Computer editor (new user, old dead horse)

  • I am guitarist. I don't know what stereo is.

    Quote of the day for me. :D

    Totally hear where you're coming from, mate.

    just adding another new voice since I'm sure the team values input from new users with different experiences, even if somewhat redundant. Being that I've not seen any update or announcement on a plan for an editor, I thought to add some fuel to the fire.

    Can't do any harm, just in case they haven't heard us yet(!)...

  • Rig Manager is fine for selecting profiles, but it's not infinitely different than just scrolling on the unit itself. I find it very useful for importing, exporting, and deleting profiles on the Kemper, but for the sole purpose of simply selecting a rig instead of scrolling, I wouldn't call it a world of improvement.

    I would disagree. you can sort by all manner of categories. You can search many different tags. And that works on local and on the profiler. That is infinitely easier than scrolling through the front panel. nd you can see a LOT more at a time for that matter.

  • With the new software, a delay has already 6(!!!!) pages with parameters, an editor is extremely overdue.
    Noone can really keep track of all the different settings in system, input, output, rig section + all stomp boxes...

    I really wish, Kemper will stop developing fancy stuff Noone needs and concentrate on the important things: less bugs, editor, spring reverb

    People where asking for better delays to be able to get rid of a few fx pedals. Kemper addressed this with the new firmware.

    Not too long ago, people where asking to be able to control fx parameters via expression pedal and kemper addressed this issue with morphing.

    I don't regard those updates as fancy stuff noone needs but as useful additions people where asking for.

    Also don't have problems with keeping track of all the settings in different sections.

    I wouldn't mind having a decent editor, though.

  • Sure, you are right. It's probably not noone.
    And also I cannot know this, but I am sure, more people will use an editor than morphing a quad rhythm delay from reversed frequency cutted to forward boosted 1/8th

    But yes, you are right, this in only an assumption

    I am sure I don't speak out of my arse, but I still will continue to speak out of my arse.

    Back on topic, editor would be useful for those who use new delays.

  • My 2 cents worth,I own the axe and line 6,the editor makes life so much easier.Although I'm loving my Kemper,an editor would step it up ten fold as far as I'm concerned.

    My sentiments exactly. Lesser products immediately offered that ability. Granted, the Kemper's front panel is designed a hell of a lot better than those products to be able to handle editing without a computer.

    I would disagree. you can sort by all manner of categories. You can search many different tags. And that works on local and on the profiler. That is infinitely easier than scrolling through the front panel. nd you can see a LOT more at a time for that matter.

    I know this. I'm not saying the Rig Manager is useless (to the contrary), only that it isn't a transformative difference from just looking at the Kemper screen. It's good; it's useful; I'm grateful.

    wewqeqwvg wqrwesadasd wdsaasdasd

    fksnieuu? skyghwort? bbbbbbbbbbser? wdasdw!

  • Just adding my voice to the chorus.

    No doubt that Kemper did a good job with the UI of the KPA, especially given the depth of the thing.

    However it would really be so much easier to tweak and edit using a full size screen and mouse. I can''t imagine a good argument against offering one, its been industry standard in similar products for LONG time.

  • I guess the question then begs, when are we going to get an answer from Kemper? If they said it's in development, we'd all sit happily in anticipation. Perhaps they have in the past and I've not seen it, but to basically say nothing despite the clamoring is odd. Acknowledgement with a yes/no/tbd wouldn't be too much to ask.

  • If they said it's in development, we'd all sit happily in anticipation.

    Ahh... but if they said nothing, there'd be a huge element of surprise following announcement and much love and praise would be showered upon the K-Team™. We'd be reiterating our firm belief that the coders listen to the user base, no matter what we think during our "doubting phases".

    Of course, it would be nice to know what's happening behind the scenes, but often its been the case that the K-Team™ has simply delivered by saying "We're there, kids; time to get out", following our repeated "How long 'til we get there, and where are we going, dad? inquiries.

    I like it this way. Not knowing the whys and wherefores prevents us from speculating and arguing over release dates, such as what happened with the delays... for 8 months. The fact that they've not said anything since the outright denial a long time ago suggests to me that the utility and potential popularity of an editor has been recognised and acted upon by the team.

  • I like it this way. Not knowing the whys and wherefores prevents us from speculating and arguing over release dates, such as what happened with the delays... for 8 months. The fact that they've not said anything since the outright denial a long time ago suggests to me that the utility and potential popularity of an editor has been recognised and acted upon by the team.

    Well, we're adults, not kids. It makes more sense to acknowledge that it's either being worked on or not, without even giving an exact timeframe. Saying nothing is far more frustrating, especially considering the longtime clamoring of its users for one.

  • Well, we're adults, not kids. It makes more sense to acknowledge that it's either being worked on or not, without even giving an exact timeframe. Saying nothing is far more frustrating, especially considering the longtime clamoring of its users for one.

    I tend to agree. I think most users would be satisfied with at least a confirmation that they're working on one but don't have an ETA. I would anyway.

  • Just got mine and got rubbed wrong way with:

    1. Lack of editing
    2. Unit froze on me 10 minutes into playing
    3. Need USB for upgrades and transfers???

    Yes, I do educate myself before pulling the trigger however I thought this would be easier to go around.

  • Just got mine and got rubbed wrong way with:

    1. Lack of editing
    2. Unit froze on me 10 minutes into playing
    3. Need USB for upgrades and transfers???

    Yes, I do educate myself before pulling the trigger however I thought this would be easier to go around.

    I assume on #3 you mean a USB drive. Because, MOST digital amps upgrade via USB.

    And if you do, your incorrect. You can upgrade via Rig Manager at RM 1.6 level (which requires a certain level of the OS). But yes, you connect Rig Manager on the PC via a USB.

    #2, isn't a common issue. I paly for hours, many, many, many times, never locked, not once. Odd this is your first post here.

  • Just got mine and got rubbed wrong way with:

    1. Lack of editing
    2. Unit froze on me 10 minutes into playing
    3. Need USB for upgrades and transfers???

    1. You can edit a lot, though it has to be on the unit. If you mean on the computer, then I agree.
    2. I'd contact Kemper support about that issue.
    3. Like @cybermgk, I assume you mean a USB stick. You can plug it directly into your comp and use the Rig Manager for upgrades and transfers, but all devices require you to make a USB connection to upgrade and transfer, whether it's direct or an external drive. They don't tend to have built-in WiFi...