My first live gig

  • I used my Kemper live at a benefit Sunday. It was good, not great. We only played a couple short sets so I figured I'd wing it after only having it for a week and a half. I didn't rehearse with it, but l was a kid with a new toy so I HAD to use it. I ran out of the mains (xlr - 1/4) into a Radial JDI direct box where I merged the output and sent one channel out to the board. I used an aux send to feed a powered monitor for my stage volume. Here's where my lack of knowledge reared its ugly head. I had the wrong output option selected when I first tried it - I bought it used so actually the person I bought it from. The one it was set for was very low - I had the gain on the channel almost pegged. The sound was good - but it sounded a little weak. I didn't mess with it too much, I just got it working and went with it.

    So after the gig, even though I was pleased with the sound, I thought it was missing something. I am very familiar with running direct to the PA, as I have been using an Eleven Rack live for years so I figured the Kemper would be just as easy. The Kemper has many more output options, so choose carefully my friends! So, I re-read the 'output' section of the manual and I figured it out - I now have Main Out set to Master Stereo and the level at -17db. I had another option originally, not sure which one,and the level was set to 0db and it was still too low. Anyway, I can't wait to use it next week now that I have it ironed out (hopefully)!

  • I'm just using the di because my rack case was already wired from using my 11 Rack. I'll definitely run direct to the PA for the next gig. I like to only bring 1 monitor, so I run vox through it as well. I don't need a monitor behind me, so that works as a good option when I don't feel like using my IEM's.

    Thanks for the advice!