Operating System Beta Versions - solved!

  • If I look in Downloads then I must go to category Operatings System Beta Versions for the latest update. I want to update to beta 4.0.2. But all I can see is 4.0.5 and this version shouldn't be used for critical applications.
    Filtering in Order (latest addition, oldest addition, alphabetically A-Z or Z-A).... None leads me to 4.0.2 for downloading....!

  • 4.0.5 is the most stable and latest beta. All betas previous to this version exhibited bugs, as does 4.0.5, though less critical. You are advised to update to the latest, if you accept that betas can exhibit bugs, hence the recommendation that beta firmwares shouldn't be used for critical applications. Use 3.3.0, the last stable official release, if the terms aren't acceptable to you.

  • Personally I've stayed with 3.3 just to avoid risk during gigs but sound like the later versions are becoming more stable..

    Sambrox - are you using 4.0.5 live as I'm tempted to update as 4.x has been ages in beta?

  • Personally I've stayed with 3.3 just to avoid risk during gigs but sound like the later versions are becoming more stable..

    Sambrox - are you using 4.0.5 live as I'm tempted to update as 4.x has been ages in beta?

    Yes I am. In fact, I've been using 4.x live since 4.0.2
    However, the lagging display/LEDs on the Remote bug is still there, so I'd advise caution, if you rely on a lot of slot changes during songs. It can really throw you off, thinking that the pedal press hasn't been registered.

  • However, the lagging display/LEDs on the Remote bug is still there, so I'd advise caution, if you rely on a lot of slot changes during songs. It can really throw you off, thinking that the pedal press hasn't been registered.

    that's not a bug but a feature. in difference to v3 switching rigs changed in the following way:
    - the audible gab in between is smaller
    - the visual delay until you "see" the new Rig is slightly larger
    that's on intention and in fact an improvement, at least in our opinion

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  • Does the visual delay have to get larger on order to decrease the audible gap?

    yes. mind that this is all not vastly different to v3. i just want wanted to address it because the topic popped up several times in the recent weeks. just to make sure that we do not overlook something.

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  • It is always bad practise to have a noticeable delay between action and acknowledgement/consequence in ui look and feel. It just causes the user to be uncertain about whether the action was noticed and hence to repeat it.

    So how about when the button is pressed changing the display immediately to show the new rig but showing it in reverse i.e. white on black or alternating between black on white and white on black until the actual change has completed?

  • So how about when the button is pressed changing the display immediately to show the new rig but showing it in reverse i.e. white on black or alternating between black on white and white on black until the actual change has completed?

    Nice Idea , but I think the indication (specifically at remote) has not the same priority in the program execution than the sound related routines.
    An additional step in the communication between Remote and KPA could increase the total time.
    We should keep in mind that with the morphing the amount of values per Rig could be increased almost to double.
    I considered the longer response time of the indication but still I can live with that.

  • yes. mind that this is all not vastly different to v3. i just want wanted to address it because the topic pop up several times in the recent weeks. just to make sure that we do not overlook something.

    Really? Well I for one would prefer the option to have the visuals and audio update at the same speed as 3.3.0. For me, it's the one thing that is keeping me from considering FW 4.x as stable enough to not keep a 3.3.0 back up with me for certain gigs. I'm really surprised that this information is only forthcoming now. The lag is terrible, seriously!

  • Really? Well I for one would prefer the option to have the visuals and audio update at the same speed as 3.3.0. For me, it's the one thing that is keeping me from considering FW 4.x as stable enough to not keep a 3.3.0 back up with me for certain gigs. I'm really surprised that this information is only forthcoming now. The lag is terrible, seriously!

    so what do I have to do in order to experience a lag which qualifies as "terrible, seriously"?

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  • of course there is no advantage when having a lag (in general). the lag is just a fact of life in this case. but i disagree on "terrible, seriously" so far - unless somebody can give me a specific situation where the lag qualifies for "terrible, seriously". "a bit distracting" i can relate to easily.
    as for the missing benefit i disagree. a smaller gap (in audio) is an advantage.

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