I've shared a couple of profiles named VaiRiddle[#] that reflect a few my attempts to emulate the tones of Steve Vai's Passion and Warfare, specifically the first 8 bars of "The Riddle". The amp and EQ sections reuse free ADAMP1 or other profiles that others have shared, but I have created new cabinet/mic/EQ IRs directly from the low notes of the 8th bar of the Riddle where the band stops and Vai hits the low notes on the 7 string Universe. From the spectrum of that audio you can infer quite a bit about a cabinet IR that sounds like the record.
You can hear what these can sound like here (where I plugged a UV77SVR directly into the kemper (or through a MXR Distortion+) and have added compression and verb/delay in my DAW - not in the Kemper)
And I talk more about my approach in this blog post (that is continually updated):
I'll continue to share profiles inspired by PAW tones under "eugtone". Enjoy. Comments and questions welcome.