OS 5.1 Experiences Thread :)

  • The new delays are great. don Petersen & @CK have done some of the most musically programming for very high complex delays/pitch-stuff I have ever heard.Even when compared to Eventides,Lexicons etc..well done.


    They are great and I like to use them for live performance. But If I compare the soundquality with my Lexicon PCM 91 or my Eventide H8000 I can hear a serious difference. That's no complaint. The Kemper upgrade is free and the Lexicon and Eventide are serious money but it is a big difference. The pitchshifters in the Eventide are worldclass and In the KPA they are okay. But I don' t take my rackunits to a gig so I am very happy with the update for live use!

  • It all comes down to what you want/need...

    The KPA is good enough to allow me to get rid of these from my live rig. Notice I didn't say the same/better - I doubt the KPA ever will be :)

    My live audience won't notice the difference and for me that's what matters...(along with getting rid of the proliferation of equipment, getting set up in 2 minutes flat and breaking my back cause there aren't any roadies in my life!)



  • Small bug Ive noticed in the 5.1 I have an external footswitch with three momentary switches permanently connected to remote via trs cables I use for looper function start and stop button so that the others can be reassigned . Since applying the update every time I power on the remote display is in looper mode already. Everything works as expected though just need to to hit the looper mode button(on Footswitch) to go back to normal.

  • Small bug Ive noticed in the 5.1 I have an external footswitch with three momentary switches permanently connected to remote via trs cables I use for looper function start and stop button so that the others can be reassigned . Since applying the update every time I power on the remote display is in looper mode already. Everything works as expected though just need to to hit the looper mode button(on Footswitch) to go back to normal.

    Try to change the polarity of the switch (in the the menu of the Kemper). That helped me to solve this problem in 5.0.

  • They are great and I like to use them for live performance. But If I compare the soundquality with my Lexicon PCM 91 or my Eventide H8000 I can hear a serious differenthe

    AFAIK there are no pitch shifters or delay algorithms in the PCM91. so in which way do you compare those using this admittedly fantastic lexicon reverb?

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  • AFAIK there are no pitch shifters or delay algorithms in the PCM91. so in which way do you compare those using this admittedly fantastic lexicon reverb?

    There are delays in the PCM 91 and indeed no pitchshifters. As I stated I sold my PCM 81 to fund the H8000. But I know the PCM 81 very well and the delays and pitchshifters are very good and much better than the ones on the KPA. The H8000 is in the premium leage and the best I have ever heard and incredible flexible. Again, no complaint just a reply to the statement that the delays/pitchshifters are comparable with Eventide/Lexicon. IMHO they are not comparable soundwise....

  • There are delays in the PCM 91 and indeed no pitchshifters. As I stated I sold my PCM 81 to fund the H8000. But I know the PCM 81 very well and the delays and pitchshifters are very good and much better than the ones on the KPA. The H8000 is in the premium leage and the best I have ever heard and incredible flexible. Again, no complaint just a reply to the statement that the delays/pitchshifters are comparable with Eventide/Lexicon. IMHO they are not comparable soundwise....

    to refresh my memory i had a look at the PCM91 user manual and there is no mention of a single, dedicated delay algorithm. but hey, maybe you can tweak a reverb to make a delay - in this case i just don't understand why you even draw a comparison. I know the PCM81 well and while I agree with you that the pitch shifters in our new software sound different, I wouldn't say that the Lexicon types sound better. maybe you should A/B a little instead of exclusively relying on your memory when you say "serious difference". I never worked with an H8000 so I cannot comment on this one. the DSP4000 which I used to work with sounds different again but let's not compare apples and pears.

    Get in touch with Profiler online support team here

  • From my perspective the KPA can now do everything I need with delays and a whole lot more besides.. I am happy to lose my PCM's and my Timefactor/Modfactor. There will always be something dedicated that's better of course but I just don't see me needing anything better!

    It's certainly not a deal breaker for me but if the Kemper magicians can get reverbs anywhere close to what has been done with delays then end of story...just killer (it is already anyway!). At this point I haven't even looked closely enough at the delays to see what they can do from a verb perspective so there may even be more mileage in the update than I currently am aware of..

    Although I'm new to the KPA it seems that a box already considered to be capable of black magic may have a lot more tricks up its sleeve. And if it hasn't, well I'm already blown away by what it has got...

    The only criticism I have is that this thing is a time sponge and my life is ebbing away.... :)


  • It is all a thing of personal choice and more so personal "needs" & requirements..

    Personally I would not get me an eventide or a lexicon.At least not for live-use.First of all there is ofcourse the horrendous price but also the fact that the new KPA-delays and pitch-stuff is "100% guitar amp-tweaked"(most presets come with the vox as basic amp-model)..maybe a reason why for example many very famous artists prefer an AxeFx as effects-processor than to carring around H8000,TCs and Lexicons..

    The new Kemper-delays have everything to become the "new guitar-delay-fx-reference"..at least or live gigs.

    For recording things are very different anyway.For obvious reasons.

  • It is all a thing of personal choice and more so personal "needs" & requirements..

    Personally I would not get me an eventide or a lexicon.At least not for live-use.First of all there is ofcourse the horrendous price but also the fact that the new KPA-delays and pitch-stuff is "100% guitar amp-tweaked"(most presets come with the vox as basic amp-model)..maybe a reason why for example many very famous artists prefer an AxeFx as effects-processor than to carring around H8000,TCs and Lexicons..

    The new Kemper-delays have everything to become the "new guitar-delay-fx-reference"..at least or live gigs.

    For recording things are very different anyway.For obvious reasons.

    H8000 has special guitar rigs tuned for guitar in stompboxmode and preset groups for almost every instrument........

  • to refresh my memory i had a look at the PCM91 user manual and there is no mention of a single, dedicated delay algorithm. but hey, maybe you can tweak a reverb to make a delay - in this case i just don't understand why you even draw a comparison. I know the PCM81 well and while I agree with you that the pitch shifters in our new software sound different, I wouldn't say that the Lexicon types sound better. maybe you should A/B a little instead of exclusively relying on your memory when you say "serious difference". I never worked with an H8000 so I cannot comment on this one. the DSP4000 which I used to work with sounds different again but let's not compare apples and pears.

    " Attitude for live drums, guitar, or vocals with a less dominatingreverb, punchier sound, and lots of delay. Tap in delay time, or dialin the BPM of the song. " From the PCM 91 Manual. Last night I compared the KPA pitchshifter to the PCM 81 (a friend of mine owns one), the H8000 and the audiosource Nemesis. I've compared a dry single pitch on each device so apples and apples. To me the KPA sounds less convincing compared to the other devices. H8000 is the king, then Lexicon PCM 81 followed by the Nemesis. Same ranking for the delays. Monitor system Adam A7x. Once again, no complaint. For live use I am very very happy with the delays and pitchshifters on the KPA and love the fact that I have all in one box!

  • @rolandeventide

    No doubt the Eventide is worldclass studio-tech.I envy you because you can call it your own. ;)

    Nevertheless there are not many artists out there anymore who take it out on stage.If I remember correctly even mr GuitarEventide himself (Vai) does use an AxeFx as his main delay-/pitch-tool;

    I dont doubt that the H8000 has by far the best pitchshifting-fx out there but you need to be able to tweak it right to make it sound really as great as much you have to pay for it.And to be honest at least in the late80s-early 90s not many guitar players I met had the know-how to tweak it right.Sure this has changed;And again..even if you are as good as it needs to tweak the H8000 for recordimg live on stage and most of all in front of the stage where the audience listens none of them will get the difference between a 7000$ and a 1000$ pitchshifting fx.