Losing Signal After 2 Hours

  • I had a problem yesterday morning where I was working on some times and had the Kemper on for a few hours.
    It suddenly lost signal, and changing presets or anything else I tried didn't work so I had to power off and power on again and all was fine.
    Then at my gig last night, I had the same thing happen at the end of the 2nd set and had to do the power down and back up thing again and it was fine afterwards.
    I am on the last firmware before the newest update.

    I have never had a problem otherwise, so should I just reboot?

  • It was in performance mode.
    Come to think of it, I made a new rig using the pedal pitch for the first time.
    I didn't think to toggle the expression pedal, I bet that was the problem, it was in the down position.
    Although the other rigs I use have wah engaged, not volume for the expression pedal, so I didn't think it would make a difference but I guess it does if it is in the heel down position.

    It was right after that rig with the PP that it happened both times.

    When I get my rig setup again I'll try it out to confirm.

    I know there is an update for that on the newest firmware.


    last night at a gig I had the same problem. No signal coming out of the Kemper (not at the XLR or the Monitor out or the headphone out)
    I shut down and did a restart. it came back on again but 20 min later it did the same thing.
    this morning I tested the kemper again. everything was fine and left the Kemper on. a few hours later, all signals were lost again.
    I will contact support for this. I hope this is just a software thing.
    I need the kemper for coming gigs.

  • Hello Eltzejup,
    thanks for the reply. i contacted support for this.
    yes, the remote is connected.
    Yesterday I tested the kemper at home and after a few hours the kemper makes no sound at all.
    not on the Outputs, the Monitor or the headphone. Switching it off and on again, fixes the problem.
    Unfortunately this does not help me because our gigs usually last more than 2 hours.
    I hope support can help me. i never had any problems before. The unit as bought in august 2014 and has performed flawlessy on many gigs since then;
    I'm on the latest software version.

  • I had contact with Kemper Support. After rebooting, Flash init and update to latest OS, the problem is getting worse. There is no inputsignal or outputsignal. This now happens after about 15 min. Usually everything was fine again after restarting but last night the unit crashed completely. Kemper advised me to send the unit in for repair.


    last night at a gig I had the same problem. No signal coming out of the Kemper (not at the XLR or the Monitor out or the headphone out)
    I shut down and did a restart. it came back on again but 20 min later it did the same thing.
    this morning I tested the kemper again. everything was fine and left the Kemper on. a few hours later, all signals were lost again.
    I will contact support for this. I hope this is just a software thing.
    I need the kemper for coming gigs.

    I have the exact issue! Similar input does not solve it, different cables, everything changed, kemper acts like unpredictable since weeks....

  • I have a Kemper Stage and have the same issue. The power just dies. I am beginning to wonder if I can trust it for a gig. No attached pedal and a direct connection to the guitar. (I gave upon on wireless incase it was that). I've just updated the software to see if this makes it better.