• Let me add if they are going to make one it sure would be nice that it could be powered through a midi cable allowing for less wires. Just saying if your going to do it….do it right!!!

    :thumbup: "A single note can be short lived but a melody will last a life time." Paul Muller

  • I understand the time factor, I was just added my two cents. It would take me a year just to connect two wires together…lol I wish that someone would come out and say hey, we are in the process of designing one, here are the features…relax. But again I understand the marketing stratagy and the need for in-depth research, development and testing. So, I will jet sit back relax and play on……

    :thumbup: "A single note can be short lived but a melody will last a life time." Paul Muller

  • I wish that someone would come out and say hey, we are in the process of designing one, here are the features…relax. But again I understand the marketing stratagy and the need for in-depth research, development and testing. So, I will jet sit back relax and play on……

    They have confirmed a kemper librarian and rig editor is coming and they also decided not to make any release deadlines for the same reasons most companies don't give such info away. By looking at their Access Virus they know how to do great software so I think it's gonna be good when it comes out.

    There's already a few kemper software renamers and a midi controller that we can use while waitng for the official one.
    This software work as a kemper midi editor and renamer.
    Then there are other kemper tag editors here in the wikpa.org

    C.Kemper quote, Monday, May 27th 2013, 5:32pm
    Thread: Editor pétition.
    "We are working on a librarian and rig editor for an optimum admistration of rigs and text editing.
    No release date yet."

    C.Kemper quote, Sunday, June 9th 2013, 3:53am
    Thread: Eight Months And Counting. So, Where's The Rig Manager?
    "We are aware that a number of users urgently want the Performance Mode to have a complete product. By whatever reason the word librarian is not printed on the panel, This could be one reason why you will see the Performance Mode earlier than a Librarian, even if I consider a librarian to be much more important. The librarian will still take a while. We are planning an app for PC and Mac. It's a pain jn the as to create apps that have a certain standard.
    Todays operating systems make it very difficult to support easy drag and drop actions etc. There are little synergies between Mac and PC. We do not have three or five guys working on this project, as we do not address a 100.000 user base and do not charge a fee for the software. See how long competiting projects take. The suffer from identical problems.
    It's a special business. Be patient."

  • It does not have to be awesome. It just has to work.
    I rather have something rudimentary that works, but have it today.

    This is by far the most wanted feature and after more then a year it is still not there. Very disappointing.

  • sure, it is nice when it is beautiful and has no bugs but it is a very needed feature for every studio i guess

    just the fact to take 40 seconds to write the name of the presets while the band is waiting behind with the impression playing PONG is ridiculous

    also as a studio i have a lot of profiles purchased or not or even made, more than 500 600 ont remember but the difficulty to find each profile everytime is stupid

    no way to sort in any logical way ( please dont tell me alphabetically )

    also as i see the rotary encoder start to get looser and looser so i guess after some years they will just collapse, so service needed ,and if we cannot find the same ( as i guess they are not standards ) we will have to pay a fortune to Kemper to change them

    everyone laughts at this machine

    i love it and wouldnt sell it for no reason but seriouly it is lame not to have this basic editor that any other constructor provides


    Edited once, last by Pstcho (January 5, 2014 at 3:26 PM).

  • With the understanding that a vendor must address specific challenges when developing software applications, the open source community exists for a reason and I'm quite surprised that a librarian of some sort doesn't exist (talking real-time not offline) for this product. I'm sure somewhere down the line there will be a Kemper application that wows us all, however there are tons of people in this world with time to burn. Unleash them and you would have had an open-source app a long time ago.