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  • I like tweaking and to check out what happens when you change parameters

    People are so different, and funny even. I also love tweaking and do plenty of it, mostly for playing live... but I met this guy at my last gig. He asked why I used so many different rigs/profiles throughout the night (as he could see me stomping on my Remote, using a morph and wah pedal). He 'bragged' that he uses the Fractal and only switches between 2 or 3 different sounds on any gigs he played. It was "his sound." I was shocked. Spend like $4,000 on really advanced gear and then use only 2 presets?

    I thought he was nuts (though I kept that to myself). Here 'we (meaning many, though I'm sure not all, KPA owners)' spend hours and hours getting the coolest sounds with the coolest effects around either for our own enjoyment at home, recording, or to play live at gigs. I don't care how many rigs I need to get the music to sound the way I want on each and every song. I wouldn't want it any other way, and thanks to the incredible Kemper team, I don't have to.

    btw - I still think he's nuts.

    Gary ô¿ô

  • Yes! Kudos to Paul, Gerald, R.U.S., Tim Owens, Jevo, Maurizio, Thumas, Haysie, Dan (MentaL) and all the other "big" contributors and tweakers. We'd be nowhere without those guys!

    Good luck with that one, brother! :D

    Someone has to break the rule first- so I do:
    Thnx, Frank for all your work, patience and -the most - for your time- ´caus that´s really the biggest thing you give to many others of course!!! ;)

  • When you consider the number of hours he probably had to tweak to get his tones, it makes sense,

    Not to me, not when you've got the whole world of sounds to choose from. It takes me hours and hours for each sound I use too - I don't care to restrict myself to 2 or 3 different sounds when I've got all that capability to do more.

    If it works for you Nicky, great. Each to his own.

    Gary ô¿ô

  • Not to me, not when you've got the whole world of sounds to choose from. It takes me hours and hours for each sound I use too - I don't care to restrict myself to 2 or 3 different sounds when I've got all that capability to do more.
    If it works for you Nicky, great. Each to his own.

    I took this more to mean that it wasn't that the guy wouldn't have wanted more tones but on the Axe it took so long to get two or three that he decided that was all he needed since he didn't have another 3 months to develop another preset :D

  • Hi Guys,

    John Petrucci Toneprint Mountain Delay Preset added to the dropbox download folder in first post here.
    Trying to recreate the delay sound from this vid

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    Here is my short example

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    Mesa Boogie JP2C from Soundside, delay in slot DELAY
    Tempo: 80bpm
    Guitar: Same as in the vid

    Have fun


  • I took this more to mean that it wasn't that the guy wouldn't have wanted more tones but on the Axe it took so long to get two or three that he decided that was all he needed since he didn't have another 3 months to develop another preset :D

    You totally nailed it, mwinter! Thank you mate.

    Yes, if anything, Gaz, I was making fun of the real possibility that when he saw how many "models" you were using, he might've gone weak in the knees at the mere thought of trying to tweak and perfect that many on his Axe.

    One of the many fantastic things about our beasties is that there're sufficient Profiles out there, as well as some serious tweaking options, to ensure that we have the option of going either way. Tweak 'til your heart's content, or find a Profile close-enough to what you want and hit only, say, the EQ stack. Job done.

    I'm preaching to the converted for sure, but I want to make sure you're aware that I didn't mean any harm and that I also respect your perfectly-understandable preference for tweaking and refining your sounds to whatever degree is necessary. Cheers matey.

    Sorry about the quick distraction folks; Gary's happiness is important to me and I consider him a good friend.

  • Hi guys,
    Saturday morning presets.

    I tried to get a funny U2 ish sound

    In the tune:
    First you hear the complete clean signal from my strat. It's an absolute clean Blackface profile from RM. Author is CHUCK
    Than i added a simple reverb. After that i activate a dotted 8 delay which is placed in slot C in front of the amp (Preset DLY U DOT 8) Dropbos downloadfile in first post is updatet.
    After a little time i activate the sphere delay (a dual crystal tweak) in slot DELAY. Preset is also in the update. Callede DLY U Sphere.

    Maybe it's useful to do stuff like U2. I like it very much when the sphere preset comes in.

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    Tempo is 98 bpm

    Comp in slot B


  • Can any of you Eric Johnson fans, out there, comment on how Eric would have set up his delay for his early "Cliffs of Dover" recording and live performance.

    I am learning this piece, in order to teach a guitar student. While I have always enjoyed and respected Eric Johnson, I am no means an expert on his gear and set-up.

    I assume he used something like an analog delay, perhaps even a vintage tape device such as an Echoplex. I believe he used vintage Marshall plexis, or vintage Fender twins / deluxe, I presume no FX Loops. Which mean he would have put any delay in the front of his amp's.

    Is this correct? I am beginning to wonder if running the delay prior to amp input is indeed a key ingredient to obtaining such a unique tone.

    Can anyone confirm if Mark Knopfler would also run his delay in front of his amp?

    Thanks in advance, chaps.

  • Can any of you Eric Johnson fans, out there, comment on how Eric would have set up his delay for his early "Cliffs of Dover" recording and live performance.

    I created a very convincing Eric sounding rig with delay using the original delay in the Kemper. I'm not at the amp right now so I can't say what those settings might have been. It probably was an analog delay post stack in my case, not sure what he does. Point being - getting his delay sound has always been rather simple with the KPA and probably can even be improved upon using the new ones, haven't tried that. Experiment and have fun with it!

    Gary ô¿ô

    Edited once, last by prsgary (October 29, 2016 at 5:51 PM).

  • I created a very convincing Eric sounding rig with delay using the original delay in the Kemper. I'm not at the amp right now so I can't say what those settings might have been. It probably was an analog delay as you say. Point being - getting his delay sound has always been rather simple with the KPA and probably can even be improved upon using the new ones, haven't tried that. Experiment and have fun with it!

    Hi Gary,

    Thanks for the reply. Just to I correct that one would want to put the delay effect in front, i.e. prior to input of amp, for the vintage Eric Johnson tone?


  • Hi Tritium,

    I am not so deep in Erics sounds, but maybe this vid can help you out. Geaqr is listed and the are some cool tipps with two delays and a stereo chorus.

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  • This sound is not inspired by any specific artist but I can't stop playing with it. Short improvised snippet:

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    The amp is one of @Oraakkeli 's from the Rig Exchange, I hope that's ok.

  • am I correct that one would want to put the delay effect in front, i.e. prior to input of amp, for the vintage Eric Johnson tone?

    I think the effect can be created either way, and with many variations now possible in the Kemper. Personally I put mine after the amp stack and it sounds just fine. As you see in Mitch Gallagher's video Eric does indeed go into an analog delay. He then goes into a tape echo, something I haven't played around with yet but probably is closer to the true sound you're seeking. I'm not thrilled with some attempts I've heard of his sound, and some U2 sounds that have been uploaded on the RE, though good efforts. I'm sure better ones will come with more experience with the new delays.

    Good luck with it!

    Gary ô¿ô

  • I think the effect can be created either way, and with many variations now possible in the Kemper. Personally I put mine after the amp stack and it sounds just fine. As you see in Mitch Gallagher's video Eric does indeed go into an analog delay. He then goes into a tape echo, something I haven't played around with yet but probably is closer to the true sound you're seeking. I'm not thrilled with some attempts I've heard of his sound, and some U2 sounds that have been uploaded on the RE, though good efforts. I'm sure better ones will come with more experience with the new delays.
    Good luck with it!

    Hi guys, i tried to create a Eric Johnson style strat sound.

    I had a focus on his lead tone.
    So here we go:

    Marshall Plexi profile with not too much gain.
    Fuzz DS in stomp C
    Drive 3.3, Mix 100% Volume +3.0
    Delay in slot MOD and the hold function setted to the remote (this is just for fun, you can play a double note an press the button on the remote and you have a never ending background delay, this is not used in this tune, but its funny, Eric used it in a live vid from cliffs of dover)
    Put the same delaypreset in stomp delay
    Both delays are on.

    I named the delaypeset DLY U CLIFFS JOHNSON, link in link in first post here is updated so you can download the delaypreset there.

    Sorry for some wrong notes, it's a first take and i never played Cliffs of Dover, so its only an improvisation right out of my head. Dont have the nerv to learn this song.

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    Maybe you can use it Tritium


  • Great job, Frank. Mad improv skills! :thumbup: