Midi control issue

  • hey guys, I'm new to this forum but I have an issue I'm hoping to resolve asap.
    I'm using the gsp1101 with the control 2 to to control my kemper. all the functions work perfectly however, ever now and then it just stops switching! I've tried changing all cables, restarted the pedal and gsp but the only solution is to restart the kemper. Obviously during a show this isnt really possible. I have a tour in two weeks and really need the help.
    I'm using the kemper in performance mode with the latest firmware

  • I won't be too much help but I have the same issue using a Behringer FCB1010 pedal. I worked with Kemper Tech Support for over a month though we never concluded what the issue is. It's insanely frustrating because for quite a while it was happening to me on stage. I'd have to turn the Kemper off and back on in between songs. That is a LONG minute in front of a crowd. Since I did the following, it hasn't happened and that's over the past two weeks and four shows: At the end of each set, I just turn the FCB1010 off and back on. Maybe I'm just being lucky but so far it works. Good luck to you.

  • ah ok that's interesting. the gsp is sending one pc message per switch and a couple cc messages are being sent as well that arnt in use so maybe that is creating some issue, but sometimes it will work for an entire 4 hour practice sesh and sometimes not. will definitely look into that idea however I don't think it's the whole issue

  • ive discovered a fair few other people who have a similar problem occur over time weirdly. I've been through every midi option on both kemper and gsp and changed a few things/cleaned up any midi being sent. hopefully that's sorted it but I'll post the results here for anyone else who finds an issue

  • So after playing around for days I've not solved the issue but I have found a temporary solution.. The pedal has a switch on the board labeled control. When the board stops switching the kemper, turning said switch on and and off solves the problem. Although it will eventually stop again this atleast allows me to get through a gig. I just hit the switch in-between songs. Any body no why this might be or have any ideas based on that for a permanent fix?

  • A general advice: Plugging a cheap MIDI USB interface between foot controller (or in your case the GSP 1101) and the Profiler and then using a freeware like MIDI OX allows to monitor what is really sent and should be received and processed by the Profiler. This way you could analyze what is going on. In your case even three devices are involved: the foot controller Control 2, the main device GSP 1101, and the Profiler.

    A brief consultation of the Pedal 2 manual tells me, that the Control switch can be assigned to different functions. You should check, what is assigned to yours, if this switch makes the difference between functional and non functional. Perhaps at some point your Control 2 is only sending commands relevant for the GSP 1101!? Or you are addressing MIDI banks outside of the Profiler's address room.