Some profiles inspired by Passion and Warfare

  • I've shared a couple of profiles named VaiRiddle[#] that reflect a few my attempts to emulate the tones of Steve Vai's Passion and Warfare, specifically the first 8 bars of "The Riddle". The amp and EQ sections reuse free ADAMP1 or other profiles that others have shared, but I have created new cabinet/mic/EQ IRs directly from the low notes of the 8th bar of the Riddle where the band stops and Vai hits the low notes on the 7 string Universe. From the spectrum of that audio you can infer quite a bit about a cabinet IR that sounds like the record.

    You can hear what these can sound like here (where I plugged a UV77SVR directly into the kemper (or through a MXR Distortion+) and have added compression and verb/delay in my DAW - not in the Kemper)

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    And I talk more about my approach in this blog post (that is continually updated):

    I'll continue to share profiles inspired by PAW tones under "eugtone". Enjoy. Comments and questions welcome.

    Edited once, last by ejdeon: changed website link into actual clickable link (February 26, 2017 at 5:46 AM).

  • I've shared my latest attempt at a passion and warfare profile: a JCM 900 mkiii preamp into a Marshall 9005 power amp. Recommend a MXR distortion+ or SD-1 in front of the profile for R/Lead tones, respectively. Kemper not really doing justice to the two real amps - recommend both if you really want that tone. The cab IR only has the G12M25 speakers (Riddle intro and The Animal), not a blend with G12H30s for the rest of the album.

    on rig exchange, titled VaiJCM2

  • I'll continue to share profiles inspired by PAW tones under "eugtone". Enjoy. Comments and questions welcome.

    Hey ejdeon, impressive research and work. Congrats.

    Please check my delay preset for Ballerina. Hope you like it. Feel free to use it.

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    Or manually:

    Insert "Chromatic Pitch'" into "MOD" slot

    Voice 1 Picth: 9
    Voice 2 Pitch: 5
    Detune: 0
    Voice Balance: 0
    Mix: -10%
    Ducking: 0
    Volume: 0
    Stereo: 180º

    Insert "Two Tap Delay" into "DELAY" slot

    Mix: 100/100%
    Delay Time 1: 180ms
    Delay 2 Ratio: 50%
    Feedback: 0
    Low Cut: 20.6 hz
    High Cut: 33488.1 hz
    Reverse Mix: 0
    Stereo: 200%
    Modulation: 0
    Flutter Intensity: 0
    Flutter Rate: 0
    Grit: 0
    Swell: 0
    Smear: 0
    Chorus: 3.0

  • I've shared my latest attempt at a passion and warfare profile: a JCM 900 mkiii preamp into a Marshall 9005 power amp. Recommend a MXR distortion+ or SD-1 in front of the profile for R/Lead tones, respectively. Kemper not really doing justice to the two real amps - recommend both if you really want that tone. The cab IR only has the G12M25 speakers (Riddle intro and The Animal), not a blend with G12H30s for the rest of the album.

    on rig exchange, titled VaiJCM2

    Such a great profile! Had lots of fun with this the other night, sounds very authentic, even though I’m not using an Ibanez or the same pickups. :)