Kemper through a combo

  • I'm close to buying my 1st kpa after months of reading.
    It will be used mainly for recording, which will be listened through studio monitors or headphones. But I am also considering buying a combo amp due to size restrictions and portability for rehearsals etc. The other day I played through a friend's VOX VT50 and was pretty impressed with it. Then I started thinking, what if I played the kpa through one of these? You know, just for those times I wanna crank it up. But then I noticed that it did not have an fx loop. (Apparently the VT100 has the loop, not sure of the VT+ or indeed the VTX)
    First question, has anybody had any experience with the VOX VT amps with the Kemper?
    Should I steer clear of any amp without an fx loop?

    I just want to get these 2 purchases right (for now ) ^^

  • I have tryed to run my Kemper trough my Koch tubeamp. Used the FX Loop. It sounded ok! Dont see any reason to use this combination! The reason i Bought the Kemper was that i did not need to carry this big heavy tubeamp.. just a small lunchbox and a small speaker.

  • As a long time Tonelab user I have to agree - there are some really great sounds in those Vox modelers. I helped out in a friend's band few weeks back and played his Valvetronix live (only the 20W version I think, but miced) and well... good value for money. (And I hate this phrase.)

    But: When you're spoiled by the details and the richness of the KPA (which you will be, hearing it through quality monitors), chances are that the Vox won't deliver. While on its own sounding anything but bad, the more FX you use on the Vox the muddier it gets. Dynamics can't be compared to the KPA's. That would be unfair though. Running the KPA into the front of the amp will make it worse. As stated above, don't go for a non FX loop combo.

    But the idea is good in general: Search the forum for the Fender Mustang IV V.2. A user discribes his experiences with the combination of the KPA and (this) Mustang:

    • Stereo (!) FX loop,
    • 2x75 Watt (can be bridged to 150W I believe)
    • You also get a great BU amp, just in case
    • still portable (well still better ask you're back before bying^^)

    At this price you're just about to get one quality active wedge, which you need two of for stereo operation. I'm also considering the Mustang for the rehearsal room, hoping that live I find everything my unpowered KPA needs provided by the venue.

    Ah, and welcome!

    Gear: Strats & KPA. Plug Ins: Cubase, NI, iZotope, Slate, XLN, Spectrasonics.
    Music: Song from my former band:[/media][/media][/media] Something new on the way...

    Edited once, last by Fireloogie (June 1, 2016 at 8:12 AM).

  • Thanks for the excellent information! I'll take a look at the mustangs.
    I have just found out that it is possible to modify the older vt amps to have a send/return loop, so my options are wide open.
    Maybe I should get the kpa first and hear it through my samson resolv monitors first. Then maybe look at a combo or powered monitor at a later date.

  • I know it's a long time but for reasons I tried to attach my spare VOX VT80+ via the guitar in and I think it sounds quite ok to good. Not too honest maybe to the original profiles, but a good feeling to play. Used the "clean custom"-setting of course.

    Will go that way untin I get a big Headrush or whatever FRFR

  • No experience with those particular amps but I have played mine through several small combo amps with and without effects loops.

    I think it's possible to dial in very nice sounds with a variety of small amps.

    My best result with small amps was straight into the guitar input of a Princeton style combo amp made by Robbie Kirsch. Also got very good results with a Fender Blues Junior and an Emory Sound Superbaby.

    If you get a Kemper, take it to a store and try it out, see what you like. My prediction is that you can find something good with or without an effects loop.