Looking for DXR10 settings info

  • I play in pretty much just a basement band, maybe play out 1 or twice a year and rehearse usually on a monthly basis. The band uses PA for vocals and a touch of kick drum.

    I've taken my Kemper and DXR10 to the last 2 rehearsals and I can't seem to dial it in. To me it sounds boxy, I've fiddled with the switches on the DXR10 and have pretty much left them off for the most part. I've tried to dial the output monitor EQ but just can't seem to find the right settings. I'll say it sounds really good on clean but anything with distortion is sounding boxy. I'm using TopJimi Marshall 69 profiles in one rig and Guidorist Bogner profiles in a second rig.

    I've heard mention of this before in other threads but the threads really don't end with anything in particular. I know I'm doing something wrong because there's enough people in this form that use this combination with excellent results although maybe they're using it for a monitor and not a main rig, this could be key.

    Would the Pure Cab help here? I've searched DXR10 and Pure Cab and not finding anything specific so I'm thinking people generally don't use it. I tried it at home last night but I can't get the volume up loud enough to determine if it will make a difference, I do hear it but I'm thinking it needs volume to really come alive, of which I can't do at home :(

    Or maybe, just for a point of reference someone might have a similar setup with a profile from rig manager that I could emulate with the same profile and settings and see if it's just me. Although the other bandmates commented on it so I don't think that's the case.

    On a previous thread I started on a different subject someone mention GRFR might be the way to go, which I'm not ruling out if no solution is possible here since the speaker weight combined with my age makes for a nice little setup.

    Setlist is over 50 songs ranging from heavy to country to surf style.

    Any suggestions would be greatly appreciated :)

  • I sold my DXR10 for that reason.
    I think the plastic causes this boxy sound. The Friedman ASM12 doesn´t sound boxy because is wood but has other "problems"..(very directional and "in your face" sound")... it's very difficult to find the perfect monitor....What I do is to run one Friedman ASM12 and one JBL EON612. this is today...tomorrow I don't know... ;)

  • First rehearsal it was placed as a wedge on the floor in back of me at the base of the amp I normally play through, wanted to keep the backup in case it didn't work out.
    Seconded rehearsal I removed the amp from it's extension cabinet and placed it vertically on that cabinet so maybe 1 1/2 feet off the ground (sorry, we're not metric yet)

    The first rehearsal sounded ok but thought it awkward to project the sound from the floor to the audience. It did sound pretty good for the most part but I know profiles do matter.
    The second rehearsal didn't sound as good as the first but at least the speaker would be aimed at the audience, just couldn't get rid of the boxyness on mid/high gain profiles.

    I set it up at home last night and was able to crank it up, it sounded awesome on both performances I had setup, very similar to the HS10's I use for monitoring. I really don't hear the boxyness at home. I imagine because I'm loosing my reference from the other guitar player that uses a Fender Princeton with an extension cab, very nice sounding.

    The only thing I can think of trying at next rehearsal is the Pure Cabinet setting.

  • I would tend to agree with others, in that, the dxr10 isnt boxy boxy by itself. My thoughts are this must be coming from placement relative to the room, or the PROFILES themselves, or the combination. You mentioned hearing this on high gain profiles, what type of cab emulation is on the profiles ? Is it a 4x12 for instance ? I like my DXR elevated in a solid manner in a monitor position with flat settings and find it mostly agreat representaion of what goes to the PA

  • Sound in an untreated basement is likely to be boxy, because it's an extremely closed space, with no place for sound to escape and I imagine lots of corners and places where bass frequencies will build up. Since you say it sounds awesome at home, I am convinced it is the rehearsal space that is causing the issue.

  • I think the DXR10 does indeed sound boxy sometimes, I've found turning up the volume more reduces that problem though ;)
    I've also just pulled the trigger on a Matrix FR12 & I'm looking forward to comparing these two side by side.

  • I would love to hear your comparison with the FR12, I'm willing to take another direction if I can't get it to sound right at the next rehearsal, this speaker would be on my list.

    The one thought that I had that might have a chance at saving the current setup is NOT using the extension cab of the previous setup as a table to set the DXR on. I guess it could be possible that the extension cab could be resonating at certain frequencies to help create this boxy sound I'm hearing since it takes very little vibration to create sound with a 12 inch speaker.

    The problem is we won't practice again until mid July, which is why I'm coming to the forum to gather as much knowledge I can to help work through this :) It'll take a half a year otherwise! And we have a gig coming up in two months, or put another way... 2 rehearsals ;(

    A little background, the basement we play in has guitar amplifiers, drum's, PA... already setup. I just bring my guitar and pedalboard and play, very convenient and appreciated. The owner has kids that also have bands that use the same equipment so I try to leave everything intact, problem is I never even fell in like let alone love with his amp setup. I've been playing the Kemper at home for the last half year and just now struggling to find out how to fit it into the current band situation.

    Oh, and I will try the DXR on the floor again, although that might be a little awkward at an outdoor event, but hey... if it works I'm happy.

  • It's not the DXR10. That monitor is an excellent solution for the Kemper. In sum, any given room your are in will have eq issues. You need to be prepared to deal with them quickly. The solution is to use the global eq's found in the output menus. You have global eq options for you main outs and monitor out. Use them when needed. Boxy frequencies will most often be in the midrange. (500 hz zone) Use your ears and dial in the output eq depending on the room.

    Small basement rooms are the worst, so it will be a challenge.

    Edited once, last by CarlRoa (June 28, 2016 at 1:33 AM).

  • I'll say it sounds really good on clean but anything with distortion is sounding boxy.

    Could this be a simple case expecting the "guitar cab in the room" sound from a studio profile and a PA? Adjusting to the tone shift from standing in front of a real cab's speaker to a FRFR speaker (replicating a mic'd cab) wasn't seamless for me, but now I totally love it. To my ear, on many occasions a mic'd clean amp sounds very similar to a clean amp in the room. Standing in a room with a distorting amp/cab however sounds very different to the mic'd cab signal through a PA imo. Both have their advantages and disadvantages. You mentioned "Pure cab"....

    Would the Pure Cab help here? I've searched DXR10 and Pure Cab and not finding anything specific so I'm thinking people generally don't use it. I tried it at home last night but I can't get the volume up loud enough to determine if it will make a difference, I do hear it but I'm thinking it needs volume to really come alive, of which I can't do at home :(

    Pure cab sounds like exactly what you're after. I really does bring some of the distorted amp in room vibe to the sound/response. imo it does feel more natural at volume. I'd bet most guys on here have pure cab turned on and set to a noticeable level when playing through a PA with a band. I've had great success with it i that scenario. I do turn it off when recording however, as I'm after the classic "mic expertly positioned in front of the cab" sound that the KPA does so astonishingly well.

    I'd be interested to hear your thoughts on pure cab after you have a chance to push the volume up to live band practice level (not bonkers loud, but louder than typical solo practice volume). The DXR is a great sounding speaker for the KPA so I'm hoping the pure cab feature puts you closer to the tones you're after!