EQ-Preset in the Input-Section

  • I'd appreciate an EQ (Treble, Middle, Bass) in the Input-section together with Clean- and Distortion-Sense storable as an Input-Preset.
    This would allow to use one Performance for all my guitars. Not only the impedance-match but also different frequency-responses of my very different guitar-PUs could be stored, to have an optimized tonal match to my Main-Performance.
    Currently it is necessary to use different Performances to equal out f.e. the huge bass-Response of my Orville-SG

  • You can achieve this by using a locked graphic EQ in the first slot and save presets for every guitar. When changing guitar, you have to change the input preset and the EQ preset.
    However, having the EQ in the input section would save a slot and would make things a little easier.

  • You can achieve this by using a locked graphic EQ in the first slot and save presets for every guitar

    Ah, cool, I didnt know that!

    For my second guitar I wanted to go the performance way. Just fine-tune the sound in the slots with the EQ in stomp 1 - unlocked. Would an unlocked input section also change with performance/slot change?

    Ne travaillez jamais.

  • Live I use Performance Mode. So you'd still have to use different Performances.

    Yes, sure. But its only one foot stomp away with the remote. I will organise my performances for songs anyway. Somehow I have problems hitting the stomp switches in the second row. Its easier for me on the first (slot) row.

    Ne travaillez jamais.

  • I see now.
    I'd have to Change my Default Wah-Slot (Slot No. 1 for each rig in each slot).
    So you'd have to Change Input-Preset and 5 rigs in 5 Performance Slots) when using my Orville.
    I also use an identical Performance just with delay added in each Slot and..
    .. additionally an identical Slot in the next Performance (for the reason when mistapping during live-stress)

    Live is still complicated ... a simple 3-band EQ in the Input-Section would be another step to perfection, wouldn't it?

  • No. You'd have to free slot 1 for all your presets (you only have to do this once), EG put the wah on slot 2 in each rig.
    Then you create a graphic EQ preset for each of your guitars.
    Then you put the graphic EQ in slot 1 and lock it. If you change guitars, you'd have to change the input preset and the graphic EQ preset (just once, because it's locked. You don't have to do this for every slot).

    I agree with your last sentence though.