Monitor volume

  • Please try a reset of the System settings by pressing and holding the SYSTEM button, while switching your KPA on.

  • My montior and direct out was not working when I got the Kemper.
    I did the system reset with Firware upgrade and now the monitor is working fine but the direct out still is not.
    Is there some setting I'm missing and some silly mistake I'm making?
    I always like to have the DI signal from the guitar when recording so this bothering me, please help. ;( :)

  • My montior and direct out was not working when I got the Kemper.
    I did the system reset with Firware upgrade and now the monitor is working fine but the direct out still is not.
    Is there some setting I'm missing and some silly mistake I'm making?
    I always like to have the DI signal from the guitar when recording so this bothering me, please help. ;( :)

    You have to put a mono loop in the first FX block in order to activate the send.

    "Music is enough for a lifetime, but a lifetime is not enough for music" Serghei Rachmaninoff

  • You have to put a mono loop in the first FX block in order to activate the send.

    Thanks very much mate, I figured it would be user error! :P
    I did read the manual but couldn't find this written, will try it later. Thanks again.

    Edited once, last by paolojm (January 24, 2012 at 7:32 PM).

  • Hi
    I had the same problem.
    I got this mail from support:

    "Hi Mikael,
    Please try to initialise your KPA, you can do
    that by press and hold the System Button during startup,
    in the
    display you will see : initialising global settings"

    And now the monitor out works!

    Mikael in Sweden

  • Quote

    You have to put a mono loop in the first FX block in order to activate the send.

    Just for the record - no you don't - pressing system during startup fixes this anomaly.
