Mission Engineering EP1-KP Question

  • I have just taken delivery of a Mission Engineering EP1-KP which is plugged into my remote using a TRS cable. Before I make a pedal board up, I wanted to ask whether I can assign the function of the EP1-KP on a profile by profile basis. In other words, can it function as a volume pedal on one patch, a wah on another and control the Univibe rate on yet another? I really can't believe I need to buy loads of expression pedals but I have heard conflicting information on this subject. I'd appreciate a definitive answer please. Many thanks!

    Kemper Profiler Head and Remote
    Mission Engineering EP1-KP
    RCF NX 12-SMA (pair)

  • Linking Pedals

    If you do not want to bring three pedals to a gig, but would still like to benefit from all these features, you can link the pedal nodes to suit your setup. This way you can leverage one physical Wah Pedal for several functions. You will find two simple soft buttons in the System menu on the page “MIDI Settings”.
    If you don’t need a dedicated Volume Pedal, press “WahPedal to Vol.”. Now, when a Wah effect is active on the current Rig, the Wah Pedal will act as expected, and a Volume Pedal function will not be available. However, in any Rig without an active Wah effect, volume can now be controlled by the Wah Pedal. Even when a Wah effect is active, but has “Pedal Mode” set to “Off” or “Touch”, the Volume Pedal link will still be in operation.
    The Profiler automatically prevents volume dips when switching from a “Wah Pedal” Rig to a “Volume Pedal” Rig, so you will need to reset the pedal after the Rig change by first pressing it to toe position. Once you have done this, you will be able to smoothly fade the volume back to where you want it.
    Likewise, you can link the Pitch Pedal to the Wah effects by selecting “WahPedal to Pitch”. In contrast to the Volume Pedal, you must first reset the Pitch Pedal by pressing it to heel position after a Rig change.
    It is even possible to link both pedals functions to the Wah Pedal. In this case, the Volume Pedal has the lowest priority: active Wah or Pitch Pedal beat the Volume Pedal.
    The link settings are global, so you don’t have to reprogram your Rigs individually. You can decide spontaneously, from gig to gig, how many pedals you want to bring with. The appropriate settings are done in seconds.  Once the Volume Pedal or Pitch Pedal is linked to the Wah Pedal, they cannot be accessed by their respective MIDI controllers or pedal input destinations.  We do not support the swapping of pedal functions by switching a Wah effect on and off, as this would cause problems. Besides, you’ll get a better result by selecting one of the dedicated “Pedal Modes” that automatically activate the Wah effect as soon as you move the Wah Pedal..

  • If you configure the pedal to be a wah pedal in the system menu and then activate the WahtoVolume fetaure in the rig menu you can use one pedal for either controlling wah or volume depending on the actual rig that you are using. If there is no wah active in a rig the pedal will control volume.
    With the upcoming version 4 of the operating system we will introduce Morphing. This will allow you to use a pedal to control any continuous parameters like the rate of a modulation effect.

  • Wow!

    This is such a cool feature.. I keep finding more things I love about the functionality of the Kemper.
    I was hooking up two cables to my Mission to turn the wah on and off and thought about adding another pedal for volume.

    Thanks for this tip. Outstanding.

    Holy smokes, I just accidentally found out if your volume pedal is in the heel position, it mutes and goes into tuner mode. I know some of you know this but im a newbie, what can i say.

  • If you configure the pedal to be a wah pedal in the system menu and then activate the WahtoVolume fetaure in the rig menu you can use one pedal for either controlling wah or volume depending on the actual rig that you are using. If there is no wah active in a rig the pedal will control volume.
    With the upcoming version 4 of the operating system we will introduce Morphing. This will allow you to use a pedal to control any continuous parameters like the rate of a modulation effect.

    If you give these hints, you ALWAYS should mention, that this function does STIL NOT WORK as you described.
    It only does for volume settings bellow zero. So, due to a bug, you cannot use the volume pedal as a booster.
    Come on guys, if you dont mention this, you drive people crazy while they are figuring this out...

    hjscheffler: you once mentioned, I was the only who found this bug, which exists for many years already - so it does not seem to be very important... I dont agree here: if you keep on telling people, that it is so simple to set this up, they keep on searching for the mistake by themselves - will not find any and be too shy to ask again.
    This topic is so often raised, that I am for sure not the only one having this problem and is waiting for a firmware without that bug.

  • I dont see where the original poster had a problem like the one that you are describing.The process how to link pedals to be used as a wah and a volume pedal is described in great detail in the manual and works as described. Most people have no problem setting it up when they follow the instructions.
    Your application is a different one because you want to use the volume pedal as a booster.
    To achieve this without using an extra pedal you can use the wah pedal booster.

  • ....
    oh., sorry, you are right... When I wrote this, there was another very similar thread open in the remote forum and I somehow mixed the initial situation of both threads into one and wrote my comment... Not good.
    However, the "wah2vol" function as decribed by paults is not working.
    My application is not so much different (or do I maybe not understand something? Than please help again): I use the same volume pedal as anyone else. It is the same "effect" in the same slot with the same settings except one (the volume to the right, not to the left).

    As discussed before, the wah pedal booster does not work, as the volume is not remembered, when switiching it off and the wah on. (E.G.: I boost my signal with the wah booster, switch to wahwah and volume drops back to initial volume)

  • Your case was forwarded to our developers when you first reported it but i cannot give you any estimation if or when this can or will be fixed.
    You really are the only one so far with this type of application.
    If using the wha pedal boost is not working as a solution i would suggest that you either use a second pedal to control the volume or wait for the next version of the operating system that will introduce the morphing function, which will allow you to freely assign any combination of continuous parameters to be controlled by the pedal. Maybe that will provide a solution for your application.