• Burkhard I always knew the looper volume could be controlled in the system menu. I also therefore, assumed that it could be controlled by a pedal so I went home and tried it last night after reading this post. I fully expect to reply that all you need to do is".........." but I couldn't get it work. So I pulled out the manual again ( I read the manual, or at least the relevant section, most days) so you can imagine how surprised I was to find out that I could find a way to control the looper volume on the fly. That seems like a major oversight. Unless I am missing something really obvious (always a possibility ^^) then I can't control looper volume with Morphing or assign a Midi CC to control it. Although I can assign a volume pedal to various points in the signal path none of these can control the looper relative to other signals.

    At the moment the only way I can see to control looper volume live is, somewhat unintuitively, to not control the looper volume after recording but rather mix the levels on the way in. Have I missed something?

    If this is correct, then I definitely think there is a strong argument for allowing looper volume to be controlled by an expression pedal on the fly.

  • Looper Volume is a global parameter in System Settings, which cannot be morphed. Only continuous Rig parameters can.

    However, Looper Location and Looper Volume can be controlled via NRPN. Details can be found in the MIDI Parameter Documentation available on the download page.

  • Thank you Burkhard. I am aware of the document and have reviewed it several times although much of it goes over my head.

    Forgive me if I have this wrong but control via NRPN requires something to send the NRPN messages and more knowledge than most of us humble guitarists posses to use it. I can understand how I could send NRPN with something like and RJM Mastermind or a DAW if I have the skill to set it up but is there a way to send the required NRPN messages from the Remote with an expression pedal connected to one of the inputs?

  • Thanks Brukhard that's what I thought. Therefore, it does seem like a major omission. One of the major selling points of the remote is the integration with the looper (I know it has other major advantages too which is why I now use it instead of my RJM). Surely, it would be sensible to include a means of controlling the looper volume directly from the remote?

  • When several of the NRPN commands for the Looper went away, Kemper seemed to be sending the message: “if you want the full Looper, buy the remote!” BUT the remote is not capable of controlling the Looper volume in any way... that doesn’t make sense. :/ You’d need the remote and a separate MIDI controller for full functionality.

    I now understand endoverend ’s reasoning for this thread and you can put me down for a +1 on this request.

  • Of course Burkhard, we understand this fact. Butit does make no sens to produce a looper with the remote without possibilities to control or mix the looper with an expression pedal like anything kind of looper existing

    I would like really that kemper adds this fonction soon

  • Thanks Brukhard that's what I thought. Therefore, it does seem like a major omission. One of the major selling points of the remote is the integration with the looper (I know it has other major advantages too which is why I now use it instead of my RJM). Surely, it would be sensible to include a means of controlling the looper volume directly from the remote?

    Yeah gotta chime in, it’s something that’s bugged me for years and has been mentioned before by myself and others, not asking for esoteric frippertronic madness, just some basic functionality to assist live performance, NRPN commands?, know the term, zero interest, life is too short, guitar player here, divorced, 50, 3 young little girls that require my attention and Love?.

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  • Greetings, gents. Saw this thread and wanted to get involved. Definitely a good feature request.

    What you want can definitely be done using nrpn.

    I did a video some time ago demonstrating how i did it for a Gordius Giant foot controller.

    Sorry i don't know the exact nrpn code. I used the editor of the Gordius instead. But it is doable for sure.

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    Without nrpn, it might be worthwhile to use your volume pedal to achieve this in reverse. I.e. record at lower volume and then raise the expression pedal volume.

    You could also use a boost to kick up your volume for soloing.

  • This is no issue of the remote control. There is no parameter controlling looper volume between 0 and 100%.

    That’s the issue, and that’s the request, a parameter controlling the looper volume between 0 and 100%.

    New talent management advice to Laura Cox -

    “Laura want to break the internet? let’s shoot another video of you covering the Nightrain solo in the blue singlet, but this time we’ll crank up the air conditioning”.