Ability to order performances based on a setlist

  • I thought it would be really cool if we could manage our performances in a better way.

    Supposing I have 150 songs with my rock band A, including covers and I want to dedicate an individual performance to each song and all its assorted changes. Not necessarily playing all in one night, but I have all these songs.

    Suppose I only want to play 20 songs on a given night. With the existing performance architecture, even if I backed up and restored performance, I would still have the performance slots in a sequential manner. This would make it necessary for me to recall where exactly a song was within those 150 performance slots in order to recall it.

    Wouldn't it be better to be able to just create a set of performances, drawing from the 150 songs and associated performances I have created, and then be able to load just those 20 songs in a sequential manner from performance slots 1-20 in the Kemper?

    Things get even more complicated if you are in more than one band. Is the song in performance 30? Or 120?

    It can be done manually, but can you imagine copying and pasting performances through the existing mechanism?

    It would be great if we could just simplify this process in the interest of smooth sailing at a gig.

    My suggestion for an improvement would be something akin to a "setlist" of performances that could be loaded on to the Kemper. Perhaps creation of the setlist should be limited to rig manager. The set lists should be derived from the larger bank of performances we have already created.

    But they should be easily swappable from a pen drive, so I could just load one setlist, or another setlist with minimum fuss.

    Using these set lists would load all our songs for the night in a given order starting from Performance 1 :love:

  • AJ, what you're asking for can essentially be solved by way of a programme-change map where one defines which, in this case Performance, is called up by each PC number. I've seen such maps in many devices going back decades, so I can't think of a reason why we couldn't have it ourselves.

    Further, it would be so cool if we could store such maps for later recall and name them, in your current case, by gig or gig type.

    You could then leave your perfectly-tweaked Performance banks in place and simply pick and choose which to use at recallable will without fear of messing your library up. Over time you'd become ever-more familiar with the structure and placement of the individual performances, making the quick cobbling together of setlists via the PC-mapping feature ever-quicker-and-easier.

  • I do this now with Setlist Maker on my iPAD

    I can do this as well with my Gordius Little Giant. Thought it was something that the Kemper couldn't do, but paults steered me the right way.

    Though as @Monkey_Man said, it would be great if we didn't have to do so much manual work. Some kind of "setlist" menu in rig manager with the option to just uncheck or check performances that you want to use would be good.

  • you can create Performance folders in Rig Manager, and use the names of the Performances to put them in the desired order. (001 song title, 002 song title etc)

    When you want to change the Performance contents of your KPA, delete the performances in it, and drag the all the contents of one of your Performance Folders into the KPA.

    Dear paults,

    dragging does not work. If I select all and press copy and try to paste it into the profiler, only 1 performance is moved. I disappears in the local folder. I correct, after a few moves, now the perfromances are copied.....

    Can you pls give me a hint?


    Edited 2 times, last by Hudiluma (October 26, 2016 at 10:42 AM).

  • Good call @paults. I can only speak for Rigs as I've not used Performances, but every now and again I can't drag to the window and make anything stick.

    At these times, rather than quitting the app and re-running it, I resort to the "Import" option via the file menu and it always works.

  • IMO, the method of arranging performances is pretty horrible currently. I arrange performances using the Kempers buttons directly as most of the time I'm doing this 10mins before sound check at the venue (as the nights list is finalized) and its just not a smooth process at all. :cursing: My Kemper lives in performance mode 99% of the time.

    A few OS issues. When moving performances up or down the list, the screen will often freeze/glitch for a second or two. Also, occasionally the performance I'm moving up one step will just launch to the very top of the list. You then need to go all the way up and step it back down to where it needs to be. Bizarre and annoying.

    We use a lot of different sounds, effects and specific time synched delays etc (playing to a click track) so having a performance for each song is by far the easiest way to accomplish this. My performance list is about 100 songs long.

    My requests/ideas to simplifying performances arrangement as a setlist directly from the KPA would be:

    • An option to change the displayed view of the performance list (when in "arrange" mode) on the KPA's screen so I could see more performances. ie: instead of just a single vertical list, have an option to display it as two (or even 3) rows similar to how the "Browse" pool is displayed. Then move things up and down the list as needed from there.
    • Ability to save Performance orders as named "setlists" and recall them from the "arrange" menu screen (similar to how the "Input" clean sense menu can be saved then recalled for different guitars. I could then name them as needed (eg: 45 Min, 2hr Set, Corporate, Band "A" Short, Band "B" short, etc, etc). This would be very helpful for the guys playing in multiple bands and massively speed up any list tweaking.
    • Tidy up the weird glitchy arrange behaviour. I'm not sure if others have experienced this. (I'm on 4.2.2 but have had this behaviour ever since the Performances feature was enabled way back in the 2.0.0 FW days. It happened on my original Toaster KPA and also on my current Powerrack unit)

    Truly love my KPA :) . It's been a blessing for everything I do, but damn, arranging performances is clunky!

  • I just tried this on my Mac, using RM 1.6.38

    While I can drag-drop multiple perfs between folders in RM, I can only move one at a time to the KPA.

    Neither drag-drop or copy-paste will move more than 1 perf at a time.

    I even tried selecting the equivalent number of performances in the RM KPA "MyProfiler" and tried pasting, but it wouldn't let me paste anything.