Wait for 5.0 or buy an H9?

  • Crazy. I checked the link when you posted it earlier and saw that it was there. I wonder why it was removed???

    I have no idea, I've never seen or heard those details anywhere but there, so maybe that was info that wasn't supposed to be made known.... well, I guess we will find out! This thread may or may not exist tomorrow!

  • Wait for 5.0 :)!

    Also +1 to ingolf's suggestion of the Zoom units. They are quite cheap but do really have some decent sounding effects.

    MJT Strats / PRS Guitars / Many DIY Guitars -- Kemper Profiler Rack / Kemper Remote / InEar

  • First, the "Sculpt" algorithm on the H9 is just... I don't know if words can describe how awesome it is but I'll try. Amazingly beautifully flawlessly breathtakingly perfect? I've used it on a real Mesa Triple Rectifier and I've used it on the KPA and now I feel like I'm going to have to get another h9 for just that, with the knowing that the delays reverbs, etc. will be "An added bonus" LOL!!! I've been wanting a JHS modded Archer for a few weeks and I'll probably still get one but... that Sculpt tho... bruh... it's like the ultimate tube screamer Klon hybrid! And maybe that might a bit over the top analysis but I feel it's been earned due to how integrated it can be your tone. It takes some tweaking to get it applied to the situation but it doesn't take much. Plus the other effects in the h9 are awesome of course. So much fun to be had, I wish eventide would make a Helix like pedal...sigh...

    But anyways, on to the Zoom! I use one on my other board which is more of a noise rig but even as a guitar rig it has many useful effects and you can stack 6 at once. If you had 2 of them it could get ridiculously mind blowing. And yeah, maybe it isn't AS good as boutique everything but you know what, at the end of the day it can do the job. If I was stranded on a desert island with only 4 pedals to use, the Zoom MS-50G would be two of them and two H9's, the others.

    HOWEVER!!! As the Kemper evolves I look forward to not needing them or wanting them as much but still like the idea of having them around for, "just in case" purposes? Cheers!

  • I have an H9 which sits either on a pedalboard before everything (and gets used for EQ, compression, distortion) or in the stereo loop. At this point it's more a question of when I give in and buy a second so I can stop switching between the two roles. It's possible kemper will come up with some amazing delays and reverbs, but eventide also keep updating the H9 with amazing stuff (the sculpt algorithm is pretty mind-blowing when you figure out how to use it, for instance, and the rotary simulator is just perfect).

    If you do a lot of studio work where you're going to care about exactly what that shimmer tail sounds like, or where you think you'll notice the extra quality, the eventide gear is incredible and completely worth the money. If you just want a fairly standard set of decent delays, reverbs etc I'd just wait for the kemper to acquire them. They'll be good, they won't be as good as the H9, but it's quite possible you won't, or shouldn't, care about the difference.

    The profiler's MIDI implementation isn't good enough at the moment to fully make use of external effects, in my case this makes me less likely to use the profiler rather than less likely to use the effects...

  • If you do a lot of studio work where you're going to care about exactly what that shimmer tail sounds like, or where you think you'll notice the extra quality, the eventide gear is incredible and completely worth the money. If you just want a fairly standard set of decent delays, reverbs etc I'd just wait for the kemper to acquire them. They'll be good, they won't be as good as the H9.

    The profiler's MIDI implementation isn't good enough at the moment to fully make use of external effects, in my case this makes me less likely to use the profiler rather than less likely to use the effects...

    When I care about reverb tails, etc., I use my computer, either using a plugin like Blackhole or Valhalla Shimmer, or by using the H9 as a send.

    The limited MIDI implementation makes me more likely to dump the Remote for a Liquid Foot.

  • Never used an H9 .... but conversely, have never heard a single negative comment on the sound either ;)

    About the only negative comment I have ever heard about the Kemper is the lack of a comprehensive EFX processing capability as compared to some other offerings at the same price range.

    If you need it for recording .... I agree that ProTools is likely to have something better than anything you could ever do with a stand alone pedal. Funny how having the resources of a Core i7 and no need to worry about latency give the edge to an off-board computer.

    For live, the H9 has features that are simply not present in the Kemper today. Firmware 5.x may well fix this, but if you can't deal with the lack of features until the 5.X firmware, then I would get the H9.

    For me, the simplicity of the rig setup out-weighs anything else. I can get along fine with the EFX block as it exists today and don't feel my sound is compromised enough that I would care (or that anyone in the audience would notice). The biggest deficit I currently have (doing covers), is the lack of a true double tap delay needed to really nail a good U2 VOX. A single delay does the job OK and most people can't tell the difference live without something to A/B the sound to.

    The verbs are more than good enough for live as-is IMO. Of course, I will be very grateful to have more options later when 5.X has new verbs in it ;)