Any word on 4.0 yet?

  • I agree Dean about stripping everything back and locking the FX slots off. Works for me.

    The Pure Cab™ feature obviously helps tremendously too, and that feature alone has transformed my appreciation of (and hit : miss ratio on) the exchange. A good proportion of home profilers aren't exactly experts at mic'ing technique and phase minimisation, and Pure Cab™ is the antidote.

    Where you tend to reach for Clarity, I tend to go for Definition first, but our modus operandi is the same.

    Thanks for reminding me about the clarity in conjunction with definition, those two parameters alone can resurrect some dead profile within seconds.

  • I agree with the clarity, definition, eq, and efx discussion completely.

    Most rigs can be made to sound acceptable to my ear assuming that I like the amp being profiled in the first place ;)

    I almost always find the rigs (both commercial and free) in need of more clarity and definition .... and usually less gain.... but then that may just be my taste.

    I predict 4.0 will be released before the end of this month!

  • Wow, I also lower definition with single coils! The beauty of simple approach with few useful parameters!!

    I have to admit that one of my most favorite features, that isn't really a feature in the KPA, is that the max and min parameters on most if not all the effects, eq etc remain usable even at max, I can't think of any multi effect that I owned and used where the effects don't completely crap out even before nearing the maximum, so the usable range is much wider and was very smartly defined in the KPA.

    How this relates to definition you might wonder, my guess is that definition could be broken down into twenty parameters but they're all consolidated in one knob.

  • I am also ready for the new release, but I can wait until its ready. I'm glad I read this post because I did not know anything about the Pure Cab thing. I plan an trying it out tonight. I am Hays by the way and I'll add my two bits on what I think can make a better profile. Get a good mic but be careful. The SM 57 is pretty tough but I have broken a few others by profiling to loud trying to get a good sound. I have learned those things are not very tough. Also, I think its a good idea to take your time. I profile, and wait few days and go back to it to see if it sounds like I thought it did. Your ears get tired pretty quick so its best not to profile and then upload it in the same night. I will also leave the mic where it is so I can reprofile and start right where I left off. I might not even move the mic but perhaps the next profile I will do at a lower level, etc. I do several profiles and over a few weeks I weed out what I think are the bad ones. Then after a month or so, when I have a few I think someone might can use, I upload them.

    Since I have been in the modeling world, line6, eleven rack and now the Kemper, I have found that our other gear and how we like to play makes a big difference. Your headphones, your monitors, etc and the room you are in put each of us in our own unusual situation. I know I try some of the other free rigs and they don't fit me, but they may fit someone else just right. One mans junk could be another mans gold so to speak.

    I know one thing for sure, its just a fact. What we have available to us all now is so much better than my first amp its just amazing. My dad got me a Yamaha G212 in 1974, at least I think thats what it was. It was great at the time, but actually pretty bad. Real tube amps were pretty expensive back then. We also suffered from no information. Other than Guitar Player Mag, there was no way to know how anyone got their sound and some of the info there was inaccurate. I still remember driving around town one day with one of my friends looking for a variac. We needed one because EVH said in an interview thats what he used to get his sound, by turning up the voltage. We now know he turned it down, but thats not what he said at first. We found one but could not afford it, so I guess its a good thing.

    We did not have a nice place like this to come and learn things. Most of us had a guitar, a cord, an amp and we spent allot of time making awful sounds trying to figure out songs.

  • I am also ready for the new release, but I can wait until its ready. I'm glad I read this post because I did not know anything about the Pure Cab thing. I plan an trying it out tonight. I am Hays by the way and I'll add my two bits on what I think can make a better profile. Get a good mic but be careful. The SM 57 is pretty tough but I have broken a few others by profiling to loud trying to get a good sound. I have learned those things are not very tough. Also, I think its a good idea to take your time. I profile, and wait few days and go back to it to see if it sounds like I thought it did. Your ears get tired pretty quick so its best not to profile and then upload it in the same night. I will also leave the mic where it is so I can reprofile and start right where I left off. I might not even move the mic but perhaps the next profile I will do at a lower level, etc. I do several profiles and over a few weeks I weed out what I think are the bad ones. Then after a month or so, when I have a few I think someone might can use, I upload them.

    Since I have been in the modeling world, line6, eleven rack and now the Kemper, I have found that our other gear and how we like to play makes a big difference. Your headphones, your monitors, etc and the room you are in put each of us in our own unusual situation. I know I try some of the other free rigs and they don't fit me, but they may fit someone else just right. One mans junk could be another mans gold so to speak.

    I know one thing for sure, its just a fact. What we have available to us all now is so much better than my first amp its just amazing. My dad got me a Yamaha G212 in 1974, at least I think thats what it was. It was great at the time, but actually pretty bad. Real tube amps were pretty expensive back then. We also suffered from no information. Other than Guitar Player Mag, there was no way to know how anyone got their sound and some of the info there was inaccurate. I still remember driving around town one day with one of my friends looking for a variac. We needed one because EVH said in an interview thats what he used to get his sound, by turning up the voltage. We now know he turned it down, but thats not what he said at first. We found one but could not afford it, so I guess its a good thing.

    We did not have a nice place like this to come and learn things. Most of us had a guitar, a cord, an amp and we spent allot of time making awful sounds trying to figure out songs.

    Well thanks for chiming in, I know we're a bit off topic but it's still about the Kemper. I really appreciated all your profiles.

    When I got the KPA about 7 months ago, your profiles were my favorite in the Rig exchange. I have a folder in my rig manager named Hays with all your profiles and have many in the KPA. I've compared them with commercial profiles and they work just as good for me.

    The amount of amps, you profiled always made think in appreciation of the generosity. that would cause someone to share for free, the fruits of hours of their labor. I always thought to myself "The generosity of people like that, is pivotal in making a product like Kemper work" .

    Thank you also for chiming in and giving tips on you how you profile; they all make a lot of sense specially the ear fatigue thing. That actually also enlightened me that good profiles take time as initially I thought that all you had to was slap a mic in a good position and you're done. Clearly you spent more time than I thought you did.

    Thanks again

    Edited once, last by Dean_R (April 4, 2016 at 2:54 AM).

  • Yep - it's on the main site under support then downloads - get it while it lasts :)

    Suhr Classic Pro, Fender deluxe Strat & Baja Tele, Gibson ES335, Ibanez S Prestige 2170FW, Eastman AR371CE, Variax JTV > KPA > Patch bay inc. Strymons (Mobius, Timeline, Blue Sky), H9 Max, TC Triple Delay, & POD HD500 > Adam A7Xs