Trouble deleting rigs from Rig Manager

  • I am having problems deleting rigs from my KPA/Rig Manager (Windows).

    For example, I will download 5 free rigs and copy/paste them into the Rig Manager. Everything is fine. I will then try them all and let's say I don't want to keep them. I will highlight the 5 rigs and press delete. Poof, they are gone.

    I will turn off my KPA and close Rig Manager. When I come back later, restart the KPA and run Rig Manager, the KPA will immediately start "syncing rigs". When I look in Rig Manager it restores the 5 rigs I deleted. After a few moments I will get a warning saying that some rigs in the KPA are defective and I should restart the KPA while holding the RIG button. This always works and removes those 5 deleted rigs but I don't understand why it's happening.

    Anyone else having this problem?

  • Sharry, thanks for the idea but it didn't work for me. I copied in two new profiles, pressed the right mouse button and selected delete for each one and they went away. :) I closed Rig Manager and then re-opened it, and they were back again. :(

    I repeated and when I re-opened the Rig Manager I got the "Some items in the profilier may be damaged" warning...

  • Yes, when I look over at the KPA it shows the files being deleted. Everything appears to be ok at the time in both the Rig Manager and the KPA. But, if I close the Rig Manager and then reopen, the profiles come back.

    The only thing that seems to work is to restart the KPA holding down the "Rig" button. But I shouldn't have to keep resetting the KPA all the time.

  • Thanks everyone. I just wanted to see if this was a common problem but it looks like it is not. I tried re-installing Rig Manager and I have the KPA USB cable plugged directly into the PC but still, the problem persists!

    I have sent a trouble email report to Kemper. Hopefully, it's something simple.

  • As a closure to this topic, I thought I would post what has happened. I submitted a help ticket and the Kemper tech asked questions a couple of times and then.... A Christmas Miracle. It all started working correctly! I have no idea what has changed but it has worked just fine the last week or so...

    Now that I have closed the help ticket, I expect to see it stop working again! ;)

  • Similar here. Mac too. FW and RM 1.5.16.

    Exactly the same issue except that every time I powered up my KPA while RM was running, another duplicate Rig was added to my machine and RM folder. I'd wait 'til it built up to more than a dozen Rigs, then delete them and do the recommended repair procedure. It never worked. Been talking to Burkhard about it for a while. Tried all sorts of combinations of power-up orders and whatnot.

    The issue went away yesterday after I conducted a number of experiments. He hasn't been able to reproduce this behaviour using my backup file on PC, so I'm guessing it's a Mac-only issue, and probably not relevant anymore with the latest FW and version of RM. It should be noted that I really don't give two hoots about this as I assume it'll go away when I upgrade to v4 FW once it hits Release status. Here's what I told Burkhard yesterday anyway:

    1st attempt:
    Opened RM first. Turned on the KPA. As soon as the KPA had finished booting, the pop-up warning occurred.

    After I hit “OK, another Rig was added. There are now 14 Rigs. This is what happened in the past; the number grew every time.
    This time I did see the Rigs in the KPA ‘though, whereas in the past they weren’t visible - at least this is how I remember it.
    I deleted all extra Rigs in RM, leaving only my Default Rig. Powered down KPA first. All folders in RM opened. Closed all folders and quit RM.

    2nd attempt:
    Turned KPA on first, then RM. No problems this time and in this order. Powered down KPA first. All folders in RM opened again. Closed all folders and quit RM.

    3rd attempt:
    Opened RM first, then turned on KPA. No problems this time and in this order. Quit RM first. Powered down KPA.

    4th attempt (to see if quitting RM first in the 3rd attempt made any difference)
    Opened RM first, then turned on KPA. No problems this time and in this order again. Powered down KPA first. All folders in RM opened again. Closed all folders and quit RM.

    5th attempt:
    Turned KPA on first, then RM. No problems again. Quit RM first ‘cause I’m sick of closing all those folders! Powered down KPA.

    After I deleted those extra Rigs in 1st attempt, the problem seems to have been solved for now.

    The only thing I did differently, was that I deleted the extras in RM without doing the “push and hold RIG button while powering on” thing. In the past, when I bothered to delete the Rigs, which I usually didn’t do, I’m pretty sure I did the Kemper power-up procedure as well, just for good measure.

    I therefore have to conclude, in this case at least, that deleting the Rigs in RM and not doing the power-up Rig check procedure has solved the issue for now. The assumption is logical ‘cause, as I said, in the past when I bothered to delete the extras / duplicates or whatever, and I only did this when the list had grown to more than a dozen or so, I also did the reset ‘cause, after all, that’s what RM told me to do. Strange that the Rig-check procedure seems to have caused the problem to continue, whereas not doing it solved it… it seems.

  • Its very strange. Yes it is a common mac issue i presume. I'm running the public beta FW and the latest RM and there seem to be a bug in the RM from the looks of it. I even restarted my computer, powered up the KPA first and then opened the RM, still the same issue. I get the message that my kemper is exceeding 1000 profiles knowing that I've deleted 400 and its already down to 600, but it re-syncs the 400 back. The weird thing is those re-synced files don't have a a level on them (and by that i mean the volume bar on the RM for each profile is empty).
    Hopefully this gets sorted cuz it very annoying and time consuming.