• Now I have the time to check more carefully the TAF last edition profile. Really awesome. My luxury problem to choose just a few for life performance increase.
    I bought the final package on suspicion because and44 great reviews and announced his resignation from profiling.
    Really a hammer which can be found here. The more I immerse myself in the matter, the more I see that a KPA only really sounds good when you have good profiles.
    On the one hand, of course it is fun to tweak itself around a bit and it increases the experience.
    But the results cannot be measured in any way with the pros.
    The best for me are the profiles in which you have to change hardly anything that the guitar to adapt possible (OK, a little tweak is usually necessary) and sound good even with different volumes.
    The offer here is mind-boggling in size.
    I have dedicated this thread to Andy, because I see that he is a little bit more active here now and I hope he continues profiling. And he does not has a titel in this subforum :)
    In that connection I could have mention also Guido, Bert Meulendijk, Armin, mBritt and many others.

    Without their job we would have more troubles to get the right tone.I think it needs a lot of work and know-how (they have to appropriated for years) and do not think that they deserve a fortune in this way.
    Think about that when you read an advertizing. ;)

  • The best for me are the profiles in which you have to change hardly anything that the guitar to adapt possible (OK, a little tweak is usually necessary) and sound good even with different volumes.

    True Harry!
    I used to tweak all other devices I used over the years from the ground. That was even kinda fun to me. I expected to do so with the KPA, but instead it's really like going through profiles and see initially if they match my guitar(s) and playing style. It is pure luxury not to have go like "hm, not so bad, maybe if I tweak it it sounds great for xy..." but instead switch over to the next profiles until one immediately shines. After that all further changes made to the rig are finetuning rather than tweaking to me. :thumbup:

    Reagrding TAF: I cannot recommend Andy's Bogner Goldfinger highly enough!

    Gear: Strats & KPA. Plug Ins: Cubase, NI, iZotope, Slate, XLN, Spectrasonics.
    Music: Song from my former band: vimeo.com/10419626[/media][/media][/media] Something new on the way...

    Edited once, last by Fireloogie (January 15, 2016 at 11:45 AM).

  • I bought the final pack from TAF a couple of days ago and the profiles are really REALLy good, imho, especially the Jubilee, the Bluesbreaker and the Twin. It's really a pity that this will be the final package, I hope Andy changes his mind about that.

  • Ah!.. thank-you!, you are all too kind.

    Im still active indeed, Kemper is an inspiring product, and I agree that its only as good as the profiles your running. so Im glad i can make people happy and get the holy grail they deserve!.

    I don't really get spoken about these days, Ive sort of been there, done that, and been kicked to the kerb a bit since then. - but for the majority of you that still stand by me.. good on you :)
    I love what i do, and have been thrilled to bits with packs 10's outcome!, just a shame the comments did not relate to the same amount that actually purchased it!.

    And as regards to me not profiling anymore.. not sure.. since then Ive had an offer that i may not be able to refuse so Im really considering that as a option too!..

    Still there are exciting things to come from me, in all sorts of good ways!... : )

    Be well!

  • Hey Andy, any chance that amp pack 10 will be released as single amps in the future, like you have with your previous packs? I'd really like to check some of them out, but it's hard to drop $128 USD on a big bundle.

    Yup this will happen. - the reason why I cant do it now, as Ive ran out of Memory on my website/server. (New website & new shiny upgraded servers under way) - and I'll add them as singles then.


  • I just wanted to thank Harry, Raoul, Fire and Mbrown, for all this feedback AND of cause Andy too. I got the final pack, you never know where to start and you guys really help a lot of us, you would be surprised how many of us rely on this info.

    So i say to you thank you my friends and to any body who can help with this type of feedback :)
    I assume you guys are using a mix of single coils and humbuckers, ill try both.

    Thanks so much guys :)


    Have a beer and don't sneer. -CJ. Two non powered Kempers -Two mission stereo FRFR Cabs - Ditto X4 -TC electronic Mimiq.

  • I just wanted to thank Harry, Raoul, Fire and Mbrown, for all this feedback AND of cause Andy too. I got the final pack, you never know where to start and you guys really help a lot of us, you would be surprised how many of us rely on this info.

    So i say to you thank you my friends and to any body who can help with this type of feedback :)
    I assume you guys are using a mix of single coils and humbuckers, ill try both.

    Thanks so much guys :)


    Awesome glad all our advice helped, enjoy!!

  • Single coils AND humbuckers are fantastic with Pack 10. There are some profiles that lean a little more one way than the other, but that's the same with certain amps, too (eg a Fender Super Reverb always sounds best with single coils, in my opinion). It just shows me that the Kemper in conjunction with properly-made profiles is as close to the real amp as possible.

  • Just got my hands on the TAF 10 pack from Andy. My tone just improved - alot. I'll have to agree with Sharry that the best profiles are the ones you
    never need to touch. I'm not much of a tweaker, minor adjustments to EQ and DLY/REV are what I do. Don't use stomps much either besides an
    occasional treble booster. I found myself playing for hours with this pack and the FUCHS line was a very pleasant discovery ineed. I have reached about 1/3 into the
    profile list so there is still a lot left to explore but it's no doubt that the KPA just got more than its money worth.

    Thanks Andy!

  • Thanks for the comments good sir.

    The FUCHS amps are what the kemper was made for IMO. - The Train45 is an amazing amp. but its unplayable at normal "playing" envoirnments, as its just too damm loud. to get anything from it you HAVE to crank the bells of it. and that AINT pretty unless your playing at a stadium!!.

    Such a delight to play it at normal volume where one can control it.... : )

    Sorry for the way of topic thing. but thought was worth a mention

    Enjoy the rest!

  • Yup this will happen. - the reason why I cant do it now, as Ive ran out of Memory on my website/server. (New website & new shiny upgraded servers under way) - and I'll add them as singles then.


    YESSSSS!!! Good news! I'm in the same boat. I just can't buy the whole pack. Can't wait for the individual amp releases!

  • I have a question Andy: why the studio eq is always on at default setting in your final pack, even if it's totally flat? It's just for the volume boost or something else?

    Yes this.. its a boost for me and I have it "locked" to that so its always on as default for me (pedal switches this) feel free to disable it. but out of everything the kemper has, I still find this the BEST for boosting volume in a band setting. (with the benefit you can tweek the EQ for a more mid range effect if desired)