• I have been messing around with the pure cabinet settings in the output menu. I definitely notice a difference when going through a FRFR cabinet and through my studio monitors. I have settled on keeping pure cabinet on but at a lower setting of around 2. I am curious on other kemper owners opionions on the usefullness of the pure cabinet function to get a better cabinet in the room sound through your FRFR or monitors. Do you guys have it on usually and if so what is your setting.

  • Hi there! I have a dxr10 and set the global pure cabinet to .02 or basically off, then set it individually in the cabinet of the actual profile if wanted or needed.

    I think you'll find heavily overdriven tones such as metal/thrash sort of stuff sound better with no or very low (such as my global setting); too much pure cabinet just muddies up the tone in most cases. However, I go over each profile and set the cab individually.

    In most cases I like it for clean or gritty tones, around 2.8-4.1 range; but leave it at the global setting for my sinmix and tonehammer tones (*mostly).

    Edited once, last by oozish (November 10, 2016 at 1:55 PM).

  • Actually I have a question for the GURUS out there (Paul I'm talking to you!); if you turn OFF the global cabinet, can you still turn on the individual cabs pure cab setting and it work properly? IN other words, can you just disable the global setting and still turn the individual cabs on or off and have it work exactly the same with global TURNED OFF/UNCHECKED?

    I have read the other posts about this and still unsure; that's why I leave the global setting to on and barely activated around .04


    Edited once, last by oozish (November 10, 2016 at 2:07 PM).

  • Actually I have a question for the GURUS out there (Paul I'm talking to you!); if you turn OFF the global cabinet, can you still turn on the individual cabs pure cab setting and it work properly? IN other words, can you just disable the global setting and still turn the individual cabs on or off



  • Yes, you can turn it off in the Output menu and still use it on individual rigs via the Cabinet button. When you're looking at the Cabinet module, though, it won't tell you that Global Pure Cab is off; it just tells you what the knob is set to. For instance, I have Global turned off and my Cabinet screen still says "Global Pure Cab: 3.0".

  • Not sure what you all think but I find Pure Cab is akin to sticking a nice compressor on the track. But like a compressor - it works for some things and not others - it seems to work better for clean profiles that need a bit more body but it also takes some of the 'edge' and smooths distorted tones which can be desirable or not depending on what you want.

  • Studio (monitors) only, Oh Nameless One.

    Not sure what I'd do for live. I do know I hate phase cancellation 'though, especially if it introduces high-end, harsh edginess, in which case I'd definitely use it in any FRFR situation, including live.

  • I use it live and studio. Usually between 3 and 5. I'm like Monkey Man... Not a big fan of phase cancellation...

    I am a Profile Whore... Sometimes a Recovering Profile Whore...
    but mostly a Complete and Utter Profile Whore... I want them all... aCk!!! 8|:love:

  • Ya, I hear you all on phase cancellation however I find the best profiles like TAF or britt don't really need much at all. Since I've been starting at ground zero going through my favorites and keeping global to 0, I've found I actually prefer a lower setting like 1.8-2.8 on even clean tones; rarely need to go to 4.1 which was my old global standby when I didn't have a choice. Rarely I'll use just a tad of it for Metal profiles as they usually sound much tighter and less muddy without any PC>

    There is very little phase in Britt/TAF profiles!

  • What is all this about phase cancellation? Do you mean when monitoring? Why would you get this? I don't use pure cab and don't find the sound to be out of phase.

    I thought monkey meant he was monitoring and sending a signal to PA and putting pure cab on one signal to avoid phase cancellation but perhaps I am misunderstanding.

  • It's all about the phase cancellation introduced by the mic setup and placement during the Profiling process, Oh Nameless One.

    I wrote a huge rant on it 6 months ago somewhere here when Gianfranco asked me to explain it, and expanded on it over a couple of pages. Sorry, but I don't know which thread that was in. If you can find it, reading it will provide much detail, but the gist of it is that mic angle and positioning (which part of a speaker cone / between cones etc.) determine the level of comb filtering that occurs. Angles are often introduced (as opposed to perpendicular-to-speaker placement) in order to shape tone, and most-especially to extract more "bite" / top-end definition, but IMHO it's an "artificial" means of achieving this (not the rig's sound as one hears it).

    Yes, the mic model and preamp also introduce final differences, but this blatant form of deliberate phase cancellation is something I hear a mile off and just don't like at all. Some love it, of course, and it may help sounds cut through a mix, but personally I'd rather use EQ at mixdown to accentuate the highs if need be rather than turn them into a mishmash of tiny peaks and troughs, which is what comb filtering does.

    The reason tilting a mic causes this cancellation is that you're spreading out the arrival times at the diaphragm of the various sound waves emanating from the speaker, to put it simply. Obviously different mics, due to their capsules' differing physical designs and dimensions, produce their own various flavours of cancellation.

    To me, Pure Cab™ provides an ingenious (and simple for us!) way to dial this cancellation out to taste, something I don't know of any other way to achieve in the studio, so in this regard it's a Godsend. Previously-intolerable Rigs (to my ears), especially on the Exchange, can be magically transformed into eminently playable and in some cases very-good ones with this single parameter alone. Incredible!

  • thanks monkey that explains it, so its not necessarily solving a problem with the kemper but a problem to do with miking cabs in general?

    And it seems it doesn't affect all profiles from what you are saying?

    My only head scratcher is how you can apply some pure cab to a signal and solve it. is there such a thing as incremental phase cancellation? normally you flip a switch and there is a 100 percent polarity change isn't there?