need some help plz

  • Double-clicking on a rig will load it into the KPA's memory and you will then be able to preview the rig by playing your guitar. Near the bottom of the list on the left side should be your Profiler listed. Clicking on that will show you all the rigs you have on your KPA at the moment.

  • Probably the first time it was connected to Rig Exchange, no big deal. It will finish updating your list the next time you connect. Can't remember for sure but there should be 8K + rigs on the exchange. Glad to see you're getting somewhere :thumbup:

  • either use headphones, a monitor that doesn't severly color the signal (like a guitar cabinet does by design) or disable the CABINET module of the Profiler.

    You can disable the speaker sim/CABINET module globally for the Monitor Out only in the OUTPUT module.
    you can disable the CABINET module (press it shortly) and lock this state for all rigs
    you can disable the CABINET as described above manually everytime you change rigs.

  • Another dumb question I noticed alot of the 5 starred profiles sounds real muddy .I'm running the kemper thru an old Marshall cab with 4 speakers ..should I use headhones for trying out these profiles?

    Well the ratings [Blocked Image:]given by users might be their subjective opinions.

    How are you connected to your cabinet?
    Use MONITOR OUTPUT on the back of the Kemper to connect to regular guitar cabinet.
    [Blocked Image:]

    Then, if you run your Kemper Profiler through regular cabinet with guitar speakers, make sure that you have selected relevant option in OUTPUT menu (long press OUTPUT button at the top right of your Profiler) page 3/6:

    [Blocked Image:]
    This will switch off the cabinet part of the profile so your sound won't be affected twice by cabinet profile in Kemper Profiler and real speakers in your cabinet.
    Let me know if that helped (that was the case).

  • wow didn't know bout that going out thru monitor out thing ..will try that here in a few minutes

    The MONITOR output lets you permanently switch off cabinet part of rig, so the sound coming form your real cabinet won't be muffled/dark.
    While on the MAIN output you still can have full (amp + cabinet) profile to send the signal to your DAW/speakers.

  • And if your cab sounds a little bit muddy with cab sim off on most of the rigs you can try to use the monitor eq. You can also find it in the output section on one page. Tweak it until it sounds good to you and than you can can store this tweak as an output preset. You also can name this output preset like "my home preset" or "rehearshal preset".

  • I never saw a box like yours

    The box you mentioned from scozcy's posting is a screenshot of his PC. The second picture shows the content of the compressed file group.
    The downloaded files are compressed Zip-files.
    I use to ectract the files the free Programm "7zip."
    You can download it here ->

    Otherwize On youTube there are some tutorials. for example:
    Tutor for Win 7

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    Tutor for Win10
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