OS 5.0 Experiences thread

  • So, i finally upgraded to OS 5.
    I don't know if anyone already described the same issue, but anyway:

    When in performance mode, changes in the stomps, stack and effects section remain after switching to another slot and coming back to the slot that I edited, even when I didn't store it. Only if I change performance before coming back to the initial slot in the previous performance, the settings ar as they were in the beginning (befor editing anything). So for example:

    I'm in performance 7, slot 4 with the delay on. When I turn off the delay by pushing the delay button (without storing), change to slot 3 in performance 7 and turn back to slot 4, the delay is still disengaged. Only when I change to another performance, say to slot 4 in performance 6, and turn back to slot 4 in performance 7 the delay is engaged as it was at the beginning.

    Is this a bug or did I miss anything? Maybe I'm wrong but I think that that wasn't the case in OS 4.2...

  • So, i finally upgraded to OS 5.
    I don't know if anyone already described the same issue, but anyway:

    When in performance mode, changes in the stomps, stack and effects section remain after switching to another slot and coming back to the slot that I edited, even when I didn't store it. Only if I change performance before coming back to the initial slot in the previous performance, the settings ar as they were in the beginning (befor editing anything). So for example:

    I'm in performance 7, slot 4 with the delay on. When I turn off the delay by pushing the delay button (without storing), change to slot 3 in performance 7 and turn back to slot 4, the delay is still disengaged. Only when I change to another performance, say to slot 4 in performance 6, and turn back to slot 4 in performance 7 the delay is engaged as it was at the beginning.

    Is this a bug or did I miss anything? Maybe I'm wrong but I think that that wasn't the case in OS 4.2...

    It will only revert back to the saved state if you switch via midi. It's always been like that

  • So, i finally upgraded to OS 5.
    I don't know if anyone already described the same issue, but anyway:

    When in performance mode, changes in the stomps, stack and effects section remain after switching to another slot and coming back to the slot that I edited, even when I didn't store it. Only if I change performance before coming back to the initial slot in the previous performance, the settings ar as they were in the beginning (befor editing anything). So for example:

    I'm in performance 7, slot 4 with the delay on. When I turn off the delay by pushing the delay button (without storing), change to slot 3 in performance 7 and turn back to slot 4, the delay is still disengaged. Only when I change to another performance, say to slot 4 in performance 6, and turn back to slot 4 in performance 7 the delay is engaged as it was at the beginning.

    Is this a bug or did I miss anything? Maybe I'm wrong but I think that that wasn't the case in OS 4.2...

    Just highlights how different we all use the KPA. The behavior you describe in performance mode regarding the slots, is the way i want the slots to be able to behave in browse mode. With the "keep state" as a selectable option for each slot.

    And in the end, the love you take is equal to the love you make.

  • Just highlights how different we all use the KPA. The behavior you describe in performance mode regarding the slots, is the way i want the slots to be able to behave in browse mode. With the "keep state" as a selectable option for each slot.

    Browse Mode? So your expectation is, that the Profiler would memorize the interim state of possibly up to 1000 Rigs in the Browse Pool beside their stored state? And you would keep oversight?

  • As soon as you change your guitar, use other pickups, turn up or down the guitar's volume pot or push the strings harder, the volume balance between clean and distorted Rigs might change and might require an adaptation of Clean Sens.

    Or you can do like me, have a different set of rigs/performances/slots for each guitar. Especially the point of breakup will vary with guitar/pickup etc, that much I have learnt since I started playing in the late 70s ;) That is not what this is about. Here hi-gain rigs are suddenly 10-15dBm louder with no apparent changes being made anywhere. Adjustments with the gain-knob affects volume 2-3 times more than before. I know about balancing gain and volume for the correct result, but that isn't the issue here. It's as if someone threw in an extra factor of 2 or 3 in the gain/volume-calculations in the last firmware. If I restore to the previous beta firmware everything is ok. On the latest beta i have to systematically reduce rig volume for all mid to high-gain rigs.

  • Browse Mode? So your expectation is, that the Profiler would memorize the interim state of possibly up to 1000 Rigs in the Browse Pool beside their stored state? And you would keep oversight?

    No. You got that completely wrong. I want to be able to to have the delay slot in the effects section to keep it's on/off state when i change rigs. Just as if it was a delay pedal in an oldfashioned pedal board. It is as simple as that. If delay is on i want it to be on no matter what rig i change to. And if it is off i want it to still be off no matter what rig i change to.

    And in order to do this a had a costum built midi box made. This box re-sends the on/off state of cc27 a 100ms after a pc. It worked flawlessly until OS 4,22 where rig changes sometimes takes longer than 100ms. I have been in dialogue with Hans-Jörg about this. As a temporary solution i had the time between the pc and the resend of the cc27 on/off change upped to 200ms.

    I love the Kemper, but i have been asking for this simple feature (which a very very old boss-gx700 was able to do) ever since i bought the Kemper. And irks me a bit that i have to have costum midi box made that costs 250euro for such a simple feature.

    And in the end, the love you take is equal to the love you make.

  • No. You got that completely wrong. I want to be able to to have the delay slot in the effects section to keep it's on/off state when i change rigs. Just as if it was a delay pedal in an oldfashioned pedal board.

    Just lock the delay slot. Done.

    Edit: If you've talked to Hans-Jörg about this, that makes me wonder if I've missed something in your explanation, because locking a slot to make it behave like a standalone stomp pedal is one of the Kemper's most basic functions and definitely would have come up. Is it something more complicated that you want to achieve?

  • Why not just setup a performance for the rig with the delay off and another with it on.

    For live I always have a plan as to why I am changing rigs and if the change needs to be to one that has a pedal off vs. on then I simply setup my performance slot to reflect what I need in that case.

  • Why not just setup a performance for the rig with the delay off and another with it on.

    For live I always have a plan as to why I am changing rigs and if the change needs to be to one that has a pedal off vs. on then I simply setup my performance slot to reflect what I need in that case.

    We all have different needs. And i play in so many different constellations and have such a plenty of gigs as a substitute that i would literally need hundreds of performances to do what you describe. Sometimes i even have to play along on songs i have not been told beforehand and don't know. No way i need to throw the speculation of what performance might suit the song in addition to the task of learning the song while playing it. While the audience is listening.

    And in the end, the love you take is equal to the love you make.

  • I understand you totally!
    That´s the reason i built my own Midi-Controller... I can choose between a set of Rigs (amps) without changing delays (delays are locked) AND i can choose between a set of Delay-Types (no amp is changing). And I always have one Exp-Pedal for delay-Mix (between about 40% and about 90% - the amount of Delay-mix also always stays at the level set by the pedal).

    Lately i use the KPA remote more often - it has some other advantages for me (so many new different delay-types, that you can't handle all of them with midi)..

    With the remote I set up one delay-Type in Slot "MOD" and one other Delay-Type in Slot "DELAY". With one Effect-button of the remote i toggle between the MOD and the Delay-Slots and with one exp-pedal i can morph the delay-mix between 0% and about 90%. (both delays)

    This way i have always at least 2 delay-Types... i switch them "off" by setting the morph pedal to 0.

    But: When changing the rig, it always switches to the "first" delay type and Mix 0% ...

    maybe it helps you get closer to what you want.. ?

  • Just lock the delay slot. Done.
    Edit: If you've talked to Hans-Jörg about this, that makes me wonder if I've missed something in your explanation, because locking a slot to make it behave like a standalone stomp pedal is one of the Kemper's most basic functions and definitely would have come up. Is it something more complicated that you want to achieve?

    Sorry i answered you in such a blunt manner. (My dog died yesterday and i am both heartbroken and impatient. Should really keep away from forums until i get a grip again)

    And in the end, the love you take is equal to the love you make.

  • Actually i had a costum made midi box made for exactly what i want. It resends the on/off state of cc27 (delay slot on off)) 100 milliseconds after a program change. So i am able to do exactly what i want. It is just a very expensive solution and i would like it to be built in.

    (And after i upgraded to 4,2,2 some rig changes in browse mode takes longer than 100 miliseconds so now i have to have the timing of the cc27 state adjusted to even later)

    In that regard let me just say that i hope the KPA team knows that performance mode is not always an option for their costumers. Some of us needs to make rig change decisions on the fly, and that might mean going into a totally different kind of sound than would be available in the performances I have set up. When playing as a substitute you never know beforehand what will fit the ensemble sound.

    And in the end, the love you take is equal to the love you make.

  • Sorry i answered you in such a blunt manner. (My dog died yesterday and i am both heartbroken and impatient. Should really keep away from forums until i get a grip again)

    No problem, I didn't take it that way at all (and without my edit my own post sounded a little too snarky anyhow). Sorry about your dog man...

    It's interesting to learn about the different ways other people use their Kemper -- there's always scenarios or issues I hadn't thought of myself.

  • Sorry i answered you in such a blunt manner. (My dog died yesterday and i am both heartbroken and impatient. Should really keep away from forums until i get a grip again)

    Kim, sorry about the loss of your dog. We lost two dogs within a couple months of each other. I know how devastating it can be to all. The wife still is having a very hard time over the loss. Hope for better times for you!

  • Sorry to hear about the dog, Kim.

    This is a really cool feature of my floorboard. You can programme it to retain stompbox states globally so that when you navigate to another preset, that stomp is turned on.

    You can also programme it to retain FX states per preset, so when you jump to another preset, it won't have the FX, but when you jump back, the stomps you activated will be on.

    Perhaps Kemper Amps can look into similar functionality with the Remote.

  • Sorry to hear about the dog, Kim.

    This is a really cool feature of my floorboard. You can programme it to retain stompbox states globally so that when you navigate to another preset, that stomp is turned on.

    You can also programme it to retain FX states per preset, so when you jump to another preset, it won't have the FX, but when you jump back, the stomps you activated will be on.

    Perhaps Kemper Amps can look into similar functionality with the Remote.

    Thanks. Felling a wee bit better today.

    The first scenario is exactly what i'd like to be built in to the Kpa. If a floorboard can do this at midi output. Then the Kpa could do this internally too.

    And in the end, the love you take is equal to the love you make.

  • Thanks. Felling a wee bit better today.
    The first scenario is exactly what i'd like to be built in to the Kpa. If a floorboard can do this at midi output. Then the Kpa could do this internally too.

    I think it's a valid request. More control is better and it would be great to be able to put the Remote into different modes, such as "pedalboard" mode, or "classic mode", etc.