Sorry if this is in the wrong section, profiler related user issue.

  • Um... Where did all my delays go?
    I did the latest update. I still have all my reverbs when I turn the browse knob in the delay menu but
    I only have one delay now, Legacy Delay, which sounds cool but where did all those other ones go? Do I still have
    access to a wide variety of delays?

    Sorry if that's a dumb question, I just haven't found anything on it.

  • Thanks for responding. Reading the release notes is not the answer I was asking for here. I am unable to find anything about it other than it replaced the other delays in there. Was hoping for a little more info.
    So now my KPA has one delay/echo instead of the many it had before?

  • Thanks for responding. Reading the release notes is not the answer I was asking for here. I am unable to find anything about it other than it replaced the other delays in there. Was hoping for a little more info.
    So now my KPA has one delay/echo instead of the many it had before?

    Your old delays are there but not displayed. Maybe with one of the next updates, they are back and you can use them again directely. Up to this time you can load an old rig with a delay you have prepared and store it again. It didn't change the sound and you can find it later in the stomp section when you use the browse knob.
    Don't worry, it takes only a little time. I have done it too.
