.

    what do you mean by it doesn't work for you either? is your Profiler not receiving MIDI clock or do you _hear_ anything out of the ordinary?

    Get in touch with Profiler online support team here

  • what do you mean by it doesn't work for you either? is your Profiler not receiving MIDI clock or do you _hear_ anything out of the ordinary?

    I THINK I "can see" a TINY TINY "c" on the front panel screen like I've read about... so it IS supposedly getting the signal. But the tempo will not sync. When I look at beat scanner (liek someone suggested in a post) it says crazy tempos like 256... not even multiples of what my project is set to. And the delays just smear into an odd phasey flangey sound for lack of a better term. I've been using Midi Clock and MTC etc so over 25 years for many other pieces of gear. And from what I've read... this does not work for anyone I could find.

  • +1

    It seems to be overly sensitive, or not very good at maths.

    The workaround is to just type the tempo in and not use the clock so that’s what I do, but more times than not I use the delays in the DAW.

    These profiles go to 11!

  • I THINK I "can see" a TINY TINY "c" on the front panel screen like I've read about... so it IS supposedly getting the signal. But the tempo will not sync. When I look at beat scanner (liek someone suggested in a post) it says crazy tempos like 256... not even multiples of what my project is set to. And the delays just smear into an odd phasey flangey sound for lack of a better term. I've been using Midi Clock and MTC etc so over 25 years for many other pieces of gear. And from what I've read... this does not work for anyone I could find.

    if you're in doubt that it works, please contact support by using the contact form on our website. In the tests we've conducted, the delay was spot on - unless one makes it wobble which, depending on how you set it up, is possible and sometimes intended. but that wobbling has nothing to do with the MIDI clock. it's an option which you base on a stylistic decision. so, let's work on that - okay?

    Get in touch with Profiler online support team here

  • On the few times I’ve contacted support much to my surprise they’ve told me to post on the forum!

    So when you send midi clock to your Kemper from the DAW, you’re seeing the bpm as a number that isn’t fluctuating and constantly recalculating?

    This isn’t a delay setting for wobble. When I tried previously, using midi clock from Logic that’s what I’d see...the bpm readout on the Kemper kept changing.

    I’ll try it again since it’s been awhile....new OS, new version of Logic and Kemper OS.

    These profiles go to 11!

  • if you're in doubt that it works, please contact support by using the contact form on our website. In the tests we've conducted, the delay was spot on - unless one makes it wobble which, depending on how you set it up, is possible and sometimes intended. but that wobbling has nothing to do with the MIDI clock. it's an option which you base on a stylistic decision. so, let's work on that - okay?

    OK, I will do that. Most times companies love it if you use the forum first for all the users to help take the load off tech support.

  • On the few times I’ve contacted support much to my surprise they’ve told me to post on the forum!

    So when you send midi clock to your Kemper from the DAW, you’re seeing the bpm as a number that isn’t fluctuating and constantly recalculating?

    This isn’t a delay setting for wobble. When I tried previously, using midi clock from Logic that’s what I’d see...the bpm readout on the Kemper kept changing.

    I’ll try it again since it’s been awhile....new OS, new version of Logic and Kemper OS.

    I tried again 3 days ago.

  • Some facts about our Midi Clock engine:

    Some sequencers stop sending Midi Clock, when the song is stopped. Some don‘t, such as Logic. I have no idea why they continue sending, and why there is no option to change this behaviour. Doesn‘t make too much sense to me.

    While Midi Clock is received and processed, it would be counterproductive to allow any other method for setting the tempo. How would we take account for the Midi Clock afterwards?

    The Profiler clock engine is a sophisticated PLL software, that is made for smoothing out coarse clock jitter and faults. However, the smoothing is not directly reflected in the BPM display of the Profiler.

    Since the advent of high level operating systems on PC and Mac the Midi timing of midi interfaces are mostly desasterous. Our company has spent a reasonable time back in the days to engineer midi interfaces with good timing, e.g. the Midex 8 and Midex 2 for Steinberg. But those quality approaches are forgotten since the decline of midi instruments.

    If you run the Profiler with a midi clock from a midi or audio interface, and you see the BPM flipping around, then test if delays or other clocked effects go out of time audibly. There is a good chance that they don‘t, since our engine can handle very coarse timing errors. Don‘t look at the BPM, but listen!

    The Virus synthesizer line comprises the very same midi clock engine that you find in the Profiler. The only difference is that the BPM display is not updated at all! This is why everything looks (sic!) a bit smoother there :)