New Reverbs not coming for V5.0?

  • I didn't make a note of where I heard it, AJ. I wasn't the only one, I know that for sure.

    It was said that the delays would come first, and that the 'verb upgrade would follow at an unspecified time. The only clue or information provided other than that was that Christoph wanted to ensure that it was as good as it could possibly be.

    So, something was said, but if G String says it wasn't official, it wasn't official.

    If I recall correctly, it was in the forum here from a member who went to NAMM - he reported a conversation on the booth along these lines. I don't think I saw a video mentioning spring / other reverbs but keep in mind that me and my brain aren't always on good terms ;)

  • Over several years (prior to the Kemper) of buying and trying and often selling every effect that piqued my curiosity, even at a "loss" resale of gear mostly on the TGP emporium has always been worth it to me for the firsthand, hands-on trial. I'm not rich, but music is a big part of what I do. If you're interested in an H9 or anything else, do it. I will say that for all the talk about "quality" effects (and yes I still have drawers filled with cool stuff that will occasionally come in to play on a recording), for the most part the difference is only discernible in a solo or bedroom context. That's important in its own way, but not so much in the reality of making music in public. I have a wishlist for KPA effect improvements, but nothing that has me dragging external stuff to shows and overcomplicating the live experience. YMMV.

    I disagree. Look at something like Steve Vai's Ballerina. There's always scope to push the envelope with effects, I for one will never be satisfied.

  • Over several years (prior to the Kemper) of buying and trying and often selling every effect that piqued my curiosity, even at a "loss" resale of gear mostly on the TGP emporium has always been worth it to me for the firsthand, hands-on trial. I'm not rich, but music is a big part of what I do. If you're interested in an H9 or anything else, do it. I will say that for all the talk about "quality" effects (and yes I still have drawers filled with cool stuff that will occasionally come in to play on a recording), for the most part the difference is only discernible in a solo or bedroom context. That's important in its own way, but not so much in the reality of making music in public. I have a wishlist for KPA effect improvements, but nothing that has me dragging external stuff to shows and overcomplicating the live experience. YMMV.

    Hey Creative,

    Yea, that is where I live as well. Perhaps like you, I simply don't have very overt efx on my rigs and therefore don't yearn for more of them.

    My wishlist is pretty short:

    1) Double tap delay for getting that perfect U2 sound with my strat and a VOX amp profile
    2) A more transparent "clean and airy" verb for solo's and ballads.

    Once I get my wife to let me purchase a new PRS, perhaps I can work on getting an H9 or some other such toy to play around with ;)

  • I disagree. Look at something like Steve Vai's Ballerina. There's always scope to push the envelope with effects, I for one will never be satisfied.

    I'd argue that Ballerina fits with what creative360 was saying. It's a solo song, written around the effects. Nothing wrong with that of course. There will always be a place for scrutinising the specifics of a reverb/delay/modulation/whatever to the nth degree but it becomes much less important once you add drums, bass and vocals, particularly if you're not using a great live engineer etc.

    I for one am usually satisfied simply to still be able to hear myself at all once the drummer starts getting excited! ;)

  • I think Kemper should work on hard on effects, especially reverbs, delays and OD stomps. The other competitors on the market (Helix and AX8/Axe FX) are way better for the effects, and I know some customers are moving to these products due to the higher quality of the effects.

  • Over several years (prior to the Kemper) of buying and trying and often selling every effect that piqued my curiosity, even at a "loss" resale of gear mostly on the TGP emporium has always been worth it to me for the firsthand, hands-on trial. I'm not rich, but music is a big part of what I do. If you're interested in an H9 or anything else, do it. I will say that for all the talk about "quality" effects (and yes I still have drawers filled with cool stuff that will occasionally come in to play on a recording), for the most part the difference is only discernible in a solo or bedroom context. That's important in its own way, but not so much in the reality of making music in public. I have a wishlist for KPA effect improvements, but nothing that has me dragging external stuff to shows and overcomplicating the live experience. YMMV. you said "playing in public" is a very different game from celebrating "quality effects" in a studio or (as you put it nicely) "bedroom situation"... :D

    I too had a ton of "secret weapons" I thought I would need in my early 20s but at some point (well..some ten years later) I realized that the best way to make music concentrate on music.. ;)

    Writing a good song does not need "quality effects"..playing your instrument the way that you can make the audience "listen to you" does not need "quality effects"... but heart & soul,real love for music and ofcourse years and years of practice and hard work.

    I can understand the many requests for "better and more" effects on the KPA and yes..I will be the first one to use them but it will be still just 2-3% of the things I do.I can remember that when I bought the KPA and joined this forum this discussion was already old and my "biggest fear" having the KPA was already that I upgrade some day to the "ultimate" os version 10000.x playing unbelievable "quality effects" with endless "routing capabilities" with an star wars like holographic editor and alien like UI..only to realize that the KPA has become a monster with bugs,defaults,lags while switching and a small KPA-team who will not have the time to care for more than 10% of all the "support tickets" in their email-box..

    If all you guys out there with your…ore-vampire.gif

    ..can guarantee us "others" who bought the KPA first of all to make our dream come true of having many,good sounding tube amps in a small box for playing live & in the studio to keep this without a weekly default of our main least I will join you and finally stop to behave like an hairy,backwarded caveman from the pre-historic evil 80s rock-age..

    But to be honest,in my experience..if you want "everything" at once in the end you will get nothing.

    I would propose that just "trust the guys" there in the "Kemper-laboratory"..still no new delays;There will be a reason for this.No new reverbs yet;Okay.This is not why you bought this little thing.But maybe in the future...we will see..time will tell.

    I see it this way and this is the reason I am very happy with the product.

    Sorry once again for another rant..

  • The other competitors on the market (Helix and AX8/Axe FX) are way better for the effects, and I know some customers are moving to these products due to the higher quality of the effects.

    Oh yeah, of course there's the 'grass is always greener on the other side' fraction.
    They'll be back in due time as proven numerous times. ;)

  • Oh yeah, of course there's the 'grass is always greener on the other side' fraction.They'll be back in due time as proven numerous times. ;)

    I recently swapped my Power Rack for a Helix (I still have my toaster, don't worry!) and I must admit, I haven't been blown away. The only thing I really like about it is the univibe model. I find the KPA sounds better and is easier to tweak, funnily enough. The effects aren't miles ahead of the KPA, either, by any stretch of the imagination. I dunno, maybe it's just me...?

  • No Its no just you on the effects side of the house. In fact there are many on the Helix forum wanting more and better effects for Helix.
    I do disagree about the tweaking part sam. Helix is easier for me because Helix has a nice Editor, and I love editors.
    Yes, I own both units. Yes I think both can and will be updated and improved on.

    If you use FRFR the benefit of a merged profile is that the cabinet is totally separated in the profile.

    For my edification only... ;) Kemper/Axe-FX III/ Quad Cortex user

  • No Its no just you on the effects side of the house. In fact there are many on the Helix forum wanting more and better effects for Helix.
    I do disagree about the tweaking part sam. Helix is easier for me because Helix has a nice Editor, and I love editors.
    Yes, I own both units. Yes I think both can and will be updated and improved on.

    I haven't installed the editor, I prefer knobs and buttons - really! The Helix for me is a compromise. I don't like the sound as much as my KPA, but it would be more convenient to fly to UK with; it fits in my suitcase and is almost an all-in-one solution, though I'd use it going in to the loop return of my BluGuitar Amp1 to power a cab. However, I'm already going off the idea, as the Snapshot mode seems clunky and there's something about the whole thing that makes me slightly uncomfortable, which is the last thing you want when performing. Preset mode is useless, unless you stick to using it as a clean amp with stomps in front, as the switching lag is a joke.

  • Try the editor- Its awesome for me because I can sit in front of my DAW and use the editor while working in the DAW with the preamp on the other side of the room! Im not sure why you feel un-comfy with snapshots? It works the same way with scenes on an Axe FX, and both are just awesome. Doesnt feel clunky to me but as always YMMV. But then Kempers Controller with the same kinda roll on/off gain control and such at the click of a switch. great times we live in guys!

    If you use FRFR the benefit of a merged profile is that the cabinet is totally separated in the profile.

    For my edification only... ;) Kemper/Axe-FX III/ Quad Cortex user

  • Try the editor- Its awesome for me because I can sit in front of my DAW and use the editor while working in the DAW with the preamp on the other side of the room! Im not sure why you feel un-comfy with snapshots? It works the same way with scenes on an Axe FX, and both are just awesome. Doesnt feel clunky to me but as always YMMV. But then Kempers Controller with the same kinda roll on/off gain control and such at the click of a switch. great times we live in guys!

    I just don't like having to use a mouse and keyboard when I'm playing guitar. It just doesn't feel right to me (I was never much of a PC gamer either haha!).

    The Snapshot mode is just a bit buggy and not so flexible, what with being limited to max two different amps. It's also exhibited a tendency to "lose" one of the snapshots, where I can scroll up and down and it will spring over one of them.

    Anyway, for me it comes down to inspiration, and in that sense the supposed superior effects of the Helix haven't sparked my creativity in news ways at all. I'll give it a few more weeks, but then I'll be selling it, I think.

  • I just don't like having to use a mouse and keyboard when I'm playing guitar. It just doesn't feel right to me (I was never much of a PC gamer either haha!).
    The Snapshot mode is just a bit buggy and not so flexible, what with being limited to max two different amps. It's also exhibited a tendency to "lose" one of the snapshots, where I can scroll up and down and it will spring over one of them.

    Anyway, for me it comes down to inspiration, and in that sense the supposed superior effects of the Helix haven't sparked my creativity in news ways at all. I'll give it a few more weeks, but then I'll be selling it, I think.

    ... and re- buy a powerrack? :whistling:

  • I recently swapped my Power Rack for a Helix (I still have my toaster, don't worry!) and I must admit, I haven't been blown away. The only thing I really like about it is the univibe model. I find the KPA sounds better and is easier to tweak, funnily enough. The effects aren't miles ahead of the KPA, either, by any stretch of the imagination. I dunno, maybe it's just me...?

    I find this quite interesting.

    I read the posts on here regarding the lack of variety and quality effects in the Kemper and have started to believe that I'm left wanting in that regard. So much so that in between logging in for FW updates, I frequently add a H9 or BigSky to my shopping basket only to pull out right at the last moment.

    A few months ago, I hooked up my old Line 6 HD500 in the loop of the Kemper to add tape delay, spring reverb, shimmer, synths and everything else I'm missing. I quickly realised that the extra effects made little positive difference to my playing, creativity, or tones. Certainly, for playing around at home with ambient sounds and creating huge, swirling, swooshy intros on my recordings it was good but I couldn't really find much of a use for it elsewhere. As for the quality of effects, the Kemper won. I assumed the Helix's effects would be far greater in quality than the HD500 but I've seen HD500 vs Helix audio comparisons where people guessed wrong and the more I read the less I'm convinced (no slight intended on the Helix).

    I'm starting to think that reading about the Kemper's shortfalls is causing me to believe it, or that it matters. In reality, for recording, I tend to use synths more than hugely effected guitars and in my band, without a lighting rig/projectors, those long atmospheric intros are less spine tingling tension builders and more 'STFU and start the song' moments. And once the drummer hits, no one would ever notice the type of reverb I'm using.....