Share your new delay settings

  • This is incorrect. The rule for posting rigs on the RigExchange is that you must be the author of the profile, not the tweaker of a given rig.

    Ah, sorry.
    It's this author thing, too. Missunderstood that. This clears it up.
    Thx Ingolf. I thought it was only the point that it's forbidden to load commercial profiles when i use one, tweak it and load it up.


    still waiting for some new hints to tweak this cool delays, so come on guys, give us some input on topic

  • This is incorrect. The rule for posting rigs on the RigExchange is that you must be the author of the profile, not the tweaker of a given rig.

    I'm not using RM...from Commercial Profiles can't you just copy the DLY files from the 'Delay' folder and share them via Dropbox...that's not breaking any rules is it?

  • @Guitartone

    I think the point @Ingolf is trying to make, is that you should not (and must not) share "Commercial" Profiles, even those ones that you have personally modified and tweaked.

    HOWEVER, with that said, I am sure there is nothing wrong with taking a free Factory Profile, and adding your effects tweaks, and then sharing that. I am pretty sure that would be acceptable.

    Edit: In other words, use one of the factory preset profiles that are included in the "Factory Content" downloads.


    Edited once, last by Tritium: added clarification (October 23, 2016 at 9:29 AM).

  • Hi, this is why i didnt upload the tweaked profile from Guido Bungenstock and why i have written the detailed tweak of the delay.


  • @Guitartone

    I think the point @Ingolf is trying to make, is that you should not (and must not) share "Commercial" Profiles, even those ones that you have personally modified and tweaked.

    HOWEVER, with that said, I am sure there is nothing wrong with taking a free Factory Profile, and adding your effects tweaks, and then sharing that. I am pretty sure that would be acceptable.

    Edit: In other words, one of the factory preset profiles that are included in the "Factory Content" downloads.


    I agree with everything Ingolf said, you're not allowed to Share or Upload a Commercial Profile, end of story.

    However, if you have a Commercial Profile and you create a killer new Delay preset, surely you're entitled to just Share the Delay Preset file without sharing the actual Commercial Profile.

  • I agree with everything Ingolf said, you're not allowed to Share or Upload a Commercial Profile, end of story.
    However, if you have a Commercial Profile and you create a killer new Delay preset, surely you're entitled to just Share the Delay Preset file without sharing the actual Commercial Profile.

    I understand...and that is what I am trying to help you with. It is not possible to only upload an effect block preset to the Rig Exchange / Rig Manager. The base amp profile is always included as part of the "effect" preset. In other words, any effects presets have to be integrated (attached with) a traditional "Studio" or "Direct Amp" profile..and that then becomes a "Rig". And that is where I am recommending you use a free "factory content" profile, to use as the foundational profile for any of the special effect preset settings you come up with. In other words, select a free factory content profile to use as your base sound, add your delay effects...then save it as a new Rig, and upload to the Rig Exchange. I hope I am making sense.


    Edited 2 times, last by Tritium (October 23, 2016 at 10:30 AM).

  • Just to make it easy:

    If you share onky your delay tweak setting s here, like i did for the run like hell tune, everybody can reproduce it on his kpa and yu dont care about a profile.

    If we get enough post here with titel, artist, presetneme, i can repoduse it on my kpa, name the preset like you want and share as a preset in a complete zip file with every preset that i can create following your tweak instructions.

    Same procedure as Nicky does with the wah presets

  • I think the rig to use for this purpose should always be the CK_Zero rig. It is an "ancient rig", according to Kemper Amplifiers.

    I have used it on a couple of rigs that I uploaded on the rig exchange to demonstrate a reverberator as well as a freeze effect.

    I do not change any of the tags with the profile and just use as is, labelling the rig I upload clearly as "FX".

    Hopefully the creator, Mr Kemper, will not blast me to the moon and beyond. Which he's already done with these cool new delays :D

    Alright, I'll join the bandwagon and post some FX rigs. Stay tuned.

  • IMO Kemper should really establish a generic rig where it's ok to do tweaks to FX and upload the rig to RE.
    This could well be the CK_Zero rig like @nightlight suggested.
    But as of now, you're not allowed to upload a rig unless you're the original author of the rig. This includes both commercial AND free profiles, and also the aforementioned profile CK_Zero.
    Also all factory content has an authorship that's not generic.
    In the long run RE should get an FX department anyway.

  • Hi Geraldo, thx, finaly it would be great when we get soundsamples (if somebodx has the nerv to do it) and a little description (most important is teh description, soundsample would be great) of the tweak like this:
    Used: djemass profile
    Delay: Rhytm delay
    mix 70,2 post
    feedback 18%
    low cut 20,6
    high cut 21311,8
    note val 1 =3/16
    note val 2 = 5/15
    Note val 3 = 6/16
    Note val 4 = 8/16
    to tempo
    Volumes: 1 = 10 / 2= 10 /3= 8,3 / 4=2,6
    panorama as default +110 -100 +100 -100
    stereo 200%
    Modulation 3,4
    Flutter in 0 Rate 5,0
    Ducking 0


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    Good tweak Geraldo, you nailed the dealay, i like it tooooo :thumbup:

  • OK, new version of this delay setting, but more cool and closer to the video :

    Used: djemass Petrucci 2
    Delay: Serial TwoTap Delay
    mix 58.3 post
    note val 1 =3/16
    note val 2 = 11/16
    feedback 18%
    Mix Serial : +3.6
    Note Serial : 5/16
    feedback 18%
    low cut 20,6
    high cut 21311,8
    Reverse mix : 0%
    stereo -200%
    Modulation 3,4
    Flutter in 0
    Flutter Rate 5,0
    Grit : 0%
    Smear : 0%
    Chorus : 0%
    Ducking +0.2
    Tempo : 96bpm

  • As it's possible to download fx presets onto a memory stick without a rig (it must be because the Kemper ones that have come out with this release are in that form) then perhaps it's time for a new part of the website?

    FX Patch Exchange?

    It's been a recurring theme over the years that everyone thinks the amps themselves are absolutely killer. The FX, everyone has been on a spectrum of opinion from 'They're much better than everyone says' down to 'Meh - it's not good enough'.

    With the new delays, whatever your opinion before, you're bound to be impressed and it will mean more people interested in creating FX profiles. And, to be honest, I didn't like the wah in the Kemper until Nicky's thread helped me to tweak it - I'm obviously to daft to do it well enough myself :)

    So how about somewhere on the Kemper site to download FX patches, named and tagged as the poster sees fit (either to tie in with a particular track / artist or just something that is inspirational or generally useful).

  • As it's possible to download fx presets onto a memory stick without a rig (it must be because the Kemper ones that have come out with this release are in that form) then perhaps it's time for a new part of the website?

    FX Patch Exchange?

    It's been a recurring theme over the years that everyone thinks the amps themselves are absolutely killer. The FX, everyone has been on a spectrum of opinion from 'They're much better than everyone says' down to 'Meh - it's not good enough'.

    With the new delays, whatever your opinion before, you're bound to be impressed and it will mean more people interested in creating FX profiles. And, to be honest, I didn't like the wah in the Kemper until Nicky's thread helped me to tweak it - I'm obviously to daft to do it well enough myself :)

    So how about somewhere on the Kemper site to download FX patches, named and tagged as the poster sees fit (either to tie in with a particular track / artist or just something that is inspirational or generally useful).

    This would be a good feature request.

  • Recently new to Kemper I have done all the updates uploaded the new 5.0 however I'm not able to manipulate anything other then the volume There is no parameters to adjust any help would be great I'm sure it is a easy fix

  • Hah, I just realized that the "Swell" parameter in many of the Delay types means that we now have the often requested auto swell effect. :D

    Take the Dual Delay module, for instance, and eliminate all delay-related parameters to only keep the swell effect (on Delay 1, which we'll use as direct signal by setting its delay time to zero):

    Mix: 100% (wet) (all the way to the right)
    Delay 1 time: 0 ms (so that it responds to your playing immediately)
    Delay 2 time: not used
    Delay Balance: -50.0% (all the way to the left, to keep only Delay 1)
    Feedback 1: 0%
    Low Cut: 20.6 Hz (all the way to the left)
    High Cut: 33488.1 Hz (all the way to the right)
    Reverse Mix: 0%
    Stereo: <0>
    Chorus: 0.0
    Cross Feedback: 0.0
    Modulation: 0.0
    Flutter Intensity: 0.0
    Grit: 0.0
    Swell: 65%
    Smear: 0%
    Ducking: <0.0>

    Works prettty well.

  • Hey mdee, i also tried to create a sound like Ballerina from Steve Vai.
    The tweak is little different than yours
    Crazy this new delay stuff. Cant stop playing.....

    Profile: Guido Bungenstock Pvy JSX clean
    Delay: Dual Christal
    Mix 100.0/52,8%
    Delay 1 180 ms
    Delay 2 360 ms
    Delay balance 0
    Feedbacks 0
    Low cut 20,6
    High cut 7037hz
    Crystal mis 10,6
    Cristal 1 pitch =9
    Crystal 2 pitch = 5
    Pitch detune +0,5
    Reverse mix 0
    Stereo 100%
    Grit 4,2
    rest default

    Tempo 134,3 bpm

    slight reverb
    Graphic eq in slot x
    Compressor on

    Not played like Steve :(
    but it gives an impression i think

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    Edited once, last by Eltzejupp (October 23, 2016 at 8:56 PM).